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Kashmir files vs The Shudra

If we do not want the excesses of individual kings to be used against people centuries removed from them, then we cannot legitimately argue what you have argued.


This is ridiculous. Apparently you know nothing about them.


You tend to get hysterical.

No, that is wrong, you should continue to discuss the matter, but calmly, rationally, without heat. Most Pakistanis do not have a clue about this episode.

Technically, yes. Are you denying the Arya Samaj phony rituals, rituals that have now provided ammunition for the Sanghi ghar wapasi campaign?

Are you also denying that the ghar wapasi campaign exists, and is actively promoted?

These efforts at reconversion have nothing to do with Hindus and with Hinduism, they are the hallmarks of the political Hindu, of Hindutva.

That is, again, technically true, but does not explain the virulent campaigns putting pressure on Muslims and Christians.
You keep falling for false flags fakes here.
Tell me, why is Modi government talking of ending the AFSPA law in Nagaland but not in Kashmir ? In Nagaland too the military is deployed.
Because In Kashmir there is active insurgency perpetrated by a third part, which is not the case anymore in Nagaland,
1> with most (not all) of the safe havens in Myanmar neutralized through diplomatic measures with the Burmese military.
2> and mainstreaming of a lot of Nagaland's factions into political spread within the Indian system.
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only 40 to 50 Hindus pandits were killed and few hundred migrated from Kashmir valley to Jammu in 1989 insurgency where as more than 2 Lakh Muslims were killed in 1947 Jammu Massacre and millions of Jammu Muslim forced to migrate to Sialkot and Lahore. But still no movie on thousand times biggest massacre than 1989.
Tell me my options.

You are MIA, and seemingly in perpetual hot water. Where are you when I need you?

Those days are long gone, the admin here ensured that.

And also it's a bit of a moot point these days, everyone has their minds made up, if there is something remotely relevant i drop a line here and there. You know where to find me.

Coming to your options, how about this for start: take a vacation to Colorado, let us do some kahtir darri.
. What is this "bad gaze" and how are you deciding on behalf of the females whether they tolerate a particular male gaze, like a particular male gaze or dislike it ? Among the gazes I have directed ( or received ) the disliking has been not in many.
The patriarchal privilege of the male.
only 40 to 50 Hindus pandits were killed and few hundred migrated from Kashmir valley to Jammu in 1989 insurgency
It is appalling that some of us have reduced this to massacre ****. Even one life lost is a loss to all of humanity. It is only a horribly distorted personality that can bring itself to compare the numbers of the killed and come to a value judgement about which was the greater crime.

The figures are uncertain. The lowest figure for the killed is 200, the highest figure is 1,341, reported by the European Foundation for South Asian Studies. The number who fled under threat varies: at the lowest it is 297,000, not a few hundred; the high figure is 598,000.

where as more than 2 Lakh Muslims were killed in 1947 Jammu Massacre and millions of Jammu Muslim forced to migrate to Sialkot and Lahore.
This is one of the black spots in the history of independent India. We all know who was responsible for it; people have gone on record then, and now, taking pride in their bloody crimes. Tell me if it is useful to use this figure as a comparison. Is one life worth more than another?

But still no movie on thousand times biggest massacre than 1989.
What sort of bone-headed stupid remark is this? The Kashmir Files is a blatantly propaganda film; who do you expect to be making a propaganda film about the Jammu Massacre?

And also it's a bit of a moot point these days, everyone has their minds made up, if there is something remotely relevant i drop a line here and there. You know where to find me.
Painful to read this.

Coming to your options, how about this for start: take a vacation to Colorado, let us do some kahtir darri.
Sounds like a plan! I wish I had the money to do this. But its the thought that counts.
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Can get overwhelming for some, protagonist gets over-dramatic at a few places, superb acting by all oldies.

Easily 8.5/10 :meeting:
1. What is this "bad gaze" and how are you deciding on behalf of the females whether they tolerate a particular male gaze, like a particular male gaze or dislike it ? Among the gazes I have directed ( or received ) the disliking has been not in many.
It is Allah's command not mine but of course if you actually were a Muslim you'd know perhaps there are no women in your family for you to protect hence this attitude
1. And what is Allah's law ?
" O you who have believed, do not enter the houses of the Prophet except when you are permitted for a meal… And when you ask [his wives] for something, ask them from behind a separation (Hijab)" Quran 33; 53.

"... And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not to expose their adornment (zinatahuna) except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers (Khumurihina) over their chests (Juyubihina) and not to expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, their brothers' sons” Quran 24;31
2. Nasser was a leader admired by all rational and progressive Muslims decades ago and hated by the irrational ones who were puppets of the Western Crusader governments. People like "Muslim" Brotherhood. I will tell you of a personal connection to Nasser in a way. Years ago when I was studying in a computer institute here in India one of my colleagues was named Jamal Abdul Nasser, named so by his educated parents. That was then.
Didn't ask and don't care about who that Nasser guy was, furthermore the real puppets are those who support commies and lgbtq diseases like you do

1. Again you are stuck in the binary of burqa or the bikini. Are Nasser's female relatives in that picture naked by any measure ?
Again I don't care what Nasser's "female" relatives do they will answer Allah themselves for their own deeds

What do you say about this ? Is this not known in Pakistan also ? Why are you being hypocritical in foisting blame on this category called LGBT when the mullahs, who may well reference misinformed and misguiding sites such as the one you reference, are quite fond of male bottoms and the other sides ?
I never denied there are no homosexual degenerates in my country but we don't encourage them here this is unique to your proggie mindset only

Any other stupid thing you'd like to add to this thread? or you're done?
Yeah guess what south Asia is shit, we need separation

I don't know why you people can't understand this, your trying to prolong a disaster in this masquerade called India

Your getting everyone stuck, and this oppression **** is part of the process to justify oppression and your own animosity and hatred

I.e,,, oh look how Hindus were killed, we must unite against Indian Muslims (when in reality multiple pogroms have occured in India and south Asia, more people died in the Gujrat riots),

I mean I don't care, I already hate Hindus but then it dosent matter as I am in Pakistan

Separation works, but it's incomplete in India

India needs partition
you can speak for yourself, India works perfectly. it is Pakistan that needs separation. The Pashtoon doesn't accept the Durand Line. Balochis are killing your Jawans every day nearly. Your state can not even pay its own embassies. It's a system close to collapse, India works, say what you want about Modi, his admin has made ease of doing buisness way better
On Sudra : Caste system is hell on Earth and all of the subcontinent practices it as can be ascertained by the fact that people use "Chamar", "Bhangi", "Kanjar", "Mirasi" as derogatory terms for the other side. These are Dalits or marginalised castes found in all subcontinental countries.
I have seen Indians, Bangladeshis and Pakistanis, even so-called educated and enlightened ones boosting about the rank of their castes and how they are superior to other castes in the vicinity of their ethnic region. I have also seen that various posters want to portray the other side as lower castes, for Hindus this argument goes like "Only lower castes converted to Islam", for Pakistanis "To the East, resided Dalits and we wuz pure high caste Aryan" - this acknowledges that the various castes listed above are the exclusive part of their society and even some specific Bangladeshis (won't call out names) present their disgust by calling Sanghi IT workers as "lowborn Chamars who got degrees". Even some users who are so-called low castes in their own words try to convince the audience that in fact their ancestors were in fact of high caste extraction. It is all a bunch of high caste or high castes wannabes. It is matter of utter shame that such rampant inhumanity is continued and perpetuated in this region.

On The Kashmir Files : Have not watched the film but it is made with a motive that is based upon subjective experiences, completely divorced from the other sides's point of view. Neither It does acknowledges the history of the conflict nor the nuances of the present. Such works creates an echo chamber of hatred and thus contributes little towards progress for the eventual peace.
Sudra is just a masochistic love child of Bollywood. It extrapolates one horrible incident into its worst possible.

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