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Taliban Unleashed Iron Rain Today

They have loads of Type 63s ML.
View attachment 768525

Yes i agree in the first tweet the big explosion was from a B52 bombing raid, well spotted. Nevertheless the Taliban did fire a barage of rocket attacks on kunduz and Talogan.

Regarding Truck mounted MRLs, in the past they had dozens of them,maybe they dug out some!
View attachment 768529

Sir they do not have any MLRS.

Not even a single Type 63s ML is in use, neither they have ammunition for decades old system.

The only range weapons they have are the mortars left by ANDSF, few DC cannons and their own indigenous rockets.
The most destructive weapon they have is VBIED.

They have been very careful not to use heavy weapons in cities. ( Mortars and RPG atmost). In a couple of cities they used DC cannon but for strikes within police headquarters or military compunds ( just recently in Lashkargah and Taluqan).

Only 2 VBIED are used on Police garrison in Lashkargah, to make an opening.

The B 52 and AAF on the other hand have devastated markets, clinics and hospitals. In Lashkar gah they carpet bombed an entire central market and same in kundus. Targeted 4 clinics/hospitals in Lashkargah only.
so you are younger then 35 then ?????????? :lol: you never see pakistan of 90s ?

My neighbour in Karachi, lad who was my childhood friend, died fighting alongside Taliban in Afghanistan during early days of the moment. Talking about Mullah Umar days. Like many karachites in those days, I have given chanda to these young lads outside my local mosque in Karachi, who called themselves Talibans, and if you want to go further, I have seen walk chalking in Karachi saying "long live America" by right wing parties during first Afghan war. Confused? LOL. Feel free to guess my age, but you clearly have no clue what you are talking about and made up your mind reading "stories" from the libtards of Pakistan, kinda give away your age. :D
My neighbour in Karachi, lad who was my childhood friend, died fighting alongside Taliban in Afghanistan during early days of the moment. Talking about Mullah Umar days. Like many karachites in those days, I have given chanda to these young lads outside my local mosque in Karachi, who called themselves Talibans, and if you want to go further, I have seen walk chalking in Karachi saying "long live America" by right wing parties during first Afghan war. Confused? LOL. Feel free to guess my age, but you clearly have no clue what you are talking about and made up your mind reading "stories" from the libtards of Pakistan, kinda give away your age. :D
then you are unfix-able please go to hujj and stop using this site :P
then you are unfix-able please go to hujj and stop using this site :P

Already been, anything else? Lol

Question is, who you are trying to fix with your rants and diatribes, where you dont even know a shit about anything! :D . Blind leading blinds ? Lol

Comparing 90s violence with post 9/11, what a clown! 90s were predominantly political violence induced by arm wings of political parties. Sectarian was only minuscule.
Already been, anything else? Lol

Question is, who you are trying to fix with your rants and diatribes, where you dont even know a shit about anything! :D . Blind leading blinds ? Lol

Comparing 90s violence with post 9/11, what a clown! 90s were predominantly political violence induced by arm wings of political parties. Sectarian was only minuscule.
most of our big fish terrorists were trained and gained at that time . letter became headache for pakistan . should i count ?
most of our big fish terrorists were trained and gained at that time . letter became headache for pakistan . should i count ?

I hope you were not attending kindergarten in 90s.

Have you been in a bus caught in middle of turf fight between two political parties, have you came out of your uni and having to take cover against straing bullets while two "student unions" having a go at each other? Have you lived through curfews? Have you freaking seen people die infront of you because of political rivalry? I have. You talk much non sense, peddling same libturd garbage. None of those political terrorists were religious at all, who used to hijack whole settlements and cities. Sectarian was least of worries, a phenomena which was atleast foreign imposed, a proxy war between saudi and Persians.
I will try to dig out a recent footage that I saw, nevertheless, I may say you are definitely very intelligent, above average from the common reader on this forum. Mashallah
I reckon you will go very far in success.:-)

Thankyou for your kind words.

Just doing my part in the hybrid warfare that is being waged on Pakistan.
When the dust will settle on Afghan lands, then we will see whom fate has chosen for Afghanistan and for her surrounding neighbors.
All we can do right now is praying for the victory of those who will become our strength not problem. Remember that US will flee back to their lands carrying a memory either remorseful or observations for new beginnings but it's us who have to survive with hostile Indians and other elements who don't want to see us economically succeeding or becoming a new trade route.
We have a lot to catch up and whosoever comes into power needs to offer a hand for friendship and the offer to reap economic benefits based on mutual understanding.
I am worried and hopeful at the same time. Remember that nobody in today's era should be trusted and always keep alternative backup plans.
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I hope you were not attending kindergarten in 90s.

Have you been in a bus caught in middle of turf fight between two political parties, have you came out of your uni and having to take cover against straing bullets while two "student unions" having a go at each other? Have you lived through curfews? Have you freaking seen people die infront of you because of political rivalry? I have. You talk much non sense, peddling same libturd garbage. None of those political terrorists were religious at all, who used to hijack whole settlements and cities. Sectarian was least of worries, a phenomena which was atleast foreign imposed, a proxy war between saudi and Persians.
why just one side of pic where is secterian blood bath blasts and killing by religous groups and intra sect fights ? you are posing just one side of picture .
most of our big fish terrorists were trained and gained at that time . letter became headache for pakistan . should i count ?

Sir I will simplify your diatrite on this thread.

You simply cant understand the type of war right now being waged against Pakistan because of your hate for anyone with a beard.

PTM (the so called leftist) TTP (the ISIS affiliate) Achakzai/Kakar, these are all the same. They have all combined against the state of Pakistan.

When they waged war with TTP they failed because they didnt get the media support and because of the nature of that organization never gained much traction. The handlers learned from their mistake, and introduced a leftist organization on ethnic lines and was planning to weaponize it when it reached a critical stage, everything went offcourse when America withdrew and Afghan Taliban emerged.

PTM does the recruiting and logistics for TTP.

Do you not know who nurtures and protects ISKP in Afghanistan ( it is a well known fact), dont you know the purpose of KPF ( the CIA run militia) only along the border with Pakistan, do you not know the links of PTM with NDS, do you not know about Achakzai and kakar?

The emergence of Afghan Taliban and American withdrawl gave Pakistan a second chance, a breather to clear your own house.

PTM pisteen in his jalsa explicitly told not to talk against TTP, TTP itself has combined with ISKP under a single flag. ( Mind you Afghan Taliban fought a brutal war against ISKP in Afghanistan and CIA airlifted their leaders when they were cornered by Afghan Taliban).

While most of Pakistan was cheering when America killed some TTP leader in drone strike, it was not because of love for Pakistan instead those leaders deviated from their purpose and participated with Afghan Taliban in joint attacks against ANDSF so they were replaced.

TTP came into being when Hakimullah was recruited and released from American prison after 2 yrs. TTP was the American stick to keep us in check so we dont support Afghan Taliban and behave like an American ally. Both CIA and RAW collaborated. NDS is nothing but a joint wing of CIA and RAW. America even let Afghanistan border and withdrew its troops during Pakistan operarion against TTP so they can easily cross over and take refuge in Afghanistan ( At that time Afghan Taliban were weak and barely controlled any border area).
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Sir I will simplify your diatrite on this thread.

You simply cant understand the type of war right now being waged against Pakistan because of your hate for anyone with a beard.

PTM (the so called leftist) TTP (the ISIS affiliate) Achakzai/Kakar, these are all the same. They have all combined against the state of Pakistan.

When they waged war with TTP they failed because they didnt get the media support and because of the nature of that organization never gained much traction. The handlers learned from their mistake, and introduced a leftist organization on ethnic lines and was planning to weaponize it when it reached a critical stage, everything went offcourse when America withdrew and Afghan Taliban emerged.

PTM does the recruiting and logistics for TTP.

Do you not know who nurtures and protects ISKP in Afghanistan ( it is a well known fact), dont you know the purpose of KPF ( the CIA run militia) only along the border with Pakistan, do you not know the links of PTM with NDS, do you not know about Achakzai and kakar?

The emergence of Afghan Taliban and American withdrawl gave Pakistan a second chance, a breather to clear your own house.

PTM pisteen in his jalsa explicitly told not to talk against TTP, TTP itself has combined with ISKP under a single flag. ( Mind you Afghan Taliban fought a brutal war against ISKP in Afghanistan and CIA airlifted their leaders when they were cornered by Afghan Taliban).
sir did you read recent report that ttp and taliban relations are as good as past ? ttp is inspired wing of talis
sir did you read recent report that ttp and taliban relations are as good as past ? ttp is inspired wing of talis

Please read my entire post.

Just 2 questions?

Why is TTP using ISKP flag instead of Afghan Taliban? (Afghan Taliban and ISKP and brutal opponents, Afghan Taliban offer amnesty to regime soldiers but they behead any ISKP, they lost some of their best commanders in fight against ISKP).

Why does PTM not talk against or condemn TTP and openly criticize Afghan Taliban?

I am waiting for your answer.

Whatever relation Afghan Taliban had with TTP were out of necessicity nothing which a little convincing cant overcome. What Afghan Taliban will need more than anyrhing is recognition by not only Pakistan but other regional players like China and stability and economic surety if they come to power with force to keep people content. ( America and west and their allies will impose sanctions on them for sure). Pakistan has to play its cards right.
Afghan Taliban has explicitly said that they will not interfere in other countries and will not allow anyone to use their land against any other country repeatedly. ( i think they have learned their lesson after 9/11). Do not confuse them with a religious mob, they are a highly mature efficient and disciplined organization, 100 times more than current sellouts and foreign puppets. You are more likely to reach an understanding with them rather than the current shits ruling Afghanistan.
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why just one side of pic where is secterian blood bath blasts and killing by religous groups and intra sect fights ? you are posing just one side of picture .

And I have already told you, sectarian violence, rather proxy war, was the result of our "brother" Muslim countries settling their scores on our soil and try spreading their version of sect. You are barking against the wrong tree and confusing things.

Put it this way, likes of Riyaz Basra is like a new kid on the block in comparison to Uzair Baluch and his kind. Guess what, is a libturd , representing a liberal political party of Pakistan.

In this day and age, if people are still selling this expired chorun of Mullah and religion being the sole reason of Pakistan internal issues, those people have mental block or just peddling agenda at the expense of Pakistan.

Regarding Taliban, for any Pakistani, the only issue for us is their pledge that they wont allow Afghan soil to be used against Pakistan, and that is where the penny drops. Non of my concern as to how they rule their soil. Their lands, their rules.
Please read my entire post.

Just 2 questions?

Why is TTP using ISKP flag instead of Afghan Taliban? (Afghan Taliban and ISKP and brutal opponents, Afghan Taliban offer amnesty to regime soldiers but they behead any ISKP, they lost some of their best commanders in fight against ISKP).

Why does PTM not talk against or condemn TTP and openly criticize Afghan Taliban?

I am waiting for your answer.

Whatever relation Afghan Taliban had with TTP were out of necessicity nothing which a little convincing cant overcome. What Afghan Taliban will need more than anyrhing is recognition by not only Pakistan but other regional players like China and stability and economic surety if they come to power with force to keep people content. ( America and west and their allies will impose sanctions on them for sure). Pakistan has to play its cards right.
Afghan Taliban has explicitly said that they will not interfere in other countries and will not allow anyone to use their land against any other country repeatedly. ( i think they have learned their lesson after 9/11). Do not confuse them with a religious mob, they are a highly mature efficient and disciplined organization, 100 times more than current sellouts and foreign puppets. You are more likely to reach an understanding with them rather than the current shits ruling Afghanistan.
yeah we see how much mature and scientists they are sir time will tell how badly pakistan will effect with a ruling terrorist group next door . abhi ap log khushiyan mana lo .

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