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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

This is called cherry picking for your agenda without any knowledge

Allied invasion of Italy took place in Sep 1943

Operation Uranus the Soviet counter offensive was Nov 1942

Your time line is out by over 12 months

Don’t talk to me about WWII i will have you in that conversation


You have memory issues.

Soviet counteroffensive achieved nothing significant until breakthrough in the Battle of Kursk. This breakthrough was possible because the Wehrmacht had to divert its resources to stop US-led forces in Italy. The Wehrmacht could not bring its true strength to bear against Soviet Union in the Battle of Kursk and otherwise.

Operation Avalanche wasn't a joke but a massive military operation and push to take over Italy by force and reach German mainland through this route. This push was just as big as Normandy Landings in terms of scale and significance, probably bigger in scale.

But you will not understand World War II from movies and Russian lappers. You will not understand how many great battles took place in World War II outside Soviet Union and what was their impact in the war.

You have memory issues.

And don’t talk to me about your high standards and morals on this forum again

For those cheap Chinese fakes accounts who trolled and destroyed this forum around 2 years ago caused the resignation of Professionals and Think Tank analysts and even content writers and even I was part of the fb team which reached 8 million followers the mods and webmaster looked on and did nothing

Poor Denel mothers was being cursed he was banned and the Chinese were let off running wild on this forum destroying every threads

Only a hand ful of mods like brother Waz and The Eagle were left to clean up the mess and actually did something about it the rest just banned long term members in favor of Chinese bots

We contributed for years and you threw us under the bus

And I believe a Chinese paid for the bandwidth on this forum when it was down and in return they took control of this forum and mods were too scared to touch them

So please don’t lecture me on morals and ethics’s it gets me angry when you bring up the past, and I don’t want to get banned for a 15th time
That's it keep making excuses. Concrete slabs weight a fair bit, and even I know that a average built English builder can't carry 5-6 LARGE concrete slabs in ONE arm, NEVERMIND A WOMAN!!! I'm sure the vast majority would agree, but if you have reason to believe otherwise, then fair enough.
Yep, you've never worked construction.

First, those pieces are fairly small. Second, what I'm stating is factual, not an excuse. Third, this is just spreading baseless conspiracy theories without any sort of merit.
I have pointed out pages ago that the Wehrmacht had to divert precious resources from the East to counter US-led forces in Italy, this is why the Wehrmacht could not counter Soviet forces in the Battle of Kursk. Is this too hard for you to understand? What is the point to this debate when you do not pay heed to important facts?

My agenda? You have agenda here because you keep on lapping to Russian aggression in this forum as if your livelihood depends on it. I have a moralistic stand on this matter, and do not have to remind everybody again and again how big and bad Russia is and Ukraine must surrender and NATO must submit to his holiness Imam Mehdi Putin.

"Tattay chukna." This is what you are doing.
Again, I admire your tenacity, he believe a 3kg warhead can destroy an armoured vehicle on the other thread. And he believe "RUSSIA" not soviet union singlehandedly defeat the Nazi and ignore Russia is only 1 of the 4 (FOUR) front in the entire WW2. And use it to compare the state of Russian army now, which we all know 16 months in and going no where.

The Decisive Moment In The Special Military Operation Has Arrived. Military Summary For 2023.07.26

NATO has not at all been able to make any progress. This is the reason why they r sending more financial & military aid. First in syria, NATO had a bitter experience from the wagners & now in Ukraine, they r being flogged on all fronts. Quite a developing news. A defeat here & coast is clear for Russia through the black sea. Very demoralizing would be a defeat for NATO in the black sea & caucuses, an area totally under their belt since world war 1.
They have been saying this for 18 months and Russia is stronger than ever

They have totally rebuilt their military

West thought due to higher GDP they could face Russia how wrong they were

155mm shells in West with laser guidance costs over $100,000

Ukraine is firing 5,000 on a good day

Russia is firing 35,000 per day but costs of 155mm is Russia is $10,000

This is why without any sanctions EU is in recession

And Russia WITH SANCTIONS is not

West cannot win this war not now not in future forget about it

And actually many countries have now taken a step back as they can’t afford it anymore

Zaporizhia Equipment Losses (June 1-July
Ukraine: 210 Total (128 destroyed)
Russia: 225 Total (182 destroyed)
Ukraine: 30 tanks
Russia: 54 tanks
Ukraine: 139 armored vehicles
Russia: 69 armored vehicles
Ukraine: 11 artillery pieces/GMLRS
Russia: 48 artillery pieces/GMLRS

Ukraine: 10 drones

13 engineering vehicles

Russia: 1 helicopter

7 anti-aircraft systems

40 trucks


Based on Oryx, so visually confirmed losses only
NATO has not at all been able to make any progress. This is the reason why they r sending more financial & military aid. First in syria, NATO had a bitter experience from the wagners & now in Ukraine, they r being flogged on all fronts. Quite a developing news. A defeat here & coast is clear for Russia through the black sea. Very demoralizing would be a defeat for NATO in the black sea & caucuses, an area totally under their belt since world war 1.
Wagner had its behind spanked when it tried to interfere with US operations in Syria.
Russians now want to try and blockade Ukraine

>> should be interesting given how many anti-ship systems Ukraine has. Ukraine had held back due to grain deal - but with that now off the table - i think it will be open season on the Russian Navy quite soon.

Grain ships are civilian ships and normally may not be attacked.
They are subject to inspections to ensur3 the6 do not carry contraband.

Zaporizhia Equipment Losses (June 1-July
Ukraine: 210 Total (128 destroyed)
Russia: 225 Total (182 destroyed)
Ukraine: 30 tanks
Russia: 54 tanks
Ukraine: 139 armored vehicles
Russia: 69 armored vehicles
Ukraine: 11 artillery pieces/GMLRS
Russia: 48 artillery pieces/GMLRS

Ukraine: 10 drones

13 engineering vehicles

Russia: 1 helicopter

7 anti-aircraft systems

40 trucks


Based on Oryx, so visually confirmed losses only
Living in fools paradise
when Shabaz govt will fall
than you might wake up
after Putin takes Poland.
NATO has not at all been able to make any progress. This is the reason why they r sending more financial & military aid. First in syria, NATO had a bitter experience from the wagners & now in Ukraine, they r being flogged on all fronts. Quite a developing news. A defeat here & coast is clear for Russia through the black sea. Very demoralizing would be a defeat for NATO in the black sea & caucuses, an area totally under their belt since world war 1.

The war is between Ukraine and Russia, and Ukraine has its own army that is fighting Russian army in occupied lands. Russia is the larger and stronger side in this war and would have toppled Zelensky administration in Ukraine but NATO decided to train, equip, and provide valuable intel to Ukrainian forces during the war to give it a fighting chance against Russian forces.

Nobody claims that it is easy to defeat Russia in Ukraine but NATO has prevented Russian regime change attempt in Ukraine. This is different from NATO not doing anything when Russia invaded Georgia and annexed its lands in 2008.

US-led forces destroyed ISIL elements in Syria and is holding a chunk of Syrian territory in the process against wishes of Assad regime, this operation was in connection to the Operation Inherent Resolve in Iraq to destroy ISIL in the Middle East.

Russian intervention in Syria is aimed to prevent downfall of Assad regime and help it defeat Syrian rebels. There is a tacit understanding between Russia and US on this matter since 2013. Russian mission in Syria does not stand in the way of US-led Operation Inherent Resolve in the region.

Wagner-led forces and US-led forces clashed just once in Syria in Khasham in 2018, this battle did not end well for Wagner-led forces. Further tensions were diplomatically averted.
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