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RSS endorses LGBT

Personally I welcome so called extremist right wing groups endorsing genuine LGBT causes. But people fail to realise that India is already a very good place for LGBT people.

One of my old classmates and friend who was born as a male changed their gender from male to female by gender reassignment surgery. She is a doctor now (MBBS)

She has a different name now and on her passport and aadhar card she is is mentioned as female.

You knew from their walking style, interactions that they had with us and always being with girls more than guys that this person was different from the rest of us guys. They were one of the most kind and caring souls you'd ever meet.
gender reassignment is pretty huge in Iran

hmm, what's going on here @hussain0216 ? :P
so are pride marches are happening in india?
Yes they do happen
India still is a conservative society with homosexuality seen as a "disease" or mental disorder
I personally don't care about what two people do inside closed doors.
Religion and our own mortality shouldn't be dictated on others. True justice is letting everyone live their life in their own way. I might not share the same opinion but I'm not anyone to judge others.
Golden words of a Mahaan Yogi.

“If men develop feminine traits, they become gods, if women develop masculine traits they become demons
So Hindu nationalists decide who lives and who doesn't?
@Areesh bhai,

Another day and another reason to thank Allah for me being a muslim

And thank Jinnah (RA) for Pakistan!

so are pride marches are happening in india?
Yes, pride marches have been happening in all major cities in India for a while now:


Homo = opposing the very act that gave birth to them.

People are born as a result of heterosexual behavior and then claim they should be allowed to be homosexual,
No, they don't claim that they should be allowed to be homosexual - they are homosexual. It isn't a choice - some people are homosexual, just like you are (presumably) heterosexual.

Another day and another reason to thank Allah for me being a muslim
Muslims can be homosexuals too - Islamic laws may decree that they should be killed, but it is a fact that some people are homosexuals.

So Hindu nationalists decide who lives and who doesn't?
No, that happens in Islamic countries, where homosexuals are put to death. In India, people are free to live according to their sexual orientation.
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Endorsing LGBT means endorsing pedophilia
Already starting, but before that it will be immediate incestuous relationships.

The logic of homosexuality can be applied to siblings, parent and child, etc.

They worship something that looks like the sexual union between a human and a monkey, a human and an elephant and to top it all of, a human and a cow.

So lgbt-izm is the least of their worries.

They worship something that looks like the sexual union between a human and a monkey, a human and an elephant and to top it all of, a human and a cow.

So lgbt-izm is the least of their worries.

What is amusing is all right leaning groups around the world be it Jews, Christians, Muslims etc oppose this LGBTQ nonsense while you have these so called Hindu right wing groups supporting it.

These Hindus are descpicable people.
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