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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Despite the BS propaganda the Western media is shoving down our throats, I have zero sympathy for Ukraine. They brought this upon themselves full well knowing the consequences of their actions and the rise on neo-nazism. The sooner Russia crushes the Ukrainian regime, the better. A regime that doesn't give a toss about its own people knowing that they're ready to fight to the last Ukrainian only to fulfill NATO's objectives.

It doesn’t matter much which party is in power. US policy rarely changes because said policy is drafted by deep state policy makers and the intel community.
The real Deepstate is Trump

The shift in Washington with cia Pompeo-Trump was take out competitor China and have Russia take out the EU.

It was once the endless wars in the Middle East. Neo-cons lost two elections for war on Iran, so the deepstate went with Qanon as the new base of the Republican Party because China was rising.

“Trump Has Done Everything He Can to Weaken the E.U.”​

Donald Trump Declares The European Union A 'Foe'​

CBS anchorman Jeff Glor had asked the president who he thought was the nation’s “biggest competitor” or “biggest foe.” Trump named the E.U. first.

Europe did not sign onto the "get big bad China" warmongering. We did not join team brexit, team putin and team trump. Qanon Trumpers want Russia to win and EU to be destroyed, along with the ECB and euro. The Qanon crazy Russia Republicans control the House and are planning a return to anti-EU policy in the white house in 2025. Russia Republicans are the deepstate. Democrats are the keep the seat occupied until cia Republicans return to destroy Washington enemies.

To Trump, EU was the first foe named. Before Iran, China, North Korea, Assad, Venezuela.

Qanon Russia Republicans want to stop backing Ukraine, which means, to Russia Republicans, Putin with enough of heavy weapons in storage could possibly win in Ukraine. A victory for Tucker/Trump and cronies in Washington.
It doesn’t matter much which party is in power. US policy rarely changes because said policy is drafted by deep state policy makers and the intel community.

The UK deepstate and US deepstate are partners. The media in the UK reflect UK deepstate policy.

Here is how the UK media view the EU (top right):


Read the top right "DON'T LET IT HAPPEN: EU boss Junker and his cronies want Corbyn to be Prime Minister"

Uk media fearmongers to voters for Tories, by calling the EU leaders - cronies. UK media: "Don't vote for Corbyn, that would be crazy, the sinister organization of the EU likes Corbyn. Nuff said.".

These are the same UK media that shills for the corrupt British Royals.

Qanon Trumpers are the Faux News Agenda. And preach UK partnership and vilify the EU. The same Faux News that promoted the cia endless wars. UK media also vilifies the enemy of the UK deepstate - the EU. As you said, both parties Dems and Republicans. Tories and Labour are in on it. Corbyn wasn't, so the UK deepstate media demonized Corbyn. Notice how same as anti-deepstate Corbyn was made the enemy, EU was linked with "sinister" Corbyn.

Tories were buddies with Putin Oligarchs. Putin backed Brexit. Trump backed Brexit. Yes, Europe is planned to be encircled. And yes the deepstate is behind this.

Explaining why Europe needs nukes in numbers comparable to Russia, so Russia is unable to do nuclear blackmail. More importantly Europe needs to run their arms industry production around the clock.

This Ukraine War is the Trump-Russian attack on the EU to finish off the EU. With planned high natural gas prices, planned high oil prices, planned economic collapse of the EU. This is the plan of Putin. Brexit UK and Russia Republicans oppose the EU.
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So it is not like Iranian and DPRK's weapons are not making difference; they're significantly shifting the ground to Russia's favor.

So Russia has to rely on these two militarily as its own not enough to bring Ukraine to its knees.

China and India are huge countries, so trading them means Russia beats the Western-imposed sanctions

Even Western sanctions come in phases. Realistically, a dependency so major cannot be do away with in a matter of months.

It's a long term drive. They won't stop even though Russia decides to pull out tomorrow. Putin burned that bridge of trust down.

India and China are just being opportunistic - as India is in the QUAD and China has much larger trade with the US than Russia.

It is not anything like a global jihad unlike how you present it to be.

Russia's state revenue dropped. That's the whole point.

by the globohomo West.

You are either a hater. An illness.

Or, in a psychological state of self-reflection.

Meaning, what you see in others is a reflection of yourself. If approached positively, this will lead to growth, satisfaction and happiness 😊.

I wish it's the second as it's healthier for you.
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It's a feedback thing, maybe in the beginning it was not against europe, but it will end that way.

If Germany break up economic relations with Russia, then one day it will be profitable for Russia a first nuclear strike against Germany, and then: unconditional surrender and this stupid movie will over.

If West Europe states treat Ukraine war as a war against them and give weapons to Ukraine, it will end become a real Russia war against West Europe, a self fulfilled prophecy

I think bringing up the nukes nullify any political debate as nukes are worthless once they are used in our present world.

If it were only Russia having them, they would be effective.

Under existing conditions, it is extremely irresponsible for Russia to wave the nuclear stick. It just does not work that way.

We need to keep cause-effect relationship in mind. It was Russian invasion that triggered the whole chain of events. Western intervention, brother's language being suppressed, Nazis are running rampant... These sort of arguments by Russia do not convince those with rational thinking because Russia has all the qualities/defects it blames Ukraine/the West for.

Ukraine/Russia problem is like Catalonia/Spain problem.

Ukraine/Catalonia people are the same than Russian/Spanish people, but they think they are special and different because his language has a couple of differences.

They dont feel identified, but they are the same

It is all about how the Ukrainians themselves feel about their national identity. Besides, nationhood and self-identity are not necessarily the same thing. You can continue to feel like a Slavic ethnicity while strongly identifying with the Ukrainian nationhood.

No one can take away that sense of being Ukrainian if people themselves embrace it. If they are forcefully put under the Moscow yoke, they simply become another North Caucasus.

Kadyrov runs the Caucasus. Some Wagner warlord would run Ukraine.

Do you see a beautiful future coming out of this for you if you were a Ukrainian?
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Its a bit better than Putin pimping out his population to do something they don't want to do. Its selling out your own sons.... At least the cartoon above is the world's oldest profession

This is a thread busting the fake Western journalists who are assisting the Ukrainians to hide the massive blow that the Russian armed forces delivered against the Ukrainian forces in Kramatorsk 👇

Same thermobaric weapons Russians used in the takeover of Kiev. They didn't have anything then , import artillery from the world's beggar (N. Korea), but magically have thermobaric weapon used in a dormitory after losing half its gains.

I have seen Tom and Jerry cartoons more realistic than the stuff you post from deleted twitter accounts. Pls share more as I don't get to watch much cartoons any more
Don't know much about Spanish and Catalonia, but if you say Ukrainian and Russian are the same people, even before the war in Ukraine, you WILL get hit in the face (You will probably be shot now if you say that to an Ukrainian).

They are nothing alike except both are being Slavic (they are different Slavic group by the way) and both are orthodox. It's like saying Greek or Serbian are the same as Russian

If you know why both President of Russia and President of Ukraine have the SAME FIRST NAME, but they are spelt differently, you will know the different.
Well, that is exactly what I said.

A Spanish-speaking person can understand Catalonian-speaking person if he talks slow, in the same way that you can understand some relation between the words Vladimir and Volodomir.

Then Catalonian speaking people thinks they are special and from other universe, ignoring centuries of common history with Spain, ignoring all the Spaniards who live in Catalonia, and ignoring that all their fucking traditions and behavior are pretty the same than Spain.

The same to Ukraine.
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