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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Palestinian soldiers now moving to another settlement. Destroying Israeli armory as they go. Preventing Israeli ground reinforcements from camping outside Gaza and keeping ground war away of Gaza. Our heroes are sacrificing their lives to keep Israeli murder machines away from our border. Ya Allah send angels to fight beside them.

Palestinian soldiers now moving to another settlement. Destroying Israeli armory as they go. Preventing Israeli ground reinforcements from camping outside Gaza and keeping ground war away of Gaza. Our heroes are sacrificing their lives to keep Israeli murder machines away from our border. Ya Allah send angels to fight beside them.

Israeli diaper army soldiers already surrendered and will become new captives:

Armed pickup trucks would come handy now to roam around and distract enemy reinforcements from fast gathering and buy more time for preparing incoming imminent counterattack from larger enemy forces
Don't underestimate what Hamas did here. Israel has been humiliated and caught with their pants down. The amount of details that are coming to light are unbelievable.
Bro, most of the fighters who entered in Israel might get killed. Israel just want to annex Gaza, and this is all part of the game. Israel will expand till within the Saudia, and the time is very near when Israel will control trade in Persian as well as in Red sea.

But then Israel will do something... and that's it for Israel.

We must understand that as Europe's dependency on Oil is decreasing, Israel is trying to be relevant. I think this and in next war, Israel will only expand.
Bro, most of the fighters who entered in Israel might get killed. Israel just want to annex Gaza, and this is all part of the game. Israel will expand till within the Saudia, and the time is very near when Israel will control trade in Persian as well as in Red sea.

But then Israel will do something... and that's it for Israel.

We must understand that as Europe's dependency on Oil is decreasing, Israel is trying to be relevant. I think this and in next war, Israel will only expand.

Most likely. The impact though this will leave is incredible. Make no mistake. This is a great fvck up by Israel. Hamas outdid themselves many times over.

Israeli offer in Camp David summit was most generous. This offer was close to pre-1967 arrangement, but Yasir Arafat missed the boat.
Acting like a western shill. I don't know how you do it. Doesn't reflect well on this site to have western oriented mods.

Barak’s proposals
Barak’s proposals were a far cry from “wildly generous” concessions to Palestinian aspirations. His offer would not have provided a viable basis for a Palestinian state, but rather the framework for an Arab ghetto dependent on and subordinate to Israel.

The Oslo Accords were based on the Palestinians having recognised Israeli sovereignty over 78 percent of historic Palestine on the assumption that the Palestinians would be able to exercise sovereignty over the remaining 22 percent. In contrast, Barak’s supposed generosity at Camp David amounted to a rejection of United Nations Resolutions 242 and 338, which had been accepted as the basis for the Oslo Accords of 1993.

Amongst the most pertinent facts regarding his offer are the following:

* Barak’s proposal divided Palestine into four separate cantons surrounded by Israel: the Northern West Bank, the Central West Bank, the Southern West Bank and Gaza. A network of Israeli-controlled highways and military posts would in turn, divide these cantons. It would make no part of Palestine contiguous and put Israelis in charge of both the movement of people and goods, internally and externally, thus ensuring the subordination of the Palestinian economy to its more powerful neighbour.

* Israel sought to annex almost nine percent of the Occupied Palestinian Territories, and in exchange offered only one percent of Israel’s own territory.
* Israel sought control over an additional ten percent of the Occupied Territories in the form of a “long-term lease”, of unspecified duration.

* The Palestinians were asked to give up any claim to East Jerusalem, which they had designated as the future capital of a Palestinian state.
This world is not perfect and not 100% justice can be done.
Iran was the colonial power which captured Armenia and made Nagorno-Karabakh a part of Azerbaijan. Later colonial USSR also kept the status co, and thus UN also accepted it as a part of Azerbaijan. But it was an Armenian land for thousands of years and Armenian people in Nagorno Karabakh were resisting and protesting against this decision.
Then Azeri Government settled Azeris there to change the demography.
It is exactly the same situation where Israel got the right to exist in Palestinian land due to injust UN resolution and then Israel brought the Jews and settled them in Palestine to change the demography.

But Muslims show here double standards. For them, Azerbaijan has full rights to Nagorno-Karabakh, but Israel has no right to exist.

There are injustices and double standards everywhere.
muslims are kings of double standard.

Whole middle east used to be christian.
Pontic genocide
Armenian genocide
East bangladesh
And not even a single crocodile tear is shed.

No its the 0,5% of the Middle East that Israel holds that needs “JUSTICE”.

Unfortunately that justice often comes in the form of what we see happened to the german festival girl.
Dragged mangled and naked through the streets under rabid screams of “allah akhbarrr”

And muslims wonder why the west feels uneasy for their proposed one palestinian state “solution”….
UN has major problem for double standard against the Muslim world
But what about Armenia?
What about Turkey's genocide of millions of Armenians? Israel is far away in killing Palestinians as compared to Turkey.
What about the ancestors of Muslims who brought 100% destruction on their opponents, where the killed/enslaved all men, and raped all captive women by declaring them slave, and even enslaved all children for entire lives although they had no role in wars?
The crimes of recent colonial powers is nothing as compared to the colonial ancestors of Muslims. The British empire captured almost all Muslim countries, but it didn't rape Muslim women or enslaved Muslims there.
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