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Opinion: The cruel Putin Zelensky pact, the modern day Molotov Ribbentrop pact, is extremelly brutal and inhumane.

Oct 15, 2017
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Russians have 4 times the population of Ukrainians, 2 times the number of soldiers. Ukrainians also do not have any thermobaric artillery like TOS which can take down fortifications. Ukraine is filling up with millions of crippled and maimed young men who cannot work and need state support to make a living. This is huge burden on a country of only 37 million people, especially considering Ukraine's extremely low birth rate and rapidly aging demographics. Russia will also have millions of crippled and maimed men but Russia being a bigger country can tolerate it better than Ukraine can. Decades from now, Ukraine will be a failed state and Russia will take all the way to the Dnipr river which is historically part of Russian empire. Zelensky will be flush with cash from 1 trillion dollars given to him by the West and he will retire and move to Israel. It is win win for Putin and Zelensky. Ukrainians will end up paying the heavy price.

@aziqbal @White and Green with M/S @mike2000 is back @Ich @Mohsin A @KAL-EL @kingQamaR @Foinikas @nahtanbob @MeFishToo @Viet @dbc @jamal18
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