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Shame on these corrupt mullah

WhatsApp Image 2023-03-23 at 11.38.25 AM.jpeg
Punish these mullahs via Sharia Law.

You claim to be mullahs and people that represent Islam so we should punish you according to that.
How dare you speak out against our ProFIT?? You will pay! 🙄
There is no need for a Ruet e Hilal committee in the first place. The question of a feast comes much later if at all.

Common sense would suggest, you get a moon sighting result from a meteorological department. And an announcement can be made by the PR team of the meteorological department.

If need be send a Maulvi for a tour of the observatory and tools through which they sight or calculate the lunar’s sightings.
Punish these mullahs via Sharia Law.

You claim to be mullahs and people that represent Islam so we should punish you according to that.
If only it was that easy. People love following these clowns instead of practising proper Islam. Just at us, we refuse to give our women their share of the inheritance and yet have the audacity to proudly call ourselves Muslims.
I wonder how many of those certifying the sighting of the moon through that telescope have cataracts? What do they see, I do wonder. But then I see the nation that chooses to follow them, and think to myself, how appropriate. :D
A great man once said, "Religion is the opium of the people". If instead of an army of people seeing from earth with telescopes, if the International Space Station travelers tweet a picture of today's crescent, wouldn't that be easier? They don't have to battle the weather and clouds.
A great man once said, "Religion is the opium of the people". If instead of an army of people seeing from earth with telescopes, if the International Space Station travelers tweet a picture of today's crescent, wouldn't that be easier? They don't have to battle the weather and clouds.

It is never about making it easy or sensible. It is always about controlling what people can do and even think.

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