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Fully support the Pakistan Military in all things!

I would like to state that I completely and fully support the Pakistan Military in all things!

Political dramas are temporary.

No big deal, nothing to see here, move along now!
Yazid had many followers too, you are no different :)
Yazid had a small portion of the population thar supported him. They slaughtered thousands of people in Madina to try to silence them. Almost everybody refused to fight against them due to it being in the Hijaz. Stop trying to make up things.

Fools are willinf to throw away everything over a dispute between a few members of the ruling class.
Damn! This is a game changer. This thread changes everything! This will change the course of history!
It changes things in terms that for me the survival of the Pakistani state is more important than anything.
So your reasoning is, politicians come and go but army is here to stay?

Forestry department is also here to stay. Why don't we start worshipping them? Oh wait, they don't have propaganda medium to fool people such as yourself and guns to threaten those who don't fall for propaganda such as the rest of us.

The only things that's here to stay is the state i.e. the people. And the people exercise their authority through elected representative, to whom both the army and the forestry department are answerable to.
A state does not exist in vacuum.

The forestry department was ruined by the politicians and not the military.

The generals come and go faster than the politicians. No point in removing a few generals when the PMLN/PPP//mulla network remains in place.

Nawaz Shareef alone is a bigger security threat to Pakistan than India could ever be for example. Shareefs are completely compromised and have a constant access to the GHQ.

All it cost Shahbaz Shareef was a few dinners to oil up Bajwa for example.

You're confusing who the real, deadly enemy is here. It is not IK and it is not the military.

Yazid had many followers too, you are no different :)
Yazid did not have many followers. His ruled for only two years.

PMLN/PPP have generals in their pockets and 1000s of donkeys.

do y wear a red topi?
Why are you so obsessed with such symbolism? Runs in the family?
I would like to state that I completely and fully support the Pakistan Military in all things!

Political dramas are temporary.

No big deal, nothing to see here, move along now!

I fully support the ARMY in all things, especially in the case that one day Mr. Omar is abducted as he has uttered something unlikeable to them, he is stripped naked and electric shocks are given to his private parts and later he's shown the inappropriate pictures of his loved ones which they have taken after his abduction.
I fully support the ARMY in all things, especially in the case that one day Mr. Omar is abducted as he has uttered something unlikeable to them, he is stripped naked and electric shocks are given to his private parts and later he's shown the inappropriate pictures of his loved ones which they have taken after his abduction.
You just proved by your own point that the police, the courts and the legislature have failed!

I will never satisfy the Brahminst ears by uttering a single word against the Pakistan military.

Brahmin wet dreams will remain so!

Long Live Pakistan, Long Live Pakistan Military!
I would like to state that I completely and fully support the Pakistan Military in all things!

Political dramas are temporary.

No big deal, nothing to see here, move along now!

This forum was kissing military badges until Imran Khan Niazi was toppled. One senior member here was even denying such thing as the 'Establishment' even existed.

If/when the last standing institution in Pakistan falls then they will know what anarchy means and what that would do to Pakistan. They don't realize that the perks the military in Pakistan enjoys is because of Pakistan being a 'Security State' since the beginning but those perks are not the cause of Pakistan's economic woes. Those perks had existed forever and Pakistan indeed had even seen some semblance of prosperity compared with others in the region.

It is the chaos since April 2022 which is taking Pakistan down. And that started because Imran Khan blatantly violated the Constitution of Pakistan by throwing away the No Confidence Motion based on now-proven lie of 'Foreign Conspiracy'. Two other PMs faced the NCMs before; there is no going around that once tabled! So now the PDM party is not going to play by the rules when Imran and his allies, including the President, didn't play by the rules.

There is no Haqiqi Azadi on the horizon--chaos was not going to bring that. Fact is that despite Imran's popularity that he gained after April 2022 by fooling people, the PDM opposition also has a considerable vote bank and they are not going to give up lust for power easily or would let Imran sit in peace should he become the PM again--the military's backing for Imran is off !

Best is to sit together and form a govt of national consensus for the next 5-10 years and ride out the storm.
This forum was kissing military badges until Imran Khan Niazi was toppled. One senior member here was even denying such thing as the 'Establishment' even existed.

If/when the last standing institution in Pakistan falls then they will know what anarchy means and what that would do to Pakistan. They don't realize that the perks the military in Pakistan enjoys is because of Pakistan being a 'Security State' since the beginning but those perks are not the cause of Pakistan's economic woes. Those perks had existed forever and Pakistan indeed had even seen some semblance of prosperity compared with others in the region.

It is the chaos since April 2022 which is taking Pakistan down. And that started because Imran Khan blatantly violated the Constitution of Pakistan by throwing away the No Confidence Motion based on now-proven lie of 'Foreign Conspiracy'. Two other PMs faced the NCMs before; there is no going around that once tabled! So now the PDM party is not going to play by the rules when Imran and his allies, including the President, didn't play by the rules.

There is no Haqiqi Azadi on the horizon--chaos was not going to bring that. Fact is that despite Imran's popularity that he gained after April 2022 by fooling people, the PDM opposition also has a considerable vote bank and they are not going to give up lust for power easily or would let Imran sit in peace should he become the PM again--the military's backing for Imran is off !

Best is to sit together and form a govt of national consensus for the next 5-10 years and ride out the storm.
Everyone knows it was the PMLN money that bought those non-confidence votes for about $1 million each while Shahbaz Shareef created a narrative of support from Bajwa by throwing free dinners for him.

Imran Khan has his PTI higher ups full of former minions of the PPP and at times PMLN. He has been manipulated but does not see it and neither do his supporters.

Some people are foolish and are unable to distinguish a real crisis from careully crafted drama and end up jumping on the bandwagon.

In about 4 months all of this will be forgotten.
Mental slavery is much more dangerous than physical slavery, Pakistani's are kept mentally slaved by these real estate thugs...
Everyone knows it was the PMLN money that bought those non-confidence votes for about $1 million each while Shahbaz Shareef created a narrative of support from Bajwa by throwing free dinners for him.
Imran Khan has his PTI higher ups full of former minions of the PPP and at times PMLN. He has been manipulated but does not see it and neither do his supporters.
Some people are foolish and are unable to distinguish a real crisis from careully crafted drama and end up jumping on the bandwagon.
In about 4 months all of this will be forgotten.

What is new about 'Horse Trading' in Pakistani politics?? The first time I heard the term was from President Ishaq Khan around 1988-90 (forgetting exact time). Imran also had powerful rich people behind him to buy votes. But I must say that Imran wasn't as endowed with money as Zardari or Sharifs. What Imran had was the military's backing--until early 2022; the military ensured that money or not, politicians wouldn't be allowed to topple Imran. Imran's biggest folly was trying to exercise his constitutional rights. We can recall that shortly after the Fall of Kabul to the Taliban in August 2021, rumors started appearing about the rift between Imran and the Establishment. The appointment of the Army Chief was Imran's right but he went about that in arrogant, dismissive way, forgetting how or who placed him in power in the first place. Also, Imran is an arrogant person. He insulted his allies even though those allies were often forced by the Establishment to support Imran's govt. When PDM offered money and the Establishment decided to be 'neutral', the allies switched sides.

As to the your bolded part--I wish you were right. But this is a very serious, real crisis. Perhaps not as bad as 1971 because India would dare not launch an attack on Pakistan. But politically it is the worst--worse than even 1971 political crisis because now not one institution is respected in Pakistan. And there lies the grave dangers--as in Afghanistan or Somalia.
I support both Imran and the Pak Army.
It's in Pakistan's destiny to create the greatest civil war the world has ever seen
You can eat my shit that has more nutrients than your week's worth of food, ok Ugly fking hindu ?
The terrorist generals that keep subverting democracy can go screw themselves, they raped this country long enough.. b4stards keep disremembering Pakistan, they will face the public wrath, its been 70+ years in the making!


There is no place for coward Mir Jaffars except hell!
Starting 2024 this insignia should be embossed in every military building.

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