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Bangladesh likely to become member of BRICS in August: FM Momen


Dec 31, 2010
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Bangladesh likely to become member of BRICS in August: FM Momen


14 June, 2023, 11:20 pm
Last modified: 14 June, 2023, 11:30 pm

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Bangladesh is likely to become a member of the BRICS in August this year.

Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen said this while briefing reporters about the outcome of the meeting between Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and South African President Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa here at the Bilateral Meeting room of Palais de Nations.

He said the BRICS Bank had invited Bangladesh as a guest, adding that in the future it would invite Bangladesh to join in.

"Their conference will be held in August in South Africa and the prime minister will go there," he said.

The BRICS now has five members — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

In the future they will add eight more countries as members.

They have invited Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Indonesia.

"This will be another area of our financing. It will be good for us as we need money," he said.

The prime minister requested South Africa to open a mission in Bangladesh to enhance bilateral cooperation.

Earlier, President of Malta Dr George Vella also called on Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at the same venue.

Hasina requested him to open a mission in Dhaka. She also requested Malta to import RMG products and pharmaceuticals items.

After that, ILO DG Gilbert F Hounbo also called on her at the same place.

Foreign Secretary Masud Bin Momen, Labour and Employment Secretary Md Ehsan-E-Elahi and PM's speech writer M Nazrul Islam were also present.

I think its shaping up to be more than a simple talk shop.. especially if they pull off the reserve currency thing. The SCO is more the talk shop.

My local cricket club, full of bickering South Asian immigrants, has more cohesion than BRICS. It is a talk shop where only China matters, the rest are dead weights with the exception of India. India and China can't even settle border disputes peacefully. What grand narrative and vision will they offer the world? Frankly, this grouping is worse than European Union and that says it all.

For a global reserve currency, there needs to be an economic vision and a trade structure in place. BRICS are not even in control of their own financial systems. It is a waste of ink to even write about them.
My local cricket club, full of bickering South Asian immigrants, has more cohesion than BRICS. It is a talk shop where only China matters, the rest are dead weights with the exception of India. India and China can't even settle border disputes peacefully. What grand narrative and vision will they offer the world? Frankly, this grouping is worse than European Union and that says it all.

For a global reserve currency, there needs to be an economic vision and a trade structure in place. BRICS are not even in control of their own financial systems. It is a waste of ink to even write about them.

I cannot comment on your local cricket club since I have not been to one.

people do not realize the economic issues South Africa and Russia face.
My local cricket club, full of bickering South Asian immigrants, has more cohesion than BRICS. It is a talk shop where only China matters, the rest are dead weights with the exception of India. India and China can't even settle border disputes peacefully. What grand narrative and vision will they offer the world? Frankly, this grouping is worse than European Union and that says it all.

For a global reserve currency, there needs to be an economic vision and a trade structure in place. BRICS are not even in control of their own financial systems. It is a waste of ink to even write about them.

I guess we will find out.. I've heard varying things from different analysts, namely was reading an article in FP recently, the fact that so many states seem eager to join and see its potential would seem to point otherwise to me, but then again maybe you and I disagree on what constitutes a "talk shop"(for instance I don't consider the G7 and the G20 simple talk shops)

Even without India(although I don't see India leaving the grouping), its a formidable gathering, People might be downplaying Russia too much, its vast carbon reserves and other assets present quite a bit of influence. We will see how all this turns out post ukraine war. If Russia manages to not die, I suspect it will come out stronger, and with there being a significantly different geopolitical arena. Russia right now is a sick patient with a virus, but if it manages to come out of the sickness still alive it will have built up antibodies in the form a "resistance economy" on a bigger scale than Iran. There has been talk of a triangular axis between Iran, Russia and China, but we will see a lot of this stuff has yet to play out.
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India is the problem maker.

What is frustrating is that China keeps entertaining India instead of kicking them out of SCO & BRICS.
India is the largest economy in BRICS after China and is also the fastest growing major economy in the world. Without India BRICS is a deadweight even with a biggie like China.
You are a minnow when campared to the Chinese.

Have some shame!
India is much smaller than China, thats true, but also comes with a multi-trillion dollar economy growing at 7.2%. China is the biggest and strongest link of the BRICS, but others in BRICS are as worthless as they can get except for resource rich Russia, leaving India the only one other than China to be the most important member.

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