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PM Modi government 'crushes' terror, only 7 attacks in 8 years


Sep 20, 2014
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The government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has come out with flying colours in curbing hinterland terror, with only seven such extremist attacks notched in the past over eight years of the NDA rule, a RTI reply has revealed here.

Besides, there has been minimal loss of lives, 11 civilians and 11 security personnel killed, and injuries sustained by 52 civilians and 44 by security forces, from 2014-till date.

These and other significant revelations came in a RTI reply by the Union Home Ministry to Pune-based activist Prafful Sarda.

"I had sought details of all terror strikes that took place in India, from 2004 till date, implying, during the UPA tenure of former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and the NDA government of Prime Minister Modi," Sarda said.

The RTI reply provides startling details of the UPA regime from 2004-2013, a total of 42 hinterland terror attacks killing 853 civilians and 18 security personnel, and leaving 3,147 civilians injured, with zero casualties on the security side.

The data indicates that 2008 and 2006 were the worst years in terms of extremist strikes in the hinterlands, recording 306 and 238 civilian deaths plus 833 and 1,266 civilian injuries, respectively.

In 2008, which includes the dastardly 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, 18 security personnel were killed and 9 terrorists from Pakistan were killed while one Ajmal Kasab was caught alive, tried and secretly hanged on November 21, 2012.

The other major incidents of 2008 include: attacks in Rampur (Uttar Pradesh), Jaipur in May, Bengaluru and Ahmedabad in July, Delhi and Mehrauli, Malegaon and Gujarat, all in September, Agartala, Imphal and Assam, all in October.

The 2006 data comprises the terror strikes in Ahmedabad railway station (February 19), Mumbai 7/11 serial bomb blasts in suburban trains (July 11), and the Malegaon blasts (September 8).

The RTI reply by the Ministry's Director (CT-I) & CPIO Chanchal Yadav had provided the details pertaining only to terror hits or bomb blasts in the �hinterland' of India, or the civilian areas.

"Its puzzling why the officer restricted the reply to �hinterland' regions, and conveniently omitted the crucial terror activities in the border states. So, this doesn't reveal the true picture of how many times the country was really targeted between 2014-till date both on the borders and interiors," said Sarda.

The activist pointed out that the Centre has named the state �police' as the first responder to any terrorist/criminal activities, and thereby appears to "club together terror-crime incidents" in the country.

Sarda said the CPIO has directed the RTI queries for Jammu & Kashmir, Left Wing Extremism (Maoist/Naxalism) and North-East to the concerned departments, but their responses are awaited.

However, the Centre has taken various critical administartive and legislative measures to rein in hinterland terrorism in the past 18 years.

The initiatives are: augmenting the Central Armed Police strength, capacity building of special forces, modernising the (state) Police forces, tighter immigration controls, upgrading intelligence set-up and coastal security, and giving more teeth to the UAP and NIA acts

Muslims! Muslims! Muslims! All day only this song...
Do you even know how many Hindus were lynched by muslims in 8 years??
No.. You don't know..bcz you don't care.. Bcz you are a hypocrite.

Very true..... these guys overreact when it comes to Subject MUSLIM..... as if only MUSLIMS have a right to live and all are innocent saints....
as if only MUSLIMS have a right to live and all are innocent saints....
You presume that just because I care about indian muslims's right to live, that i don't care about anyone else. you're argument is the logical equivalent of "All lives matter", besides If there's just 7 attacks in 8 years, then what's all the teRROriSm hoopla all about in your media and social discourse. i mean, we Pakistani's have had long periods where there were like dozens of terrorist attacks month. and we just went about our day. So, what's the difference? The difference is
Drumroll please

We don't have a scapegoat i.e. mUsLiMs or kaTUAs.

Which is why I brought up the subject in the first place, but all you thickos seemed to have missed the point.
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Muslims! Muslims! Muslims! All day only this song...
Do you even know how many Hindus were lynched by muslims in 8 years??
No.. You don't know..bcz you don't care.. Bcz you are a hypocrite.

This is India now

Don't push a hindutva extremist state and think everyone else would just sit by and not come up with their own ideas about Independence

This thread is about Indian chest beating when in reality this period of Indian history has seen multiple disasters including about 5 million Indians dead via a COVID disaster by the vishavagurus

The social fabric of India is being torn at it seams at the moment, and you are seeing increasing polarisation and an increasing response from Indian Muslims and others

If anything Indian state has seen the writing on the wall and has understood unbridled hindutva is creating a response amongst other communities inside India
If there's just 7 attacks in 8 years, then what's all the teRROriSm hoopla all about in your media and social discourse. i mean, we Pakistani's have had long periods where there were like dozens of terrorist attacks month. and we just go about...

bad as it can be, but we're still not used to that kind of thing here.

also, sorry that Pak has had to endure so much of the sort.
Muslims! Muslims! Muslims! All day only this song...
Do you even know how many Hindus were lynched by muslims in 8 years??
No.. You don't know..bcz you don't care.. Bcz you are a hypocrite.
This is India now

Don't push a hindutva extremist state and think everyone else would just sit by and not come up with their own ideas about Independence

This thread is about Indian chest beating when in reality this period of Indian history has seen multiple disasters including about 5 million Indians dead via a COVID disaster by the vishavagurus

The social fabric of India is being torn at it seams at the moment, and you are seeing increasing polarisation and an increasing response from Indian Muslims and others

If anything Indian state has seen the writing on the wall and has understood unbridled hindutva is creating a response amongst other communities inside India
Delusional kaum
As usual, we have members of the depraved society come out in numbers to support the lynching of Muslims.

No surprise from a society that takes out processions in support of rapists
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I thank FATF more than anyone else :thank_you2:
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