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Pakistan warns Israel against breaching sanctity of Al-Aqsa mosque

I am curious how is any of that a good thing.

We literally can't talk back to iranian now when they don't have nukes.

And what about intra-arab rivalry? After Iran, the saudis and emiratis will want their own nukes. Then qatar and egypt will.

Knowing iranians, they might even be emboldened enough to supply dirty bombs to their proxies to up the ante. hezbollah already is a fricking army.

Not to mention the risk of proliferation in the hands of these monkeys given the whole bunch of fault lines, be they ethnic or sectarian or pan/nationalistic.

Nukes can help stop wars because they are a good deterrent, however, world peace won't be established by giving nukes to all and sundry.
To be honest, Israel can’t stop Iran from having nukes. That moment has passed.

Iranians are a sane bunch. Them getting nukes would give them a sense of security.

Think on the flip side. They are under iron clad sanctions that the Arabs/Israelis lobby for. They have not given up the Palestinian cause (the Arabs have long forgotten).

My opinion, Iran having nukes, would create an equilibrium (Israel has nukes). The Arabs and Israelis would cool down on their overtures against Iran and Iran might cool down with the support of Hezbollah proxy support as the threat perception goes down.

With respect to Pakistan, I believe Iran having nukes would result in a strong Iran which would mean less of proxy games and less trouble for Pakistan next door. As if Afghanistan and India ain’t enough.

Not a zero sum game but hope you get the gist.
If you think Jews hate you, try Arabs and see how many of them treat you as a Pakistani

Arabs and Jews are cousins we expect nothing from either. Both are so stupid that God sent all the prophets to them yet even today the root cause of religious violence are these cousins.
So your next point?
Arabs and Jews are cousins we expect nothing from either. Both are so stupid that God sent all the prophets to them yet even today the root cause of religious violence are these cousins.
So your next point?
Bro, I think the subcontinent has taken that mantle. We produce the most extreme cucks the world has ever known. The TTP makes the khwariji dogs look like moderates.

Only pricks I’d say more extreme than TTP were the ISIS.
5 pages of rakus. Did you guys read the news article......Pak warns against inflaming tensions not warns against anything militaristic.
Speak for yourself, sell your soul to the Hindjews, surrender as a coward , live the life of a hyena, your choice, or rise to your destiny and make your life worthwhile.
Bro the issue is our current government and Army leadership has surrendered to the Americans, they can't do anything without Americans allowing them to do so. They may even recognize Israel as legitimate country,
US can't even stop North Korea from getting nukes you think you can stop Iran? not going to happen
US didn't act on North Korea the way Israel acts against Iran.
Iranian nuclear program is older than North Korea's, guess why they don't have nukes until now?
Because of this:

I find it hilarious how Palestinians, and Arabs in general, brainwashed Muslims into believing defending Arab Muslim nation is "the Islamic thing to do" while they don't give a shit about you, how would they react if there was a Pakistani-Israeli meeting like this? They would say you are traitors to the Islam. Palestinians are hypocrites.


Delusional. Israel literally conquered the Temple Mount in 1967, Muslims or the whole world either couldn't do shit about it or didn't care, Israel had it ever since and heard such "don't enter the Temple Mount" UN threats for decades, it's just a bunch of BS certain countries say to cheaply side with Arabs without doing any action.

Also China doesn't do shit against Israeli interests, UN threats are nothing new for us, in fact it serves them business wise.
Lol. There is no Chinese aircraft carrier in 1967 but in 2022 there are coming 3 of them. Plus we have DZ-17 that can bomb any corner of Israel. It's stupid of u talking about donkey years old history. How about talk about crusader times of 1000 years ago?
No pragmatism, just fanaticism...

We are no threat to Israel in our current state, this is simply laughable.

At least become a formidable and stable power that isn't going bankrupt before going on such adventures.
Paper tigers can't bite. When we can't free our own country from the corrupt and colourful generals never mind freeing the Kashmir and Al Aqusa.
Be realistic does our army who is busy trading in the real estate even want to fight, if that was the case why Kashmir is under the Indian control? If we can't even help ourselves what chance we have got to help Palestinians other then making tall claims.
Lol. There is no Chinese aircraft carrier in 1967 but in 2022 there are coming 3 of them. Plus we have DZ-17 that can bomb any corner of Israel. It's stupid of u talking about donkey years old history. How about talk about crusader times of 1000 years ago?
What are your aircraft carriers going to do though with inexperienced pilots and inferior jets?
It's okay Jericho 3 ICBMs can hit every corner of China, with enough to end all of China's history.

Also, you idiot, you talk about saving Al Aqsa and then talk about nuking Israel a second later, how could those two happen together?
Speak for yourself, sell your soul to the Hindjews, surrender as a coward , live the life of a hyena, your choice, or rise to your destiny and make your life worthwhile.
have you left the computer and your smartphone to make your life worthwhile yet?
maybe keep the phone and keep us posted about your progressive rise to your destiny.
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