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Australian Universities ban Indian students from 5 states and Indian Occupied J&K


kya bolti band ?

you'd have to pay to even try to give a flyin'..
This meme was made for you

An Indian colleague of mine once told me that fake degrees is a big problem in Pakistan. I told him that it is a problem only if an organization or a country doesn't require HEC attestation.

That's the only department left with some integrity. But with sharif family in power, I don't know until when
Yes . It’s the reason many “ training centres” are opening in U.K. catering for newcomers from India & Africa .

Something to laugh about
British Indians don’t give two hoots about the newcomer Indians , it’s the Pakistanis who are helping them , training them teaching them helping them settle .
Crazy world for sure . Enemies in there homes best friends outside of comfort zone lol
You're saying British Pakistani are like:
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

In that case, you guys should be ready for your Mandatory Palestine moment. They already have a semi-gangu PM.
You're saying British Pakistani are like:

In that case, you guys should be ready for your Mandatory Palestine moment. They already have a semi-gangu PM.

Newcomers ,homesick must be helped . Parents were in similar far worser situation upon arrival .
Indians have bonus of similar language , diet & culture .

Ukrainians don’t eat roti & dhaal 😁
Newcomers ,homesick must be helped . Parents were in similar far worser situation upon arrival .
Indians have bonus of similar language , diet & culture .

Ukrainians don’t eat roti & dhaal 😁
Ukrainian refugees may not eat daal roti but they are also not supporting a Muslim genocide in their home country.

Siyanay kehte hn ke naiki zarf wale se karni chahiye.

"bhaiyyas" are typically from the north, more specifically, from OOPEE, Biharua side
UP, Bihar, that much I understood.

a country bumpkin from the deep hinterland, essentially.
Yes, I had the idea.

How's the word "bhaiyya" pronounced, like Sanjay dutt's character (from rajasthan) does in PK? Bhaa-yaaa?"
OR like in this meme?

On that note, Rajasthan's considered backward too, so are Rajasthanis considered bhaiyyas?
Ukrainian refugees may not eat daal roti but they are also not supporting a Muslim genocide in their home country.

Siyanay kehte hn ke naiki zarf wale se karni chahiye.

UP, Bihar, that much I understood.

Yes, I had the idea.

How's the word "bhaiyya" pronounced, like Sanjay dutt's character (from rajasthan) does in PK? Bhaa-yaaa?"
OR like in this meme?
View attachment 932481

On that note, Rajasthan's considered backward too, so are Rajasthanis considered bhaiyyas?

Poverty has no side .
Bhaiyaas are more in up ,bihar or central North area of India. No 1 calls bhayiaa in North states.Especially punjab , j&K .
Sradaars just hate being called bhayiaas.. don't ever say it to a sardar, if u trying to be a friend. Lol
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