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Nawaz, Zardari ask Musharraf to quit


LAHORE - PML-N Quaid Nawaz Sharif on Tuesday called on President Pervez Musharraf to step down after his allies conceded defeat in the polls.
Appearing relaxed and joking with reporters while addressing a press conference at his Model Town residence, he said he would work with other opposition parties including the PPP to “rid Pakistan of dictatorship forever”, adding: “Musharraf has said he would quit when people tell him. People have now given their verdict.” Nawaz pledged to reappoint several top judges sacked by Musharraf under a state of emergency in November.
Being jubilant on perceptible win despite what he said the worst rigging, Nawaz opened arms to take back PML-Q leaders in party and invited PPP and ANP to adopt one point agenda regarding reinstatement of deposed judges, nullification of November 3 steps and end of army role in politics.
Asked about the formation of government, he said: “I had a conversation with Asif Ali Zardari today (Tuesday) and we will be meeting the day after tomorrow (Thursday) in Islamabad.” He said he had also asked the leader of Awami National Party Asfandyar Wali to meet him in the capital.
“PML-N remained under the siege of police, nazims, government machinery and agencies. It had to pass through the worst kind of pre-poll and post-poll rigging but eventually emerged as victorious with the power of people’s vote,” he said and added: “All the credit goes to people who continued the struggle against the dictatorship and voted for democratic forces. He said the decision about eligibility of President Musharraf should be taken from the same court that was hearing the case. The PML-N leader said after restoration of the judiciary it would be decided whether Musharraf’s re-election as the President was legal or not.
Replying a question, he said that he was never ready to compromise on reinstatement of deposed judges including CJP Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry. “Restoration of Judiciary was on the top of our manifesto and we will honour our manifesto,” he clarified.
“All illegal and unconstitutional steps by Musharraf on November 3, those have to be rolled back,” Sharif said. “We will follow democracy, rule of law, supremacy of the Constitution and the independence and restoration of the judiciary. These are our targets,” he said. He said, “We will support those parties which would support our manifesto and party believes that they would support us.” He said that PML-N did not believe in politics of revenge. “The thrones of kings of ‘Q’ were turned down in elections and those, who have been left behind, if want to join their parent party, door are wide opened,” he added.
He said the government used all petty tactics to demoralize the party. “Our nomination papers were rejected, party leaders and workers were given temptation of money and ministries. Number of them were harassed by hook or crook, but on the long run we succeed in winning the polls,” he added.
He said the PML-N invited all democratic forces to join hands with one another to restore the judges.
To a query, he said that all the detained judges and lawyers including Aitzaz Ahsan should be released immediately. He demanded to scrap the PEMPRA ordinance and other curbs put on media. He said the CWC meeting of the party would be held on December 21 (Thursday) in Islamabad to announce next strategy.
Agencies Add: Nawaz Sharif strongly denied that there had been any talks between him and Zardari to nominate Aitzaz Ahsan as the next PM of the country. He said the matter of Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan would also be reconsidered. Sharif also said his party would lead a coalition government in Punjab and all parties would be consulted on the matter. Nawaz Sharif said Musharraf’s qualification for re-election should be reviewed by reinstated (formerly deposed) judges.

Our Monitoring Desk
PPP Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari has asked President Pervez Musharraf to quit office.
“Not only we, but the whole nation is reminding Pervez Musharraf to resign. It is clear in the mandate. The decision has come. The PML-Q has lost. Now we’ll take this demand of resignation to the Parliament, and see who will back us in this regard,” he told the BBC.
Asif Zardari said, “I don’t think PML-Q is a party, however, PML-N, ANP, MQM and other political forces will be engaged”.
He expressed his intention of having negotiation even with Bugti and Marri tribes whose some enraged people are in hideouts and waging armed fight for provincial autonomy.
He said PPP would join hands with every political party which backed PPP’s stance of probe into the assassination of Benazir Bhutto by the UN officials.
Asked whether he would have any contact with President Musharraf in future, Zardari said he would think in this regard only if his party allowed him.
“PPP has not yet decided about prime minister candidate, and decision in this connection will be taken later”, he added.
To a question about Nawaz Sharif’s stance regarding Judiciary and sacked judges, Asif Zardari said the Parliament would be empowered that would settle the issue and its procedure.
Naveed Butt from Islamabad adds: Zardari said that his party wanted the restoration of 1973 Constitution in true letter and spirit, supremacy of the Parliament and a government of national consensus with the support of democratic forces.
The PPPP Co-Chairman said this while talking to the media persons here on Tuesday at Zardari House after chairing Central Executive Committee meeting of the party.
“Initially we have three main issues to address; the investigation of Benazir Bhutto’s assassination under the auspices of UN Commission, formation of consensus government with the support of allies and to work for provincial autonomy, and the restoration of 1973 Constitution with immediate removal of the PEMRA Ordinance,” said Zardari.
He said that the party has not yet finalised the Leader of the House and the decision in this regard would be taken soon. About the questions regarding the restoration of the deposed judges, Zardari didn’t answer in a clear manner and said that the decision would be taken by the coming Parliament. He demanded of the government to release the deposed judges and lawyers, including President Supreme Court Bar Association Aitzaz Ahsan immediately.
He said that the people rejected Pakistan Muslim League-Q due to the policies of President Musharraf and PPPP would never negotiate with PML-Q.
He alleged that source of terrorism exists within the government and establishment. “We should negotiate with those people who are living in the mountains through the Parliament,” he urged. He congratulated the leaderships of PML-N and ANP on their victories and said that he would meet Mian Nawaz Sharif and Asfandyar Wali for the formation of national government.
Zardari said that Pakistan is facing serious crises and the PPPP government would unite Pakistan and strengthen the system. He said that the PPPP wants the supremacy and empowerment of Parliament and all the decisions would be taken through Parliament. He alleged that selective rigging has been conducted and 150 polling agents of PPPP were kidnapped on polling day.
AFP adds: Zardari said his party would try to form a coalition government and ruled out sharing power with the defeated allies of President Pervez Musharraf.
Asked if he would include members of the defeated Pakistan Muslim League-Q, which backed Musharraf in government, he replied: “We are not interested in any of those people who are part and parcel of the previous government.”
Zardari made no direct reference to two-time prime minister Nawaz Sharif, whose party is narrowly behind the PPP, according to unofficial preliminary results from the polls.
The PPP Co-Chairman echoed Nawaz Sharif’s call for the release and restoration of top judges sacked and detained by Pakistani authorities after Musharraf declared a state of emergency in November.
Mubashir Hassan from Lahore adds: After emerging as the single largest party in the parliament as a result of February 18 polls, the Pakistan People’s Party has decided to empower the parliamentary committees to decide vital policy issues of national and international importance.
This was decided in a meeting of party’s Central Executive Committee (CEC), which met in Islamabad on Tuesday with Co-chairman, Asif Ali Zardari in the chair.
Apart from discussing issues relating to government formation at the centre and in the provinces, the CEC decided to enhance the role of parliamentary committees, also having representation of the opposition parties, to take decisions on important matters including foreign policy issues.
According to sources privy to the meeting, Zardari himself floated the idea of enhancing parliamentary committees’ role, and put it before the CEC for discussion. There was general consensus over the issue, and the meeting decided to take up the matter before would-be coalition partners of the PPP.
It merits mention here that in a parliamentary system, these committees are supposed to play an important role in decision making, but in Pakistan, they have got the status of a recommendatory body. In western democracies, the advice of such bodies is taken seriously by the governments and implemented in letter and spirit.
The issue of Pakistan’s support to war on terror was also discussed at length in the meeting. While there was general consensus that the PPP government should continue war on terror, it was, however, decided to bring the current policy under serious review to change the modus operandi of dealing with this issue. The CEC members opined that this matter could also be referred to the future parliamentary committee of foreign affairs for its review and recommendations, which should be binding on the government. The party’s CEC would meet again today in the federal capital to ponder over options of government making with other parties.

The Nation
isn't aitzaz ahsan the one who calls for pakistan to acknowledge supremacy of india? didn't he also give up the names of the people involved in khalistan movement? it's unfortunate how these scums are regarded as heroes in eyes of pakistani's.
isn't aitzaz ahsan the one who calls for pakistan to acknowledge supremacy of india? didn't he also give up the names of the people involved in khalistan movement? it's unfortunate how these scums are regarded as heroes in eyes of pakistani's.

You are absolutely right. He is the scum who in my opinion is willing to compromise Pakistan's soverignity.
the only good thing that he's done is written a book that could answer hindutva fanatics, Indus saga, but that's about it. otherwise, someone who ruined our chance to get back at india, i think he should be spat at.
Pakistan economy in 1988 was $ 395
Pakistan economy in 1999 was $ 468
Per Capita Income Increase of $ 73 in per capita income during 11 years of corrupts duo (BB and NS) rule was @ 1.55 percent per year.

[Pakistan economy in 1999 was $ 468
Pakistan economy in 2007 was $ 925
Increase of $ 457 in per capita income during 8 years of Musharraf rule was @ 8.89 percent per year]

and in the face of such gains, what does an illiterate country do when vote power is given to them..vote in the idiots that make paltry $73 gains over a decade, and nearly get the guy that makes a $457 profit for them impeached. Indian leaders must be laughing with glee secretly. Idiots. Democracy :tdown:
after Z.Bhutto, we noticed lots of element in PPP who has Indian booting licking policy. From BIBI to Aitzaz.
^^ I don't think anybody has ever stated that Musharraf isn't corrupt or without faults. However, it takes a blind person not to see that he was far less corrupt and a whole lot more competent than Nawaz Sharif or Zardari.

Musharraf was personally not corrupt (or at least in the same league as BB and NS). He may be considered "corrupt" for making deals with corrupt individuals to carry on his rule, but he has not hoarded the country's wealth and he has not taken undue advantage of his position. This is something that neither BB nor NS can claim.
But Sir, this time they have two swords on their head, one is media and second is Mushi. But no doubt our quam is jehil. Who re-elected the fail and corrupt people again.

Well in all honesty, Musharraf has the sword of impeachment hanging above him....checks and balances will continue to come from the Army (as distasteful or undesirable this may be)...our democrats are incapable of behaving and controlling themselves.
so far, i see musharraf as probaly the most honest politician we've had so far. I say politician because he took off his uniform like he promised.we are the only muslim nuclear power, we make our own jets, subs, and soon awacs and naval ships. truly we are blessed, but people are just too stupid to see the world for what it really is.
the only thing i feel musharraf should not have done is to submit to the will of other nations. I feel terrible, not for only for pakistan, but for musharraf who had to beg other nations to invest in pakistan. :cry::angry:
A government is a system and people have a role in it. It is the people who are corrupt like in most administrative services and customs and police.
You just cannot blame the Prime Minister for everything. Peace and stablity is more important than building a mansion somewhere.

I agree that all the corrupt officials both in Government and Army should be punished. But dont be lost in the world that mushraf is not corrupt. He is a military man and knows well how to hide things.

One more important thing to note is that PML-N and PPP are uniting. It is a good sign. I dont favour any individual party, but strongly belive in democracy- a govt by the people- for peace in the country.

So how do military men know how to "hide" things? As usual, is there any proof or are we to listen to the same old wailing about plots?

PML-N and PPP unity is for the moment...savor it!....these two have been down this road many times before...its all about who gets more after spending so many millions and billions on the elections.

I don't want to dissect this cliche "of the people, by the people". There are many holes that can be punched through it. The only thing that I do agree with is that lets hope there is peace and prosperity in Pakistan. Most Musharraf supporters were drawn to him for this exact reason that he brought some semblance of stability to the country. If the democratic government for ONCE can do the same then I would be the first to rally behind it as I firmly believe in Pakistan being first. So I think I am not wrong when I say that we do not support Musharraf because we are part of a personality cult, rather its what he was able to do and stood for.

Since the Pakistani nation no longer feels this way, I am willing to (not that it matters what I am willing or unwilling to do in this case) give the elected parties a chance just as the Pakistani nation has done so...if they do not come to the expectation, I hope the media and the public is as ruthless as they have been with Musharraf in asking them to account.
if they do not come to the expectation, I hope the media and the public is as ruthless as they have been with Musharraf in asking them to account.

That's no good if they loot everything again. Back to square one, another time Musharraf will come and bail the country out, then good ole democracy will rear its head and the "champions of democracy" will wail their bells when the FDI hits another record high, and then the Pakistani people will be promised all sorts of goodies by the "champions of democracy", and then they'll loot everything again. The viscious cycle will be endless. What's needed is a change of mentality. You don't give politicians that stole billions from the economy a third chance (each has had two before, and one has admitted he stole billions). Pakistani people are to blame for this mess, should it arise, though Musharraf was pressured from the outside no doubts (though I can't blame them entirely since there are a lot of uneducated & poor people under the orders of feudal lords and sardars, which should never be the conditions of a democratic election).
Musharraf is an honest person unlike previous martial law administrators. Remember when Nawaz sharif didn’t allow him to land on Pakistani soil. If that would had happened and if Musharraf had landed on another country I think that would be the biggest disgrace to country after the Fall of Dacca.

I hope that Future government will not ruin his development projects and will continue the progress of Pakistan.

Yesterday night I was watching a program on “Business Plus” in which Mirza Ikhtiyar Baig (PPP) accused MQM for rigging and at the end of the discussion he himself found guilty so that shows the character
Musharraf is an honest person unlike previous martial law administrators. Remember when Nawaz sharif didn’t allow him to land on Pakistani soil. If that would had happened and if Musharraf had landed on another country I think that would be the biggest disgrace to country after the Fall of Dacca.

I have just one problem with you statement. I agree with you when you say President Musharraf is honest, but I think we have had more honest martial law administrators. Another President Musharraf has never been Chief Martial Law administrator, well atleast in a legal sense. I think a person better then President Musharraf was probably Field Marshall Ayub Khan(This does not include Quaid-I-Azam, Laiquat Ali Khan and Nazimuddin because they have no parallel). If you ask anyone around the time of when Field Marshall Ayub Khan they will say he was far better then President Musharraf. But then again I was not around back then, I am just relying on the accounts of people and accounts 40 years ago when we had different needs and a different situation.
I have just one problem with you statement. I agree with you when you say President Musharraf is honest, but I think we have had more honest martial law administrators. Another President Musharraf has never been Chief Martial Law administrator, well atleast in a legal sense. I think a person better then President Musharraf was probably Field Marshall Ayub Khan(This does not include Quaid-I-Azam, Laiquat Ali Khan and Nazimuddin because they have no parallel). If you ask anyone around the time of when Field Marshall Ayub Khan they will say he was far better then President Musharraf. But then again I was not around back then, I am just relying on the accounts of people and accounts 40 years ago when we had different needs and a different situation.

I agree that Musharraf has never been a Martial Law administrator (I said that b/c of his military background) but Ayub khan was not a good ruler we all know what he did to Madar-e-Millat Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah at least Musharraf is better than him

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