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We are cautious about Chinese companies,People of Bangladesh haven’t forgotten that India, and not China, lent support to their quest for liberation

You forgot that the Soviets supported the KMT over the CPC until much later on.

The U.S. supported the Japanese invasion of China until the Japanese refused to support the Germans in Operation Barbarossa.

That was when the U.S. decided that the Japanese were no longer useful, so they cut off oil and scrap exports to Japan.

The U.S. then backstabbed their Japanese allies and switched sides to back the KMT for future use against the Soviets.

Teddy Roosevelt explicitly negotiated the end of the Russo-Japanese war in a way to give Japan a beachhead to invade China.

Teddy Roosevelt's plan was to have the Japanese Genocide all the Chinese and become the U.S.'s premier puppet in Asia.

Teddy Roosevelt's plan got superseded when the Japanese proved unable and unwilling to support the U.S. ally Germany in Operation Barbarossa.

The U.S.'s goal in WWII was to steal the European's Colonies (Except France's) through the use of their ideological brethren, the Nazi Germans and the Imperial Japanese.

The U.S. backstabbed Japan before backstabbing Germany once the Germans proved unable to complete their invasion of the Soviet Union.

At that point, the U.S. and the British had to save as much Nazi Lands as possible from Soviet Occupation, which was the reason for Operation Overlord.

The KMT was always weak and decadent, which means the U.S. would likely have abandoned them once they forced the KMT to invade the Soviet Union after WWII and failed.
Are you from the Indian History Editing Corps?

You are painting Hasina as Durga and Modi as Mahishasura.
No , actually I'm painting Modi as man eater tiger and Hasina as self claimed Durga . She believes that she is durga so she climbed on the man eater tiger ( modi ) , but now realized that she isn't Durga but a mere mleccha woman!

After the realization Hasina is too afraid that modi will eat hear if she dismount!

In the other hand , Bangladeshi will devour her if she doesn't dismount!

And America will devour her , doesn't matter she rides the.man.eater tiger modi or.dismount!

In which case, Hasina will eventually prevail over the shape shifting demon in his reincarnation as Modi, chaiwala, Indian Prime Minister.
Okay let's wait and see!
Nothing to worry about then!!!
Who said that I'm worry? I'm not! Rather I'm happy that Hasina went from mainka chipa to trishanku condition!

She is now under pressure by mighty western block , India , and mig China!

I called it trishanku situation, I hope you know what happened to trishanku!
Are you from the Indian History Editing Corps?

View attachment 946187
I'm simply an American that pieces history together myself from actual events instead of the imputed chronology that is extremely inconsistent that leaves out very important facts.

This is how I get much of my alpha, as real history is much more useful for the prediction of future events than official history.
I'm simply an American that pieces history together myself from actual events instead of the imputed chronology that is extremely inconsistent that leaves out very important facts.

This is how I get much of my alpha, as real history is much more useful for the prediction of future events than official history.
Ah. Although you want to prove that Roosevelt loves Japan. But Roosevelt still had two atomic bombs ready for Japan. Although you want to prove that Americans support Japan. But American pilots still volunteered to fight for democratic China.

the US, Britain, the Soviet Union, and Nazi Germany all support democratic China.

You. like a joke.
All muslims brothers including 4 crore illegal bangla and rohangiyas should go to their promised land that was their demand , first let them join their given land , then we can settle other issues .
Even the U.S. economy will collapse if 4 crore illegal bangla and rohingyas migrate to the USA. I assume the Indian economy has grown bigger than the US economy recently.:crazy:
Ah. Although you want to prove that Roosevelt loves Japan. But Roosevelt still had two atomic bombs ready for Japan. Although you want to prove that Americans support Japan. But American pilots still volunteered to fight for democratic China.

the US, Britain, the Soviet Union, and Nazi Germany all support democratic China.

You. like a joke.
You don't even know the difference between Teddy Roosevelt and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Don't try to talk history with me, Indian.
You don't even know the difference between Teddy Roosevelt and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Don't try to talk history with me, Indian.
Ah. The key is. Who prepared the atomic bomb for Japan.

emm. Do you want to prove who loves Japan?
Why do I feel that my IQ got diminished the more I read Indian vs Chinese bickering in this forum.
Ah. The key is. Who prepared the atomic bomb for Japan.

emm. Do you want to prove who loves Japan?

You can read this as a primer.

You can also read the primary documents.

Teddy Roosevelt's letters were archived.

You can read this as a primer.

You can also read the primary documents.

Teddy Roosevelt's letters were archived.
Well. I see it.

Although we are talking about democratic China, you are talking about 1905. Difficult to understand each other....
Even the U.S. economy will collapse if 4 crore illegal bangla and rohingyas migrate to the USA. I assume the Indian economy has grown bigger than the US economy recently.:crazy:
Yes we are facing difficulties in maintaining our growth rate because of 4 crore illegal bangladeshi and rohangia migrants. They are great burden on Indian economy they are stealing low level jobs of Indians .In US mexican illegal or legal people are great help for low level jobs as construction workers , cleaners , gardeners , and may other jobs where physical labour is important . White americans generally do not go for these jobs .
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