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Why Afghanistan lost its neutrality in the War on Terror September 19, 1998

A.P. Richelieu

Dec 20, 2013
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From the memoirs of Musharaff.

This clearly shows that Mullah Omar refused to deport the Al-Qaeda operatives on September 19, 1998 and that he wanted to go to war against the United States.

That meant that he choose the side of Al-Qaeda in its war against the United States.
After that Afghanistan could be legally attacked by the United States.
The attack that came after 9/11 occured three years later.



From the memoirs of Musharaff.

This clearly shows that Mullah Omar refused to deport the Al-Qaeda operatives on September 19, 1998 and that he wanted to go to war against the United States.

That meant that he choose the side of Al-Qaeda in its war against the United States.
After that Afghanistan could be legally attacked by the United States.
The attack that came after 9/11 occured three years later.

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I believe Afghan Taliban asked USA for proof for Osama Bin Laden's involvement in 9/11.
USA did not provide proof for Osama Bin Laden's involvement in 9/11.
Don't mislead the people here. Its even on wikipedia.

Stop spreading lies here.

From the memoirs of Musharaff.

This clearly shows that Mullah Omar refused to deport the Al-Qaeda operatives on September 19, 1998 and that he wanted to go to war against the United States.

That meant that he choose the side of Al-Qaeda in its war against the United States.
After that Afghanistan could be legally attacked by the United States.
The attack that came after 9/11 occured three years later.

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Shut up you idiot, Afghan Taliban asked for Osama Bin Laden's proof in 9/11. George w Bush failed to provide any.
All the major regional countries know that like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, China, India, and Russia.

Stop defending USA's imperial wars against other nations and other peoples like the "Iraq War (2003)."

Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty.
Reading Mushy's bull$hit can lay your brain to waste...proceed with caution when reading this coward traitor's hogwash...
I don't think Musharraf told the truth in his book. The correct narrative is that Afghan Taliban asked for proof for Osama Bin Laden's involvement in 9/11. USA did not provide any. And Thats how the war started.

Also it is said that Osama Bin Laden died in the early 2000's of kidney disease, not some stupid Abbottabad raid. LOL.

And then some Pakistanis in Abbottabad said they don't believe because they saw no Arabs around in that city at the time. LOL.
Reading Mushy's bull$hit can lay your brain to waste...proceed with caution when reading this coward traitor's hogwash...
Agreed Musharraf was a coward and a traitor. But you would not have behaved any differently at that time in 2001. lol.

Remember USA said they would bomb Pakistan back to the stone age. lol. That bastard Richard Armitage. Is that how you do diplomacy?
And, of course, the Americans never landed on the moon. And, too, the Jews were responsible for the airplane suicide crashes on 9/11 in New York, Washington and Shanksville, PA. And, for sure, the "holocaust" is made up Zionist propaganda. Unfortunately, there is no cure for stupid.
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US has not disclosed some aspects of 9/11 investigation and have shown restraint. There will be consequences for more countries and individuals otherwise.

It is easy for people to comment on issues from a distance.
Reality can be difficult to deal with.
Agreed Musharraf was a coward and a traitor. But you would not have behaved any differently at that time in 2001. lol.

Remember USA said they would bomb Pakistan back to the stone age. lol. That bastard Richard Armitage. Is that how you do diplomacy?
I would have done Turkey and lowly Lebanon did at that time...go suck on it...
And, of course, the Americans never landed on the moon. And, too, the Jews were responsible for the airplane suicide crashes on 9/11 in New York, Washington and Shanksville, PA. And, for sure, the "holocaust" is made up Zionist propaganda. Unfortunately, there is not cure for stupid.
Shut up you moron. Afghan Taliban asked USA for Osama Bin Laden's proof in 9/11. George w Bush provided none.

It is well documented. Go see Afghanistan war (2001) in wikipedia for yourself.
And, of course, the Americans never landed on the moon. And, too, the Jews were responsible for the airplane suicide crashes on 9/11 in New York, Washington and Shanksville, PA. And, for sure, the "holocaust" is made up Zionist propaganda. Unfortunately, there is not cure for stupid.
Why don't you spit on the faces of these imperialist bastards:
And the whole condemned the Iraq war especially. @TruthSeeker

For someone who has such a name like that, why don't you enlighten us about the "truth" about the Iraq war? :azn:
Shut up you moron. Afghan Taliban asked USA for Osama Bin Laden's proof in 9/11. George w Bush provided none.
You are the moron. It's not a court of law requiring a conviction. Between countries its about cause. Countries can go to war for many reasons. President (Executive Branch) has his own power and authority and he had enough evidence. He didn't attack Kenya and Tanzania, although US embassy was targeted there. That would have been crazy and illegal.
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