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Live Indian Republic Day parade 2023

Republic Day is pointless. This day is supposed to celebrate the day that the Indian constitution was adopted as the book to guide India but neither the Modi government follows this Dalit-leader-written constitution nor does much of the judiciary nor the police nor the administrative services nor does Indian society largely. They all want Manusmriti as the constitution.

I heard that four million excess Indians died of COVID between 2019 and mid-2021 and many more were rendered socio-economically destitute because of COVID but Pragati Purush and many died of hunger, thirst, exhaustion, snake bite, crushing-under-vehicles during the government-enforced reverse migrant march of 2020 and the 44th Avatar of Vishnu, Mor Baba Modi jee, kept building his new PM palace and test-riding his newly acquired America-built Hollywood-style "Air Force Ones" and of course putting his glorious chehera on COVID vaccine certificates. :)

I don't get this stupid march itself. :)
Please spare us form your usual baseless stuff today. Pa ji kabhi to has liya karo!
Kuchh bhi! 🤦‍♀️
If Promoting and recognizing Nari Shakti is Hindutva .. then Hindutava is good!
I am sure it is. Hinduism was the first religion to uphold LGBTQ rights. Hinduism first discovered that the earth is not flat.

"Republic Day is pointless. This day is supposed to celebrate the day that the Indian constitution was adopted as the book to guide India but neither the Modi government follows this Dalit-leader-written constitution nor does much of the judiciary nor the police nor the administrative services nor does Indian society largely. They all want Manusmriti as the constitution"

who wants manusmriti as the constitution, who is this "they" you speak of ?

"Bhagwan Shiv was able to transplant an elephant head on Bhagwan Ganesh's body after Shiv ji.."

so ? religious lore hai. What's the problem, exactly ? In Thailand, Cambodia, all through SE Asia, including in China, and in the Islamic world.. all great religions/cultures have this kind of fantastical thing going on.

nobody's forcing you to believe or celebrate it, doosron ko krne de jo unki marzi.. you're not forced to participate.. in fact you don't even ever get invited to diwali or other parties.. are you bitter about that ?

kinda agnostic here but ffs, you should stop having a go at people like that.

feast your starving bhikari virgin eves on this:



^ye dekh, pehle ghaseet ke le ke gai.. fir uske pichwaadey me bhonk di chakku ! LOL :) :) :)


look closely @jamahir

uski anous se bleeding bhi dikh rahi hai !!

Republic Day is pointless. This day is supposed to celebrate the day that the Indian constitution was adopted as the book to guide India but neither the Modi government follows this Dalit-leader-written constitution nor does much of the judiciary nor the police nor the administrative services nor does Indian society largely. They all want Manusmriti as the constitution.

Ambedkar's constitution spoke of end of Hindutvadi discrimination against Shudras, Dalits and tribals but it continues in 2023 and the tribals are demanding a new cultural identity for themselves which will be called Sarna Dharma as this culture was their original before the Brahmans came in from Iran 3000 years ago and subsumed these indigenous people of India into Hindu fold and gave them a demeaned status despite the Brahmans themselves being the outsiders. In a Tamil Nadu village where the casteist Hindus had always committed atrocities against the Dalits by things like keeping separator glass in the tea shack for Dalits on one side and upper caste Hindus on the other and giving the Dalits separate glasses so as to not pollute the "noble upper caste Hindus" the upper castes went a step further and dumped human feces into the separate water tank for the separate Dalit locality.

"In the forty-second amendment in 1976, Article 51 A(h) was added under the Fundamental Duties that states: [ It shall be the duty of every citizen of India] To develop scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform." The man that Abdul Fatah al-Sisi is shaking hands with has developed neither of these fundamental duties as a citizen of India. Right after Modi jee became Pradhaan Mantri he declared at a conference of medical personnel in Bombay "How come Bhagwan Shiv was able to transplant an elephant head on Bhagwan Ganesh's body after Shiv ji cut off his son's head in a fit of dharmic halaal rage ? And how come Karn could be born outside of Mata Kunti's womb ? It is because millions of years ago Hindus knew advanced plastic surgery, genetic science and stem cell science.". Well, it is another matter that the people sitting in front of the 44th Avatar of Vishnu, including Aishwarya Rai whose favorite subject was zoology and wanted to pursue medicine, wanted to laugh and leave but were petrified because they could be charged with sedition under POTA KHOTA whatever.

Secondly, this day should not have been called some vague term like Republic Day but Constitution Day and this not being the case has also contributed to Indians not adopting the their own country's constitution in 2023 much less be a citizen of humanity.

Thirdly, why does the Indian military exist if it is seeing that many irrationals and psychopaths in India are not following the Indian constitution in 2023 and are committing such great crimes that are not present in many other societies in the world in the entire history of humankind but instead the Indian military marches up this road on foot, tanks and trucks and points guns and rockets at Pakistanis, Chinese, North Koreans, Martians and doing circus on motorcycles ?

So, will Indians stop every nonsense thing they were doing - competition-based schooling, then jobs, then purchase of buying cars, then religious pilgimages for the family, then buying dogs and feeding street dogs, then marrying, then producing 100 million more "humans", then putting those 100 million through paid schools, then electing mass murders to power... chappa chappa charkha chalay ? Will Indians now stop all that like the Iranis did in September last year and began agitating to overthrowing a fascist, anti-human, anti-Nature, terrorist regime ?

What is Abdul Fatah al-Sisi doing with Modi jee ? The Egyptian leader listened to the people of Egypt in 2013 and overthrew the irrational, religious terrorist and mass-murderer president Morsi who had been installed into presidency by NATO. Why is Sisi shaking hands with a person similar to Morsi ?

I agree because Trump saheb promised to casteist Bhakts in USA ( who are being pulled in American court for taking their caste system haraamism to Abrahamic USA and committing atrocities against the Dalit and Shudra workers there ) that he will construct a Bhakt monument to spoil the sight there in case he becomes president. :lol:

Yes, he came later, went to Gujarat where Pragati Purush Modi jee had walls built in front of slums to prevent Dolaan Trump bhai's delicate eyes from seeing the reality of India to much embarrassment of Mor Baba.

Why are you associating something wrong with black color ? Are you saying that Black people are criminal and you are intelligent and more human than them ?

I heard that four million excess Indians died of COVID between 2019 and mid-2021 and many more were rendered socio-economically destitute because of COVID but Pragati Purush and many died of hunger, thirst, exhaustion, snake bite, crushing-under-vehicles during the government-enforced reverse migrant march of 2020 and the 44th Avatar of Vishnu, Mor Baba Modi jee, kept building his new PM palace and test-riding his newly acquired America-built Hollywood-style "Air Force Ones" and of course putting his glorious chehera on COVID vaccine certificates. :)

I don't get this stupid march itself. :)
Lead by example. Establish trade unions in Pakistani companies first. Demonstrate how it works.

This year's Tableaus are full of Hindutva. Never seen this before. The age of India has really come.

Definitely, super power status will be given in UN. Maybe Modiji will also dress like shaktiman to accept the award.
Most 1st world countries don't give much importance to religion.
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Wonder if Hindustanis and Bharatians celebrate this day or boycott it like Aboriginal people do the Australian day also celebrated on 26th day of January.
Lead by example. Establish trade unions in Pakistani companies first. Demonstrate how it works.


Sure, the organization I am spending my days on to establish here in India, will be based on Workers Cooperative model. Very Communist. An organization based on the Workers Cooperative model will not need a workers union inside the organization because every worker there will have rights and if there is injustice has the right to gather everyone else there and speak up. I will present my organization as example for not only Pakistan but also in USA and Saudia and Israel. :)

Yes, so much cringe. I literally cannot watch that part. It is something that should be performed in local circus show, not during a military parade. Idk which uncle thinks it is cool to do that in front of the whole world.

These uncles :

Please spare us form your usual baseless stuff today. Pa ji kabhi to has liya karo!

Ji ji, toh chaliyay milkay hastay hain :

This year's Tableaus are full of Hindutva. Never seen this before. The age of India has really come.

Yes yes, "India is an idea whose time has come".

However, in reality :

And from :
Employee layoffs at some of the world's biggest tech giants are churning up a flooded and volatile market. It's a scary state for new employees and skilled mid-career professionals alike, and it's having disastrous effects on hundreds of thousands of foreign workers and visa holders. And, according to new reported estimates, that impact may be disproportionately devastating to a single population: Indian IT employees.

Reported by financial news site Mint, a number of "industry insiders" estimate that between 30 and 40 percent of IT layoffs affected employees on temporary work status from India. Given the nationwide estimate of 200,000 IT employees impacted directly by layoffs since November, this means potentially 80,000 people now face the task of finding stable work within 60 days before being forced to go back to their countries of origin.

Most of these employees, including a huge swath of tech workers from China, are on non-immigrant work visas like the H-1B, a temporary three-year visa with an option for extension. In 2022, many tech workers and advocates protested the current congressional limits, and lack of oversight, for workers on visas like H-1B, which they say is frequently taken advantage of by in-need tech employers. This follows an industry uproar incited by a 2017 government decision to suspend H-1B visas, as well as an executive order signed by former President Donald Trump that required H-1B visas to be issued to higher-salaried and higher-educated employees, rather than through a lottery system. The foreign labor decisions of the Trump administration had rippling effects on women and spouses, as well, and even incited global protests in countries relying on international work opportunities, like India.

Now, at the same time layoffs sweep over this band of already-approved employees and job opportunities become rarer and rarer, demand for new H-1B visas has increased, especially in tech fields. According to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, computer-related jobs accounted for nearly 70 percent of approved H-1B recipients in 2021. For 2023, the government agency received 483,000 applications, a 57 percent increase, according to Bloomberg Law. The visas also are becoming less accessible to many, as the U.S. government announced its plan to increase fees for H-1B sponsors.

Employees navigating the sudden removal of both their sources of income and immigration status have been relying on networks of people cornered into similar situations. As Mint reported, some are seeking assistance through international organizations like the Global Indian Technology Professionals Association (GITPRO) and the Foundation for India and Indian Diaspora Studies (FIIDS), or networking websites for visa workers, like Go Zeno. Others are seeking out informal means to find these necessary jobs, through Google Forms and career sites like LinkedIn, TIME reported in December. Even law groups are stepping up to assist employees in the hunt for visa-eligible work, while many search for immigration alternatives to their H-1B status.
The tech industry is no stranger to ethical debates on bottom-line figures and their human costs, as the recent tech workforce reductions coincide with other major concerns over employee treatment. For example, the development of popular AI application ChatGPT using underpaid workers in Kenya reportedly exposed employees to violent and graphic online content. Other workforces, like call center employees based in countries like India and the Philippines, face ongoing online harassment and even physical threats in the workplace. And mechanization that goes so far as to mask employees' accents through robotic, "white-sounding" AI has contributed to the evolution of an increasingly faceless industry that's now shedding its staff in droves.
But beyond the impersonal scale of massive layoffs and companies' revenue goals are the lived realities of those doing skilled work — thousands of real people supporting real families with immediate needs, who are now scrambling to protect their futures.

Haraam Indian organizations like Inphosees used their obsolete and useless computer knowledge coming from the stupid Indian "education" system and profited from the non-existent Y2K problem that was supposed to exist in the haraam American Capitalist organizations and two other haraam Indian organizations HCL and Cyient wrote such nonsense code for Boeing's new plane series, the 737 Max, that two of the series crashed and killed 356 people and these haraam kay takkay organizations still exist with their haraami vice presidents who haven't read a proper book in their lives now strutting about in five star hotels and being criminal on aeroplanes ? These haraam kay takkays will be shown their aukaat soon. They will be made to clean the same gutters that they pushed the Shudras and Dalits into for 3000 years.

Kuchh bhi! 🤦‍♀️
If Promoting and recognizing Nari Shakti is Hindutva .. then Hindutava is good!

Nari Shakti at work :

Circus khatam ho gai ? :lol:

Chicha jaan, circus ke liye Doordarshan nahi PTV news dekhe :D

I don't havePTV here but I watched on Godi Media channel ABP that the circus was there.


"Republic Day is pointless. This day is supposed to celebrate the day that the Indian constitution was adopted as the book to guide India but neither the Modi government follows this Dalit-leader-written constitution nor does much of the judiciary nor the police nor the administrative services nor does Indian society largely. They all want Manusmriti as the constitution"

who wants manusmriti as the constitution, who is this "they" you speak of ?

Who is they ? Here are "they" :

Delete ‘secular’, ‘socialist’ words from the Constitution: Plea in Supreme Court​

India News
Published on Jul 29, 2020 09:39 PM IST

The petition has sought deletion of the words “secular” and “socialist” from the Preamble of the Constitution, inserted in 1976 by the 42nd Constitution Amendment passed by Parliament.​

Hindustan Times, New Delhi | By Abraham Thomas

A petition in the Supreme Court (SC) has triggered a legal debate on whether citizens of India can be compelled to be secular, when the Constitution permits them the right to practice, profess and propagate their own religion under Article 25.

The petition has sought deletion of the words “secular” and “socialist” from the Preamble of the Constitution, inserted in 1976 by the 42nd Constitution Amendment passed by Parliament.

The three petitioners – two advocates and a social worker – who moved a common petition claimed that they intend to launch a political party.

One of the conditions to register a political party with the Election Commission of India (ECI) requires them to compulsorily follow principles of socialism and secularism.

This was added to Section 29-A (5) of the Representation of People Act, 1951, by an amendment in 1989.
The petitioners – Balram Singh, Karunesh Kumar Shukla, Pravesh Kumar – have challenged the validity of this law and have also sought ECI and the Central government to respond to their petition.

Advocate Vishnu Shankar Jain, who filed the petition, told HT, “In a democratic setup, the citizens cannot be bound to accept a particular ideology and the application of the ideology depends on the will of the people to be reflected through votes from time to time. In this case, the petitioners have said that ‘socialist’ and ‘secular’ concepts are political thoughts and seen in the light of right to practice religion (Article 25), right to free speech (Article 19(1)(a)), and these principles are against the principle of democracy.”

The petition further argues that the original Constitution makers deliberately chose to keep these concepts out of the Preamble.

On November 15, 1948, Professor KT Shah had proposed adding the words “Secular, Federal and Socialist Nation”, but the Constituent Assembly (CA) had rejected it after a lengthy discussion.

Again, on November 25, 1948, a second amendment was introduced and discussed on incorporating the word ‘secular’ in the draft Constitution. That, too, was rejected.
On December 3 that same year, a third attempt was made to include ‘secular’ in the Article 18 of the Constitution, which was also dismissed by the CA.
The petition demanded the top court to examine that given this position, how could Parliament go against the solemn declaration by the CA, and modify or add ‘secular’ and ‘socialist’ words to the text of the Preamble by way of an amendment in 1976.
The plea tries to examine the roots of secularism and socialism as a concept prevailing across the globe and dubs them as a “political thought” which has little relevance for the country.

It states that the historical and cultural theme of Bharat is based on the concept of “Dharma”, which is different from the concept of religion and the communist theory of state cannot be applied to the Indian context.
Going by the prevailing foreign concept of secularism, where state/government has no religion, the petition cited examples of how in India, state grants aid to minority religious institutions, enacts law relation to pilgrimages outside the country, has power to make laws related to charitable and religious endowment and religious institutions falling in Item 28 of the Concurrent List and has power under Article 25(2) to make law regulating or restricting any economic, financial, political or other secular activity associated with religious practice.

“In view of the fact that states have power to indulge in religious matters, though in limited sense, and can give grant to religious minorities, the state as a political entity cannot be a secular republic in strict sense,” the petition stated.

And those above "theys" derive their strength from this kind of leader "theys" :
New Delhi: Amid the nationwide outrage over the horrific Hathras and Balrampur cases, a section of social media has dug up old articles of Yogi Adityanath, claiming how the UP CM harbours an ‘anti-women’ mindset.

Also Read:​

Six years back, Adityanath had written an essay on the role of women in Indian culture on his website Matrushakti Bharatiya Sanskriti Ke Sandharbh Mein. Adityanath made a case in the essay that women required protection and should not be allowed independence, as “it may lead to wastefulness or destruction of women”.

He wrote, “Shastras have talked about giving protection to women. Just like urja (energy) left free and unchecked causes destruction, women also don’t need independence, they need protection. Their energy should be channelised to be used productively.”

Well, these statements have come back to haunt him again and social media has slammed him for his regressive and misogynistic views on women:

'Women Not Capable of Being Left Free or Independent'#HathrasHorror pic.twitter.com/IAyz0QFUFC
— Mohd Usman (@MdUsman_INC) October 1, 2020

Yogi- women are not capable of being independent or left free
Sir, we are enough capable but the thing is men like you exist in our society in huge numbers that's why we aren't able to be safe here. Men like you are CM of state and misogynist are judiciary head.#ShameOnYogi
— Tamz♡// VK☆ (@gallan_tipsiyan) October 1, 2020

"Women not capable of being left free or independent"- CM of UP, Yogi Adithyanath. How did y'all make him CM? HOW??
— bee | justice for hathras victim (@ambedkar4life) October 1, 2020

He also wrote, “Stree Shakti (women’s power) is protected by the father when a child, by the husband when an adult and by the son in old age.”

Further, he mentioned how certain qualities were exclusive to both sexes and could not be exchanged.

“If a man was to ever get the same attributes as women – that of humility, love and compassion – then he is equivalent to god. But if a woman adopts the qualities of men – that of bravery (shaurya) or masculinity (purusharth) – then she becomes a devil (rakshasa).”

Adityanath had also written that “a home gets destroyed when women become as effective as men.”

“Evaluate how it affects the necessary and important role of women in family and upbringing of children. Decide that if women are given participation equivalent to men in politics and life outside, then whether our mother, daughter and sister would lose their form and significance,” he wrote.

Well, what are your thoughts?

OTOH the man whose assassination you are making fun of in your same post is radically opposite to Mahant Bulldozer Baba. This man gave rights to women so much that he left the defense of his own life into the capabilities of women and one of them, a Ukrainian ( not a Zelensky gal ) died in protecting him from an Al Qaeda or "M"B type assassination attempt ) :


How about Pragati Purush Modi jee and his preaching of "Nari Shakti" ? :)

Watch this brave girl who defends the above man passionately even as NATO bombs fall on her country. She defies the "international community" whose leader, "The land of the free and the home of the brave" collected a coalition of 35 government militaries plus non-state actors to kill her leader and destroy the actually democratic and welfare-based society he and his comrades had spent their lives building when they could just have gone to Bangalore, did an MBA course at IIM-B and then a post-graduate degree in AI / ML from BITS Pilani after attending training in the coaching center of the Aakash uncle. The pretty girl knows that our man did everything opposite to those hence her defiant defense of him :

Who do you prefer - Mahant or Muammar ?

If however you still can't make up your mind watch these vids. The first is his last Western interview, like Rohith Vemula writing his suicide letter that this was his first attempt at his last words. Watch the wisdom and the patience in this man, younger than the Western establishment interviewer who is hostile, stupid and unsophisticated. But look at all the non-Libyan and Libyan commentors on the page just loving our man. Hindutvad has never produced such an intellect, philosopher, revolutionary, feminist and humanist in its 3000 years of existence and never will :

And this is our man's speech in the UNO General Assembly in 2009, two years before his country was invaded and destroy, its citizens raped and tortured and he himself done what you joyfully show. Pragati Purush Modi jee has spoken so many times on the international stage, whether in person or virtually. Can he or his masters in White House and No. 10 ever speak this man ? Or like me ?
These are the very first comments, the very first one by a person named Bhagat Singh. As the real Bhagat said while reading a book on Lenin or by Lenin as he was being led to the hanging platform by the British colonial government and staffed by Indians unfortunately "Wait a while, a revolutionary is reading the words of another revolutionary". Book finished, thrown to the side, noose accepted. Jai Insaaniyat ! Shaheed Bhagat Singh :

Shaheed Bhagat Singh would have been ashamed of the Indian military marching down this Delhi road in defense of Modi, Ambani, Muskan bibi and Rishi Rich. Bhagat and Muammar are a light year more patriotic than Mooch Baba Maj Gen Bakshi. Patriotic to their societies and more importantly to humanity.

so ? religious lore hai. What's the problem, exactly ? In Thailand, Cambodia, all through SE Asia, including in China, and in the Islamic world.. all great religions/cultures have this kind of fantastical thing going on.

nobody's forcing you to believe or celebrate it, doosron ko krne de jo unki marzi.. you're not forced to participate.. in fact you don't even ever get invited to diwali or other parties.. are you bitter about that ?

kinda agnostic here but ffs, you should stop having a go at people like that.

Only the Taliban are as obsessed with godly ritualisms as believing Hindus. No one else in the world. And the Taliban are nothing but a mixture of ancient Jewish culture and continued Hindu culture.

feast your starving bhikari virgin eves on this:



^ye dekh, pehle ghaseet ke le ke gai.. fir uske pichwaadey me bhonk di chakku ! LOL :) :) :)

Do you not know rule against graphic pictures ? But I will not report because these pictures should serve lesson to a lot humanity to regret betrayal of this great person and making fun of him like dogs whenever NATO media does so.

Muammar's assassination and the destruction of the progressive society he and his comrades built which the the Indian air force officials joyfully watching his Tripoli compoind being bombed by NATO planes never could do in 3000 years, this is a crime against humanity and there is the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission to put the perpetrators and the joy-watchers on trial.
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here in India
Not in our country. Try it in your country, Pakistan first. Demonstrate it in your country.

You advocate communism for India but post examples to inspire capitalism for Muslim countries. Why this hypocrisy?
Sure, the organization I am spending my days on to establish here in India, will be based on Workers Cooperative model. Very Communist. An organization based on the Workers Cooperative model will not need a workers union inside the organization because every worker there will have rights and if there is injustice has the right to gather everyone else there and speak up. I will present my organization as example for not only Pakistan but also in USA and Saudia and Israel. :)

These uncles :

Ji ji, toh chaliyay milkay hastay hain :

Yes yes, "India is an idea whose time has come".

However, in reality :

And from :

Haraam Indian organizations like Inphosees used their obsolete and useless computer knowledge coming from the stupid Indian "education" system and profited from the non-existent Y2K problem that was supposed to exist in the haraam American Capitalist organizations and two other haraam Indian organizations HCL and Cyient wrote such nonsense code for Boeing's new plane series, the 737 Max, that two of the series crashed and killed 356 people and these haraam kay takkay organizations still exist with their haraami vice presidents who haven't read a proper book in their lives now strutting about in five star hotels and being criminal on aeroplanes ? These haraam kay takkays will be shown their aukaat soon. They will be made to clean the same gutters that they pushed the Shudras and Dalits into for 3000 years.

Nari Shakti at work :

I don't havePTV here but I watched on Godi Media channel ABP that the circus was there.

Who is they ? Here are "they" :

And those above "theys" derive their strength from this kind of leader "theys" :

OTOH the man whose assassination you are making fun of in your same post is radically opposite to Mahant Bulldozer Baba. This man gave rights to women so much that he left the defense of his own life into the capabilities of women and one of them, a Ukrainian ( not a Zelensky gal, died in protecting him from an Al Qaeda or "M"B type assassination attempt ) :

Watch this brave girl who defends the above man passionately even as NATO bombs fall on her country. She defies the "international community" whose leader, "The land of the free and the home of the brave" collected a coalition of 35 government militaries plus non-state actors to kill her leader and destroy the actually democratic and welfare-based society he and his comrades had spent their lives building when they could just have gone to Bangalore, did an MBA course at IIM-B and then a post-graduate degree in AI / ML from BITS Pilani after attending training in the coaching center of the Aakash uncle. The pretty girl knows that our man did everything opposite to those hence her defiant defense of him :

Who do you prefer - Mahant or Muammar ?

If however you still can't make up your mind watch these vids. The first is his last Western interview, like Rohith Vemula writing his suicide letter that this was his first attempt at his last words. Watch the wisdom and the patience in this man, younger than the Western establishment interviewer who is hostile, stupid and unsophisticated. But look at all the non-Libyan and Libyan commentors on the page just loving our man. Hindutvad has never produced such an intellect, philosopher, revolutionary, feminist and humanist in its 3000 years of existence and never will :

And this is our man's speech in the UNO General Assembly in 2009, two years before his country was invaded and destroy, its citizens raped and tortured and he himself done what you joyfully show. Pragati Purush Modi jee has spoken so many times on the international stage, whether in person or virtually. Can he or his masters in White House and No. 10 ever speak this man ? Or like me ?
These are the very first comments, the very first one by a person named Bhagat Singh. As the real Bhagat said while reading a book on Lenin or by Lenin as he was being led to the hanging platform by the British colonial government and staffed by Indians unfortunately "Wait a while, a revolutionary is reading the words of another revolutionary". Book finished, thrown to the side, noose accepted. Jai Insaaniyat ! Shaheed Bhagat Singh :
View attachment 913281

Shaheed Bhagat Singh would have been ashamed of the Indian military marching down this Delhi road in defense of Modi, Ambani, Muskan bibi and Rishi Rich. Bhagat and Muammar are a light year more patriotic than Mooch Baba Maj Gen Bakshi. Patriotic to their societies and more importantly to humanity.

Only the Taliban are as obsessed with godly ritualisms as believing Hindus. No one else in the world. And the Taliban are nothing but a mixture of ancient Jewish culture and continued Hindu culture.

Do you not know rule against graphic pictures ? But I will not report because these pictures should serve lesson to a lot humanity to regret betrayal of this great person and making fun of him like dogs whenever NATO media does so.

Muammar's assassination and the destruction of the progressive society he and his comrades built which the the Indian air force officials joyfully watching his Tripoli compoind being bombed by NATO planes never could do in 3000 years, this is a crime against humanity and there is the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission to put the perpetrators and the joy-watchers on trial.
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