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Rafale vs. F-16 ۔ The real comparison is between the capabilities of the Pakistan air force and Indian air force

Brother usually these fake Masters Indians have no proper answer to any fact, So these people often make sarcastic remarks or personal attacks and taunts of old age etc. I have been forced to respond differently to their inappropriate behavior and personal attacks
They have a complex, remember you will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stone at every dog that barks.

With the exception of NATO combat exercises, the F-16 and the Rafale have never met in any real air combat. So people are wondering if the Pakistan Air Force's 30-year-old version of the F-16 will be able to compete with India's latest Rafale.

My rational and logical answer is that in cricket, the ability of a batsman is more important than the quality of the bat and the skill of an aviator plays a decisive role in aerial warfare.

The measure of a country's superiority in this cold war era is the capability of its warplanes and the modernity of other weapons. Therefore, every major country is in the race to become a super-military power by building more powerful fighter jets and destructive weapons than others. In fact, the economy of all major countries today is largely dependent on the arms industry, its demand and sale in the world market.

The lucrative armaments industry in Europe and the United States is alive and billions of dollars can be earned from the arms trade by creating hot climate of war and border tensions around the world.

After the humiliating defeat in Ladakh, the United States and European countries are exacerbating fears of a sense of inferiority in India, urging it to buy more and more advanced weapons. Under this pretext, their arms business is growing. And the corruption kingdoms of Narendra Modi are creating opportunities for the government to make money from commissions

The world knows that India lacks the art and the courage to use its sophisticated weapons to harm others. But India, the greatest enemy of peace, is a master at conspiracy theories in other countries, such as the Mukti Bahini, PTT and anti-state terrorism patronage of Baloch insurgents.

The Rafale vs. F-16 is more of a competition between US and French armaments than a comparison of Pakistani and Indian aircraft. Where India, despite doubling its apparent military might, suffers from an incurable feeling of inferiority, fearing the terror of Pakistani missiles and the magical capabilities of pilots.

Design, engine and basic features

Rafale is a 4.5 generation double-engine fighter and F-16 is a fourth generation single engine aircraft. The wingspan of the Raphael is 10.90 meters and that of the F16 is 9.96 meters. The length of the Raphael is 15.30 meters and that of the F-16 is 15.06 meters. Therefore, in terms of volume, the two planes are almost identical.

The empty Rafale weighs 10 tons while the F-16 weighs 9.2 tons. Raphael can carry 24.5 tons of weapons. The F-16 has a payload capacity of 21.7 tons. Therefore, due to the large number of weapons in the Rafale, it seems to have an apparent advantage over the F-16 in air combat. But according to world observers, Pakistani fighter pilots are far ahead of Indian fighter pilots in air combating skills.

Comparison of speed and combat radius

In the strike capability the F-16 has a clear lead over Rafale. The combat radius of F-16 is 4220 km but Rafale’s is only 3700 km. Pakistani F-16 also has a lead over Rafale in speed. The Rafale has a top speed of 2130 km ph while the F-16 has a range of 2414 km ph. With a greater ceiling ability of 300 meters per second Rafale has an advantage over F-16’s 254 meters per second. However, the altitude of both planes is 50,000 feet.

Comparison of weapons

The Rafale is equipped with Mica air-to-air missiles, SCALP long-range missiles, laser-guided bombs, AM39 anti-ship missiles, GIAT-30 guns, meteor long-range air-to-air missiles and air-to-surface weapons. F-16 can hit 20 targets identified in 84 km radius and Rafale can hit 40 targets identified in 100 km radius

On the other hand, F-16 has Penguin anti-ship missiles, cluster bombs, runway destroyers, AIM 9 sidewinder short-range air missiles, AIM-120 mid-range air missiles, GPS-guided bombs and other deadly Arms. The F-16 can also has nuclear weapons, conventional drop-bomb capabilities and a 20mm Vulcan gun.

According to the bragging Indian media, Rafale is equipped with semi-stealth technology but the F16 doesn't have that capability. Therefore, the combination of India's SU-30 and the Rafale would be disastrous for the Pakistan Air Force.

But Indian media should remember the Operation Swift Retort and the humiliating horror of the Indian Air Force with Russian SU-30 and Sukhoi, French Mirage 2000 and the British Jaguar. Pakistan old version F-16, self-made JF-17 Thunder and the 50 year old Mirage taught them a historical lesson that will always be remembered

The history of Pakistani pilots performance is more than an excellent. The Israeli planes that were destroyed by Pakistani pilots in the Arab-Israeli war were also much more powerful than the Arab planes. And in the Afghan war, Pakistan’s old version fighter jets successfully competed the latest Russian war planes of that time.

Where will India bring in air warfare artists like Pakistani M. M Alam who shot down 5 Indian jets within less than a minute and expert aviators like Hassan Siddiqui and Noman Khan who shot down modern Indian planes with old Pakistani planes.

Rafale can be bought from France, Indian pilots can be trained from USA and Israel. But the passion and talent of Pakistani pilots are not for sale in any market. The spirit of sacrificing one's life and the heroism for motherland are not found at shops


Those who hav laughing emojis will soon cry again if there is another conflict (seems to happen soon)
Those who hav laughing emojis will soon cry again if there is another conflict (seems to happen soon)
Dear Brother
These Indians are v innocents, they are actually wearing the glasses of fake master media lies. Very soon circumstances will blindfold the facts for them and then everything will be exposed
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American :laugh:

PAF's F-16s are American and use American EW pods, in this case ALQ-211. F-16 and its systems have been made considering future in mind which is why it has evolved into newer blocks since 80's. The sensors and weaponry has also been upgraded to latest.

The EW pods used by PAF's F-16s are in Post#22

Anyways you learnt something new today. Adios.
The US are fully aware that all the US goods are dismantled by the chinese for reverse engineering. So don't imagine they give Pak the best level of technology. This is true for radars, for electronic counter measures, for missiles.
A lot of Rafale counter tactics being discussed, but we seem to have ignored the Super Hornets with AESA and Stealthy external pods, that are coming to Indian Navy. Apparently they will initially be on lease so will probably be a force to reckon even before the Rafales.

This where acquisition of a total of 24-36 J-11B and J-16D (Growler variant) or J-10C would be needed to form a robust Pakistan Navy Air Force. Long range strike and long range air defense.
Dear Indian! Thank you for your sincere advice and kind guidance. I will do my best to study more to know the reasons , why the world's most sophisticated Indian soldiers could not wield weapons in Ladakh and how they were killed by sticks only.

I will try to study history and defense topics to find out why 60% of Indian missile tests get fail despite the Indian economy being ten times bigger than Pakistan. I will learn more of the history of secular India to know why Bal Thackeray and Narendra Modi brand terrorism is continues with 300 million Indian Muslims

As per your suggestion , I would like to learn more from history and defense study that why pellet guns and assault rifles bullets are fired at unarmed Kashmiri Muslims instead of Chinese at Ladakh border.

And just tell me، why you Indian friends find the truth more bitter than ever? Do you like being happy with the fake information of your bragging media and so called defence analysts? My dear just learn to listen the truth, world is not like that you hear from your liar leaders and media men. You would like to listen that Rafale can conquer whole of the China, with the combination of Jaguar , Sukhoi and Mirage 2000 you Indian are as strong as Russia , Great Britain and France are . . .

Encourage you to know the facts and digest the truth. The world and the global economy and society are not what your leaders and the media say they are. Do your own research with a sincere heart and honesty, you will know what the truth is. Who is a peace lover and who is an enemy of peace . Who is telling the truth and who is following the policy of making noise.

Stay blessed

Kindly tell them Rafle never took part in air to air dogfight, it was use for ground attack in Libya and Afghanistan. Our Kurakarum jet and Supper Mashak can drop boombs on ground as well.

Mashak A.jpg

They can use Google to search air combat history of rafale aircraft.
its indian its supa no point discussing lets see how they operate when time comes!

su failed miserably maybe its the machine or maybe its the pilot or maybe its just Indian who was looking for some bollywood drama! or maybe it was PAF that kick their behinds!
its indian its supa no point discussing lets see how they operate when time comes!

su failed miserably maybe its the machine or maybe its the pilot or maybe its just Indian who was looking for some bollywood drama! or maybe it was PAF that kick their behinds!
Haven't almost all aircraft in IAF service failed miserably? Except perhaps the Mirage 2000 which was used in bombing role.

The Mig-21? The Mig-29 which was supposed to be as good as the F-16s? The Su-30MKI which was supposed to be the "Raptor of the East" if I'm not mistaken,as some of you guys have told me here? Other Air Forces did great with all these aircraft.
Haven't almost all aircraft in IAF service failed miserably? Except perhaps the Mirage 2000 which was used in bombing role.

The Mig-21? The Mig-29 which was supposed to be as good as the F-16s? The Su-30MKI which was supposed to be the "Raptor of the East" if I'm not mistaken,as some of you guys have told me here? Other Air Forces did great with all these aircraft.

Are you Pakistani heritage?
poorly written article by a rookie. you cant be a journalist and bragger at the same time. quality of background work done to write the article is poor to laughable and context can't compete with essay of a 5th grade kid..

Just to point out few points -
- "humiliating defeat in Ladakh" - typical example of cheerleading for China. Not knowing Chinese causalities does not mean Chinese didn't suffer. Even the Chinese were honest to admit casualties, but didn't give numbers. The situation is still ongoing and there is a possibility of resolution by negotiation.

- " India lacks the art and the courage to use its sophisticated weapons to harm others " - again similar bragging was heard in 1960s. India went to war 4 times in last 70 years and 3 additional major conflicts - Siachen, Kargil and Srilanka. in most of the times, Pakistan were at the receiving end of India using arms. Ask any soldiers who fought India or someone posted in LOC. they will tell you the real stories

- "60% of Indian missile test are failure" - not worth any comment. even typical low end Pakistani trolls do better than that

- Pakistan Pilots are better trained than Indian" - I heard the folklore for many years now. Please provide some substance - like flight time per pilot, exposure to different platforms, participation in bi lateral or multilateral exercise, investment, infrastructure or even education background to make some comparison. India and Pakistan never participated in multilateral exercise for us to come to some conclusion, only hard fact will make sense to prove that pakistanis are better trained than Indian. on contrary, in all the fields where Indian and Pakistanis compete in global platforms in science, technology, education or business, pakistanis dont even come close to Indians. So how magically PAF can produce superlative fighter pilots than IAF is a mystery that needs solving ..

I appreciate that you are trying to improve your writing and it may not come naturally given your background. Pathetic quality can't be an excuse for lack for experience.

your honest critic
An Indian

Are we in stone age???
Haven't almost all aircraft in IAF service failed miserably? Except perhaps the Mirage 2000 which was used in bombing role.

The Mig-21? The Mig-29 which was supposed to be as good as the F-16s? The Su-30MKI which was supposed to be the "Raptor of the East" if I'm not mistaken,as some of you guys have told me here? Other Air Forces did great with all these aircraft.
so its indians!
so its indians!
The Mig-21 has been used by other Air Forces with good results. Russians,Vietnamese and even Arabs who were usually smashed by the Israeli Air Force.

The Mig-29 was used generally better in other Air Forces.

The Mirage 2000 has been used with excellent results by the HAF,French Air Force,Peru,UAE and Egypt

The Su-30...well doesn't have some crazy combat record,but it's supposed to be better than the Su-27 and Su-30MK and still the Indians blame it now for being a "failure".
Why confused on the F-16 fighter? By 2035 at the latest, both the US and Cn will have launched their next generation fighters. If we have the money to upgrade the F-16, we might as well spend it on buying a 5th generation fighter. Rafale and F16 fighters, no matter how upgraded and improved, will not have the stealth capabilities of the 5th generation fighters. We should look forward and not spend too much on the old platform.

Direct purchase of stealth fighters, no need to upgrade old fighters F16. JF17 fighters all upgraded to block3

France's scientific research capabilities than the United States is far worse, France's stealth fighter is still only the state of the drawings. Do not compare the French fighter with the U.S. fighter. Not in a class, the European engine compared to the U.S. engine is garbage.

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