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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Why are you pro-Muslim Brotherhood?
Why are you pro- colonialis, pro apartheid and pro racial superiority and pro selected democracy?

It's un refutable that Israel and South Africa did everything together including nuclear weapons
It's pretty obvious that Israeli are colonist and building on foreign land kicking out period

I am in Indian subcontinent, Hamas or brotherhood has no support here, I don't see winning an election here

They have support in and won via votes in gaza and Eygpt

Democracy is only good when suits us..if it suits the indigenous people it isn't good and we will ove throw the govt and kill people

We all know what French did in Algeria ..you can go and visit museums in paris

And are still doing

Before you bring in ottomans

Ottomans killed a lot of Muslims too.

Kings have no religion but what French did was under democracy and under people mandate
One are very good looking and have excellent uniforms. And the others look like subhumans.
ones was taken before he escape to south America , the others are with their prison clothes and that is not the discussion here what is discussed is in the link
Everyone knows what is under Shifa

Hamas has been using a bunker underneath Dar Al-Shifa Hospital, the largest hospital in Gaza, as a base of military operations.

During the 2009 conflict between Israel and Hamas, Israeli intelligence officials suspected the hospital was being used for cover.

Hamas “closed off some of the departments, stationed armed guards and closely examined everyone in the hospital. …

Ismail Haniyeh, head of the de facto Hamas administration, set up his headquarters in the hospital’s burn ward.” Hamas has also insisted on conducting interviews in Shifa’s courtyard, using wounded patients as props for propaganda


The Washington Post reported that the hospital had become a "de facto headquarters for Hamas leaders, who can be seen in the hallways and offices."


Hindu Kafir are the killers of Palestinian Babies and are the Enemies of Islam. Their are a bunch toiletless DALITs!

Why are you pro- colonialis, pro apartheid and pro racial superiority and pro selected democracy?
Simply,I am not.

If you're talking about Israel,no I prefer to have a fully independent and sovereign Palestinian State with its own Army.

If you're talking about South Africa,I don't know about apartheid's "horrors",but I know that South Africa was THE top African country when whites were at the helm. Look at South Africa now.

As for "pro-selected democracy",no I am not. I'm pro-monarchy. I'm a royalist.

We all know what French did in Algeria ..you can go and visit museums in paris
If I had a 1 euro every time a muslim mentioned French in Algeria on PDF....it seems that you have forgotten about Britain and are obsessed with France.

Kings have no religion but what French did was under democracy and under people mandate
What do you mean "kings have no religion"? I'm confused.
You guys are the Goliath here afraid of 20x smaller Israel

You and a few others are such in awe with Israel! Buddy remove the American and the NATO forces behind Israel and let only militias fight against Israel and then you will see! BTW, go and read Mearsheimer's 'The Israel Lobby' (2006) in which he says that Israelis ALWAYS had better hardware/training starting 1948. One recent analyst says that Arabs didn't want to attack Israel in 1948 because they knew their war machine was inferior to Israel's but attacked due to domestic pressure.
Add to your awe of Israel is the bogus claim you make that 'Arabs sold land to Jews'. How much was sold?? 12,000+ sq km was SOLD??!! And even if land gets sold, does that become a 'nation'??

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