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Defense Minister Liang: China still 20 to 30 years behind in terms of weaponry


Jun 27, 2008
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China, U.S. defense chiefs agree to boost military ties

Tuesday 11th January, 06:06 AM JST

BEIJING — The Chinese and U.S. defense chiefs agreed Monday to boost military exchanges and security talks, including the launch this year of a working group to study measures to develop military ties between the world’s two largest economies.

‘‘We are in strong agreement that in order to reduce the chances of miscommunication, misunderstanding or miscalculation, it is important that our military-to-military ties are solid, consistent and not subject to shifting political winds,’’ U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said at a joint news conference with Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie after their meeting in Beijing.

Gates, who arrived in Beijing on Sunday for a four-day trip, said he had proposed setting up a bilateral strategic dialogue to discuss nuclear strategy and missile defense.

Liang did not agree to the proposal, saying China will study it.

Gates had been scheduled to visit China in 2010, but his trip was postponed after Washington decided early that year to sell $6.4 billion worth of arms to Taiwan.

The Liang-Gates talks came ahead of Chinese President Hu Jintao’s state visit to the United States from Jan. 18 to 21.

‘‘Our two presidents, President Hu and President Obama, clearly believe that a normal military-to-military relationship is important,’’ Gates said at the start of the meeting. ‘‘And I will do everything in my power to ensure that we carry out their objective.’‘

Liang said the two countries’ militaries ‘‘need to work together to expand our shared interests to reduce our differences…to ensure that military relations between our two nations will progress along a sound and steady track.’‘

At the post-meeting news conference, Liang reiterated China’s opposition to U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, saying they jeopardize Beijing’s core interests.

Liang tried to ease U.S. concern about China’s military buildup, saying Beijing has developed weapons to ‘‘meet its sovereignty and security requirements.’‘

China still lags behind developed countries by ‘‘20 to 30 years’’ in terms of weaponry, he added.

Gates held separate talks with Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping and Xu Caihou, a vice chairman of China’s Central Military Commission.
it remind me of one of the - best south park series - when American come to attack china and then Chinese go.

o u almighty Americans we are small people with small ..D....K..- how dare can we achive big things like you ameircan with humangus .......

we are nowhere close to you big ......people.

american rednecks look at them - and forget what they came to do- instead saying - its ok,,,,, we are going now we are busy people with lot of stuff to do with our big ......


what china have done today is make american simply realise that we are not too far behind you. if you can do it we can bloody well do it too.

and they have forced American offensive stance to come defensive.

good going china rest of the world need to learn a lil from them.
it remind me of one of the - best south park series - when American come to attack china and then Chinese go.

o u almighty Americans we are small people with small ..D....K..- how dare can we achive big things like you ameircan with humangus .......

we are nowhere close to you big ......people.

american rednecks look at them - and forget what they came to do- instead saying - its ok,,,,, we are going now we are busy people with lot of stuff to do with our big ......


what china have done today is make american simply realise that we are not too far behind you. if you can do it we can bloody well do it too.

and they have forced American offensive stance to come defensive.

good going china rest of the world need to learn a lil from them.

thank you for reminding me of the racist nature of the US. AmeriKKKa's right wing losers have been given a resounding slap, and they're still crying and rubbing their face. This is not simply an achievement for China, this is an achievement for all developing countries, who say to the western imperialists and their bought and paid for traitors: no more.
Every citizen developing/3rd world country hopes for the success of China ( some overtly some secretly ) and that includes me.. It gives us hope that we can also do it..
Yes but few would doubt that Chinese are fully capable of reducing that 20-30 years gap in just 10-15 years ... With crippling economies of USA and EU, there is very little they can do to counter it .... If nothing significant happens in this decade, China will most probably be the dominating super power from 2020 onwards ...
Yes but few would doubt that Chinese are fully capable of reducing that 20-30 years gap in just 10-15 years ... With crippling economies of USA and EU, there is very little they can do to counter it .... If nothing significant happens in this decade, China will most probably be the dominating super power from 2020 onwards ...

I would not like China to commit same mistake done by US..Super-power is a good thing and China deserves this status but when you add "Dominating" to it , it starts carrying negativity with it..
I would like to live in a neighborhood of a Superpower but not in a neighborhood of a dominating superpower.
well it is true.... usa had a lead before-hand... and they remaining in the same spot would mean spending $ in defence.. like they used to... curtailing that would mean someone else taking over...
well it is true.... usa had a lead before-hand... and they remaining in the same spot would mean spending $ in defence.. like they used to... curtailing that would mean someone else taking over...

Nah~ that simply means someone has to continue paying their bills...
or again selling their debt as "AAA Graded investment package" on the market/countries.
the world is witnessing rise of china and first flight of their stealth has jus proven that. the challenge for chineese would be to make this rise as smooth as possible.

the challenge of us and EU would be to accept china as a super power with out any racial/other prejudices.

the challenge for india would be to improve its own economy and have friendly relations with china but at the same time develop its military slowly but steadily.

wonder if all these could be achieved peacefully?
I would not like China to commit same mistake done by US..Super-power is a good thing and China deserves this status but when you add "Dominating" to it , it starts carrying negativity with it..
I would like to live in a neighborhood of a Superpower but not in a neighborhood of a dominating superpower.

Unfortunately that has been the virtue of all super powers or empires to date in mankind history and i don't see it any differently with China ... Once they are strong enough, they will assert their authority although i very much doubt that it will be at a global scale like USA ....
Unfortunately that has been the virtue of all super powers or empires to date in mankind history and i don't see it any differently with China ... Once they are strong enough, they will assert their authority although i very much doubt that it will be at a global scale like USA ....

Agree. Power corrupts. Like Imperium Japan. Or even better example,USofA.
You ware a hero to the people and wakeup one day, find more then half the planet hate you...
Yes but few would doubt that Chinese are fully capable of reducing that 20-30 years gap in just 10-15 years ... With crippling economies of USA and EU, there is very little they can do to counter it .... If nothing significant happens in this decade, China will most probably be the dominating super power from 2020 onwards ...

with the gap of 10-15 years, its still a gap. I believe the gap is widening instead of narrowing as US technology is developing much quicker than what others is capable of understand in order to copy. When I mean copy, I do not mean copy something exactly. What I mean is follow the technology trend set forth by the US. This gap is widening until China's economy can surpass that of US. Then the gap can start to shrink.
it remind me of one of the - best south park series - when American come to attack china and then Chinese go.

o u almighty Americans we are small people with small ..D....K..- how dare can we achive big things like you ameircan with humangus .......

we are nowhere close to you big ......people.

american rednecks look at them - and forget what they came to do- instead saying - its ok,,,,, we are going now we are busy people with lot of stuff to do with our big ......


what china have done today is make american simply realise that we are not too far behind you. if you can do it we can bloody well do it too.

and they have forced American offensive stance to come defensive.

good going china rest of the world need to learn a lil from them.

you r talking japs

don't mix china with japs

we never give a F@#k what american thinks
40-50 years is my believe not 20-30 years. we still hv long long way to go in terms of economy, social, technology and scince. In terms of polotical structure i personally believe we built a nice frame just need more time to adjust and make it more transparent.
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