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How PUNJAB came to dominate the Army


Dr Muhammad Ali Shaikh Published March 5, 2023 Updated a day ago

Rebel soldiers of the Bengal army revolting against British officers in 1857 | Photos by the writer

Rebel soldiers of the Bengal army revolting against British officers in 1857 | Photos by the writer

Punjab, in its extended form, is located at the confluence of the fertile plains of the Vedic Sapta-Sindhu — land of seven rivers — and the mountainous ranges of Afghanistan. During the 19th century, it comprised the present Pakistani and Indian provinces of Punjab as well as the Islamabad Capital Territory and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa of present Pakistan, and Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi, and some parts of Himachal Pradesh in present India. It was a huge state, with an area of about 360,000 square kilometres.
In the initial decades of the 19th Century, there were two most formidable military powers in the Subcontinent: Punjab under Maharaja Ranjeet Singh (1780-1839), and the British East India Company’s armies. There was a period when both these powers fought wars but, subsequent to the annexation of Punjab in 1849, Punjab emerged as the strongest arm of the British Indian army.
A little background to these powers is in order here.

The credit for raising Punjab’s army as a formidable force goes to Ranjeet Singh. Though his army was known as a Sikh or Khalsa army, it also had Hindus and Muslims in its ranks. He adopted a combination of old as well as the most modern principles of warfare and trained his soldiers under European officers and instructors. With the help of this army, Ranjeet managed to subdue rival factions and clans in Punjab, and expelled Afghan warlords from its bounds, using guerrilla warfare tactics. He laid the foundation for the Punjab kingdom.
The EIC was established in London in 1600 with the primary objective of carrying out trade with Indian states in items such as spices, textiles and such other items. To do that, the company purchased pieces of land and hired guards to protect their establishments from hostile locals and commercial competitors. Their establishments in Bengal, Madras and Bombay were termed as “Presidencies”, with each having their own ‘armies’.

With the passage of time, these armies grew in size, mainly due to the EIC’s rivalries with other European nations, particularly France. Among the three EIC armies, the Bengal army was the largest, and its commander-in-chief also served as the ceremonial commander of the other two armies. Most of the soldiers of the armies came from the natives, while the officer corps was invariably European.
One peculiarity of the Bengal army was that most of its native soldiers were high-caste Hindus, with a sizeable portion drawn from the defunct Muslim armies of yore. The borders of the EIC had continued to expand due to the aggressive policies adopted by the EIC as well as the internal strife prevailing in the native Indian states. In the 1930s, the EIC’s borders touched those of the Punjab, bringing the two powers face to face with each other.

19th Punjab Regiment of British Indian Army, highlighting ethnic diversity of its soldiers: (L to R) Afridi, Sikh, Bangash, Swati, Yusufzai, Punjabi Muslim | Watercolour by Major AC Lovett, 1910

19th Punjab Regiment of British Indian Army, highlighting ethnic diversity of its soldiers: (L to R) Afridi, Sikh, Bangash, Swati, Yusufzai, Punjabi Muslim | Watercolour by Major AC Lovett, 1910

The armies of Punjab and EIC fought the ‘First Anglo-Sikh War’ in 1845-46, resulting in the EIC taking control of some parts of Punjab. A few years later, the second war took place in 1848-49, which ended on February 21, 1849, with the EIC taking over the entire Punjab.
According to the website of the National Army Museum of the United Kingdom, though the Punjab army had lost the war, the British acknowledged that the “Sikh army was probably the most formidable opponent the British faced on the Indian Subcontinent.”
After annexation, the EIC formally declared the incorporation of Punjab within British India on April 2, 1849 and made it a province under the Bengal Presidency. The British disbanded Punjab’s army, directing its soldiers to go back to their villages and towns to take up agricultural or other career pursuits, in place of soldiering.
A segment of British colonists did favour the idea of utilising highly trained Punjabi soldiers in the Bengal army, but this move was resented by the Bengal army’s high-caste Hindu and Muslim soldiers.
The EIC knew that Afghanistan had always been a source of trouble and turmoil for India, as most of the invaders, originating from Europe to Central Asia to Persia, had entered India through the Afghanistan route. In his times, Ranjeet had effectively guarded the Subcontinent’s frontiers with Afghanistan. However, with the British annexation of Punjab, the responsibility to defend the borders fell on the shoulders of the EIC.
The increasing cordiality between Afghanistan and Russia added to British concerns about the border. From the British perspective, Russia was the greatest threat to their Indian empire. It was with this background that the Punjab Irregular Force (PIF) was launched in 1851. It was called ‘irregular’ as it was outside the command of the three armies of the EIC and was under direct control of Punjab authorities.

The First War of Independence — or the ‘Great Mutiny’ — of 1857 proved to be a turning point in the British attitude towards Punjab and Punjabi soldiers. The rebellion began in the contingents of the Bengal army on May 10, 1857 when a section of native soldiers or sepoys revolted against their British commanders. Soon, the rebellion spread to other parts of India, where masses too came out in support of the rebels.
At this point, the Punjabi Sikh soldiers came into the open to support the British forces in quelling the rebellion. Being a religious minority, they had no qualms in fighting against high-caste Hindus or Muslims. The British felt betrayed by Bengalis, who they felt had stabbed them in the back, and were thankful to Punjabi Sikh soldiers for helping them when they needed it the most.
The following years saw the British encouraging the induction of Punjabi Sikh soldiers in the army, over and above any other region in India. In order to attract people towards military service, they devised an attractive reward system.

One of the hallmarks of British policy had been rewarding loyalty and punishing disloyalty. Punjab was basically an agrarian society, where a small number of landowners held the land, while a very large number of peasants worked for them. This peasantry lived in poverty and for them “the best and the biggest reward was the allotment of agricultural land,” remarks Syed Hussain Shaheed Soherwordi in his article in Edinburgh Papers. The British devised the policy to allocate land “in return for loyalty, gallantry and on their retirement”, which attracted the rural Punjabis the most.
In addition to this ultimate reward of land allotment, army service also offered multiple in-service benefits to the “malnourished, underpaid and maltreated” peasants of Punjab, such as “salary, uniform, and prestige.”
Among the recruits, a large number “came from the Salt Range and the Potwar (Potohar) regions of Northern Punjab (especially the districts of Jhelum, Rawalpindi and Attock) and the adjoining region of NWFP [now Khyber Pakhtunkhwa],” where peasants were in most disadvantageous conditions, Soherwordi continues.
The availability of abundant agricultural land became possible through the British government’s project of transforming several million acres of barren land into irrigable agricultural land through the creation of the so-called ‘Canal Colonies’. These colonies increased agricultural productivity of the province on the one hand and, on the other, created loyal citizens from amongst the allottees of the land.
An indirect benefit of a large number of Punjab’s people being in the army was that a huge part of the national defence budget ultimately ended up in the province, in the form of salaries, pensions and other such expenditures. This phenomenon considerably boosted the province’s economy, reducing rural indebtedness.
The loyalty created through such a reward system forestalled any anti-British or nationalist movement emerging in the hinterland of the province for a long time.

Initially, Punjabi Sikh soldiers constituted a major part of the British Indian army. In fact, in the wake of the First War of Independence in 1857, Punjabi Muslim soldiers were not trusted, which is evident from their declining numbers until 1861. However, after 1861, the number of Punjabi Muslims showed steady growth, though the Sikhs maintained their superiority in numbers for the next half a century.
The reasons for the subsequent decline in the number of Sikh soldiers and corresponding increase in that of Muslims were three-fold. Firstly, the Sikh constituted only 10 to 15 percent of Punjab’s population, which was not enough to cater for the increasing recruitment needs of the British army.
Secondly, a large number of Sikhs had taken up farming on the lands awarded to them and their ancestors, hence were no more interested in military service. Thirdly, the British had started suspecting their loyalty, in the wake of many anti-colonial activities in Punjab during the early 20th century.

The ‘Martial Race Theory’ was basically advanced by the British to justify their lopsided military recruitment from a limited area in the north and north-west regions of the Subcontinent. The crux of the theory was that certain ethnic groups in India were culturally and genetically superior in their warlike qualities, hence more suitable for army services than others.
The British thus considered the people of Punjab as a “martial race” — an assertion echoed in the submissions of the Eden Commission, which declared in 1879 that Punjab was “home of the most martial race of India” and that it was a nursery for the best soldiers.
One of the great supporters of this theory was Sir Michael Francis O’Dwyer, who served as governor of Punjab when the Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place in Amritsar. In his book India As I Know It, published in 1925, he wrote: “If India could only afford a small army of seventy-five thousand British (now reduced to 60,000) and one hundred and sixty thousand Indian troops for protection of over 300 millions of people, it would be unwise to take any but the best Indian material, and this was to be found mainly in the Punjab.”
Dwyer himself tasted the ‘martial spirit’ of Punjab when he was shot dead by a freedom fighter from Punjab, Udham Singh, while attending a meeting in Westminster in London in 1940. Singh stated that he wanted to avenge the Jallianwala Bagh massacre and made no attempt to escape from the scene.
In his testimony, he said: “I did it because I had a grudge against him. He deserved it… He wanted to crush the spirit of my people, so I have crushed him… What greater honour could be bestowed on me than death for the sake of my motherland?”

Map of the British Indian Punjab after Delhi’s inclusion

Map of the British Indian Punjab after Delhi’s inclusion

The number of Punjabi soldiers in the British Indian army kept increasing after 1857. The peak was reached in 1929, when recruits from Punjab numbered 86,000 out of a total of 139,200 from entire India (excluding 19,000 technically “foreign” lands of Nepal). In terms of percentage, the Punjabi soldiers constituted about 62 percent of the British Indian army’s combatant forces.
Even with Nepalese soldiers included, Punjabi soldiers were well above the half, constituting 54.36 percent of the army’s total strength of 158,200.
The 1929 Sketch Map of India, published in the Reports from Commissioners, Inspectors and Others shows the approximate number of combatant troops serving in the Indian army from various parts of India (and Nepal), in comparison to the geographical size of those provinces/administrative units. One can compare the geographical area of Punjab, with its 86,000 soldiers compared to other provinces — many of them more populous than Punjab.


The percentage of Punjabis in the army dipped a bit in the wake of the Second World War, when the British encouraged recruitment from all parts of India. In those times, every province was encouraged to send its people to join the army. As a result, many people from the provinces that had been long ignored in recruitment sent their people in large numbers, altering the percentage figures. Still, Punjab was able to remain the largest contributor of soldiers, with a share of 48 percent.
Despite the division of Punjab army in the wake of the partition of the Subcontinent in 1947, both the parts of the erstwhile greater Punjab’s army have kept their legacies intact, and continue to serve their nations with pride.

The writer is a Sindh-based academic and author. He has served as Vice-Chancellor of SMIU.
He tweets at @DrMAliShaikh and can be reached at drshaikhma@gmail.com
Published in Dawn, EOS, March 5th, 2023

Source: https://www.dawn.com/news/1740463
Martial race mean good slaves and traitors to their soil.
Martial race mean good slaves and traitors to their soil.
Original martial race were up bihari bangali- they took over every part of South Asia with em
Than they replaced em- with punjabi, Haryanvis and Pashtun (yes whatever BS Zia is saying here they were overly represented in the army by thier population- 10s of thousands severed in the Army)

Rest of the South Asia was eager to join the army to as shown in WW 2 as their numbers swelled up

Who is the traitor?
Pakistans civillizational history is literally punjabs history from ghandhara of it's advances in medicine sciences , Sanskrit writing, nibbas performing surgeries, people from all the way from Korea and china coming to study in ancient universities of it's times to helping in ushering in islamic Golden age and transferring knowledge of the region to the Persians, even now house a large educated middle class who when under right leadership would show thier brilliance
Richest state of South Asia till the late 80s, all the diaspora achievements for the most part, despite being land locked contribute heavily with it's exports, vast majority of the remittances

Established two empires in the Delhi sultanate, playing kingmakers with the others, giving legendary Generals, ministers, financiers, prime ministers to the Mughals

All that is left afterwards is seething from f-ing literal nobodies lol - those who ran away from their ancestoral culture and now bitch and moan about not being accommodated like it's someone else's responsibility,to those who have not contributed one worthwhile thing towards humanity except for jungle hooliganism - not even one
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Punjabi, Haryanvis and Pashtuns.
Than when British ended the quota system in recruitment during WW 2 - numbers from other regions of the Raj swelled up

That just means they always had the motivation but British never gave them the opportunity
Well this article claims Punjabis were the bulk of British Indian army.
And some people will obviously jump in with there Anti Punjab Diarrhea.
But let me point out All Army top brass of Pakistan were Pashtuuns for 30 years!! untill 1976 when a Sindhi PM promoted a Punjabi General on basis of his personal favorotism. And Pak saw its first Punjabi origin Army chief Zia ul Haq. After that it was on and off when next generation of Pakistanis were promoting to higher up ranks who actually joined the army after formation of Pakistan.

From the british era Joiners majority of higher ups were Pashtuuns. Or am i wrong? Ayub khan, Tikka khan, Musa khan, Yahya khan, Gul Hassan Khan, Abdul Hamid Khan, Abdullah Niazi?

The thing is British rule was an occupation. It was fault of no ethnicity. Mods should look into these ethnic flaming trend on PDF instead of Targettinf political differences.
Everywhere there is Punjab Bashing or Pashtuun bashing and no one is being banned on racist comments or promoting such topics that promote these topics.

I am 100% sure these Ethno racists cannot even tell name of there 5th or 6th grand father. and they pollute this forum by throwing sh** at other ethnicities of Pakistan all the time.

Dont know when Govt will realise provincial system is a threat to national security. And adminsitive divisions should be broken down to divisional levels. Punjab sindh Balochistan KPK should be disbanded as soon as possible.
UP, Bengal, Maratha, Madras and Bengal Regiment revolted many times against the British. So they didn't trust them. They came up with Martial Race theory to favor races who were pro British.

Punjabis and Gorkhas were the most loyal soldiers of the British. When there were rebellions , they were sent to ruthlessly quash them.

You have to understand that there was no strong concept of nationhood or nationalism during the British time.
All that is left afterwards is seething from f-ing literal nobodies lol - those who ran away from their ancestoral culture and now bitch and moan about not being accommodated like it's someone else's responsibility,to those who have not contributed one worthwhile thing towards humanity except for jungle hooliganism - not even one

I am 100% sure these Ethno racists cannot even tell name of there 5th or 6th grand father. and they pollute this forum by throwing sh** at other ethnicities of Pakistan all the time.

The article is written by a Sindhi professor and the first punches thrown were by warrior race proponents. Why don't you people tone down your xenophobia and victim mentality?
It's a bit more complicated than that. Khalsa Army had many Muslims. In the decisive battles of Ferozeshah (1845) against Sir Hugh Gough and Governor-General Sir Henry Hardinge, the Punjab Army gun crews composed entirely of Punjabi Muslims

And in the Battle of Sobraon (1846); the Indian waterloo, Sikh commanders (not Muslims) betrayed Punjabis and the British were permitted to reach Lahore on February 26, 1846 as per the 'pre-planned strategy.

As for Sikhs being better soldiers than Muslim and Hindu Punjabis, the Brits believed otherwise. Of the ~4 lac recruits provided by Punjab in the WW1, around 53% were Muslims (Muslims made less than 50% of Punjab population at that time), 97 thousand Sikhs, and 83 thousand were Hindus

Not sure what part of my post are you replying to, but just in case quoting from OP-

According to the website of the National Army Museum of the United Kingdom, though the Punjab army had lost the war, the British acknowledged that the “Sikh army was probably the most formidable opponent the British faced on the Indian Subcontinent.”

Exactly, there wasn’t much love for Purabis.
Except for using them as mercenaries in exchange of land and salaries.
Pakistans civillizational history is literally punjabs history from ghandhara of it's advances in medicine sciences , Sanskrit writing, nibbas performing surgeries, people from all the way from Korea and china coming to study in ancient universities of it's times to helping in ushering in islamic Golden age and transferring knowledge of the region to the Persians, even now house a large educated middle class who when under right leadership would show thier brilliance
Richest state of South Asia till the late 80s, all the diaspora achievements for the most part, despite being land locked contribute heavily with it's exports, vast majority of the remittances

Established two empires in the Delhi sultanate, playing kingmakers with the others, giving legendary Generals, ministers, financiers, prime ministers to the Mughals

All that is left afterwards is seething from f-ing literal nobodies lol - those who ran away from their ancestoral culture and now bitch and moan about not being accommodated like it's someone else's responsibility,to those who have not contributed one worthwhile thing towards humanity except for jungle hooliganism - not even one
Weren't all the Delhi sultanates either Turkic or Afghani? Which one was Punjabi? Maybe the Sayyid dynasty? But even that was a vassal to the Timurid empire!
Weren't all the Delhi sultanates either Turkic or Afghani? Which one was Punjabi? Maybe the Sayyid dynasty? But even that was a vassal to the Timurid empire!
Sayyid started off after the instability of timurid raid into Delhi but the second emperor Mubarak shah relinquished his relationship with timurids called himself a sultan unlike khizr Khan

Second tughlaqs (not an ancestoral title- they were definitely not mongols and most likely not Turks either)- he was likely a clan chief of dipalpur or that surrounding region
I posted the details on this thread with references from books and tughlaqnama
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Oddly - every other invasion of India besides the British came through the area.
And one can take the general characteristics of the people of the area based all the way on how they behaved when Porus faced off alexander.. even then it was a feudal society and were happy to side with foreign forces so long as their interests were met.

All of them passed through Pashtun and Baloch areas first, and we know full-well just how many of them were eager beavers to be thrown as fodder

Don't be selective here
I would think being on the western most edge of what is considered “India” it would be the last to fall.

Even if Porus is discounted - feuding mini kingdom dynasties in west Punjab (west of Ravi) offered token resistance barring a few exceptions once the Turkic invasions gained traction.

Hindu Shahis
Khokhars (don't forget who killed Ghori)
Ahmed Khan Karral
Abdullah Bhatti
Adina Beg

Do I need to name more?

It's ironic that you mention it being on the westernmost edge as some sort of a trump card to explain its final collapse against the BE, you do realise the inverse is also true with the Islamic expansions, yes?

When did it even become a source of shame for a people to embrace Islam rapidly?
If Punjab had a rebellion

Open a book

Coping with 3000 years history of inglorious subservience

Better than 5,000 that continues to this very day lol

No Mongols ran right through the land of Punjab

No they did not

Babur, ran right through Punjab, again no resistance

Gujjars and Jats repeatedly plundered his convoys, Babur himself documented such

Later came the Persian Nadir Shah

Whose convoys were looted and pillaged by Ahluwalia until they left the region
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