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Pakistan War on Terror 2.0: Solutions?

they have in the past, BUT their resolution to dealing with scrounge has always been SOLID. They are in NATO, BUT they draw the line when it comes to national security.

They fixed their country and made it liveable. Pakistan has been reduced to dump on purpose. so the elite can live in europe or amrika.

Pakistani military is a major problem. National security seems to be non-essential to the generals.
for a functional brain, it is....unless answer is a common knowledge.

Of course it should be common knowledge that the military is still doing what it has always done. Any claims of change are simply incorrect.
Of course it should be common knowledge that the military is still doing what it has always done. Any claims of change are simply incorrect.
My English and comprehension ability is somewhat limited, could you please be kind enough to help me to understand your above statement.
My English and comprehension ability is somewhat limited, could you please be kind enough to help me to understand your above statement.

To put that in context, all wings of the ISI, are doing exactly what they are tasked with, political meddling included. There is no neutral in this gearbox.
Brutally kill tpp. Crucify them publicly.
Make all your religious Institutions state run

Any random village idiot shouldn't be allowed to preech Islam.
To put that in context, all wings of the ISI, are doing exactly what they are tasked with, political meddling included. There is no neutral in this gearbox.
so someone lied to the Nation in 2008.
Pakistani military is a major problem. National security seems to be non-essential to the generals.
its amazing the way military estab-lash-mant has taken the public for a ride for so long. the end result for unconditional love is this farce.

sometimes I wonder, the people who starve and cannot make ends meet. is it done by design! One has to retrospectively think about alot of the notions about the military estab-lash-mant.
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