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Arab journalist asks Imran Khan "If he would use nuclear weapons against Israel if it attacked its neighbors", watch his response

Thankfully Imran Khan actually gave a smart response here lol

actually it was a terrible answer

he could have clearly said its a weapon of deterrence and any sane country will think twice before using on fellow Muslim country because Pakistan also has it, this covers and India and Israel
Thankfully Imran Khan actually gave a smart response here lol
People here forget Sadam answer to the similar question where he said that he will lit the fire under the Israeli feet which put more oil on his down fall. We need to be smart and always be mindful regarding our nuclear capability as the Western media is waiting for the slip of the tongue.
Great to know you are a shameless coward who is a Israeli supporter with zero dignity

when we have snakes and traitors like you we dont need enemies
You are stupid? I do not support Israel.

But I only support Palestine, if Arabs support Pakistan's stance on Kashmir.

It has to be a matter of principle.

actually it was a terrible answer

he could have clearly said its a weapon of deterrence and any sane country will think twice before using on fellow Muslim country because Pakistan also has it, this covers and India and Israel
My stance on Palestinian-Israeli conflict is this:
1) Two state solution
2) Make Jerusalem an international city
actually it was a terrible answer

he could have clearly said its a weapon of deterrence and any sane country will think twice before using on fellow Muslim country because Pakistan also has it, this covers and India and Israel

His waffling of how it's a very dangerous weapon that is an attack against the entire planet & humanity, then shifting towards other pressurising methods like OIC was much better.

Your suggested response just breeds the American paranoia and gives ammo to states like Israel to lobby against Pakistan's possession of nuclear weapons.

Also why should Pakistan be a slave gun for hire? The Arabians shake hands with Modi, give him medals and treat your people like dirt. No other Muslim state would be a foolish slave gun for hire like how you propose Pakistan to be. You want it to be taken advantage of and serve as a loyal servant while others protect their own interests first.

People here forget Sadam answer to the similar question where he said that he will lit the fire under the Israeli feet which put more oil on his down fall. We need to be smart and always be mindful regarding our nuclear capability as the Western media is waiting for the slip of the tongue.
Exactly why I loved his response (which was ultimately due to his pacifist mindset not due to him conjuring an intelligent response)

Read my above reply
I was expecting Imran Khan to give a stupid response like his Osama martyr or Afghanistan breaking the shackles of slavery moments.

Thankfully, decent response.
This Arab dude Ask IK about Nuclear umbrella, Let me ask this question to every single Arab member and Arab lover, Tell me if Arabs of ME/Persians of Iran will ever Accept a Pakistani Dark skin Khalifa. I will wait for the Answer

It's not a matter of skin color. Every country can declare their own Khalifa but no one else will accept it. Turks were able to have their own Khalifa because they conquered more than half of Muslim world plus the holy cities. If Sudan can conquer all Muslim countries by force I'm sure they can declare a black Sudanese Khalifa and make everyone obey him and silence the dissenters.
You are stupid? I do not support Israel.

But I only support Palestine, if Arabs support Pakistan's stance on Kashmir.

It has to be a matter of principle.

My stance on Palestinian-Israeli conflict is this:
1) Two state solution
2) Make Jerusalem an international city

There will be no excuses for anyone who defies God in their blindness of jealousy, murder, theft, and self righteousness, as well as arrogance.
Even by Jewish standards 10 Commandments are not recognized by Zionists. It is a terrorist militancy defying internationally recognized war laws, while being financially supported by thieves who take from the poor without their consent.
That is the curse upon those who do such a thing. Inheriting stolen land through the Brits is quite Machiavellian. The debate about ownership truly blinds the eyes as to what one’s own hands do in this realm right now.

and even when a low life scum like you who ignores plight of Palestinians, we are have real snakes and traitors in Pakistan in your form

Says the guy who serves the country that strongly supports Israel.

and you and this guy so my words apply to you also

this is why Pakistan as a nation will never prosper because of snakes and traitors like you

Sometimes I feel if there's any country than will finally help in ending Israel-Palestine conflict it will be India, there is no other country in the world that has good and friendly relations with both the parties involved.
It's not a matter of skin color. Every country can declare their own Khalifa but no one else will accept it. Turks were able to have their own Khalifa because they conquered more than half of Muslim world plus the holy cities. If Sudan can conquer all Muslim countries by force I'm sure they can declare a black Sudanese Khalifa and make everyone obey him and silence the dissenters.
They sure can but fact is that Arabs will revolt and never accept any non Arab Khalifa, issue with us South Asians that a lot of our people worship Arabs or Irani's, and they would have no issue in accepting a Khalifa, but even if BD or PAK can capture the whole ME , and declare a Khalifa he won't be accepted.
Why you even concerned about Arabs. Khalif candidate needs to fulfill certain criteria and that’s it. Just do your thing and the will fall in line, there no other option. There were some news on Indian media about Indians doing some shit work. Don’t know if it’s true or not. I don’t think there was anything about Pakistanis.
My point was that Arabs asking us for nuclear umbrella should first learn to respect us, treat Pakistani's and other countries with respect. We have helped them in past and we got horrible treatment from Arabs, and all of it because of them considering themselves to be superior, if you don't know how Racists Arabs of today are, than its not my fault. But I would never help Arabs in their own BS fight unless they respect Pakistani's.
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