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Taliban Unleashed Iron Rain Today

so now may be few pakistanis will have been satisfied . what a sad day . afghanistan is going back to 90s and pakistan willl be effected from this mess very badly .

What if the the ANA used these against the Taliban? Would that be justified? These batteries were most likely snatched from ANA to begin with. In other words, ANA intended to use them against the Taliban. Now when the roles are reserved it has become a crime against humanity.

Oh by the way, the Afghan air force also bombs its own country when it goes after the Taliban.
stupid people burning and destroying own country killing own citizens . its jehad ????????? really ?

It is war man. It takes two to tango. The Northern Alliance pedo brigade has committed far worse human rights abuses even when in power without firing a single bullet. Afghan boys get raped because ANA soldiers think it is Afghan tradition. Clans get massacred to settle scores.

Talk about raping and buring your own country.
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If it's your opinion then sad to say you are very wrong ..If you are friend of these then their idea will seep to your society ..If they are your enemies then their ideas will blaze your society , either way they are dangerous to any society and need to be educated if not possible then eliminated for greater good ..Americans did good job so far but their exit made these monsters to resurface again ..

No need to shed crocodile tears Indian enemy. Your side lost and ours won. That is how it goes in competition. One loses the other wins.

Did you really think we would allow you to sit on the other side of the border to destabalise Pakistan? Think again. Now that your US/NATO buddies are on the run, your ANA pedo soldiers can only fire shots from across the border.
foregn invadors came because of talibans too do you forget ? ohh sorry
and since foregn invadors left taliban are busy to take on country with gun power and rule it enjoy billions of dollars and follow own agenda . nothing is holy here . its same as TTP and other groups want to take on pakistan but they cant because we have strong army . all you pakistanis want to punish ANA and afghan gov because its chain of hate between yu and them nothing more .
foreign invaders came because they had the power to do so. taliban did offer to hand over osama bin ladin to a neutral country, and the usa could prosecute him there. but since the usa is a superpwoer, and it can do what it wants, it ignored the offer and attacked afghanistan.
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I think the issue isn't whether the Taliban are good or not. Even if one says they are evil, they are, as far as Pakistanis are concerned, lesser of the two evil.

The Pakistanis that are happy at the prospect of the Taliban takeover are happy because the Taliban are replacing a declared Indian ally and an open enemy of Pakistan.

The option is ANA and the Taliban. That's it. Between these the Taliban seem like a much better alternative to ANA as far as Pakistan is concerned.

As for the Taliban and Afghanistan, if the Taliban didn't have widespread support in Afghanistan, they wouldn't have survived the NATO occupation for two decades. The speed of their conquest also suggests sone level of support in the country.
Thank you for explaining the facts that so many landay ke liberals fail to comprehend.
foreign invaders came because they had the power to do so. taliban did offer to hand over osama bin ladin to a neutral country, and the usa could prosecute him there. but since the usa is a superpwoer, and it can do what it wants, it ignored the offer and attacked afghanistan.
the core issue is extreamism . are you agree to handover a country to terrorist group like taliban ? will any sane human give their own country to taliban for rule sir ?
the core issue is extreamism . are you agree to handover a country to terrorist group like taliban ? will any sane human give their own country to taliban for rule sir ?

Don't for a minute think that US/NATO and Indian pedo warlords are progressive in any way. What rivers of honey were there flowing for the past 20 years in Afghanistan when the puppet government was ruling?

Let's stop this nonsense. One side lost the war and is now trying to wage a propaganda war to somehow feel good about itself. We all know the truth. This wasn't about rooting out extremism or bringing democracy to Afghanistan. It was about other things we all know.

The losing side will eventually get over the sour grapes. Vietnam was no different.
Don't for a minute think that US/NATO and Indian pedo warlords are progressive in any way. What rivers of honey were there flowing for the past 20 years in Afghanistan when the puppet government was ruling?

Let's stop this nonsense. One side lost the war and is now trying to wage a propaganda war to somehow feel good about itself. We all know the truth. This wasn't about rooting out extremism or bringing democracy to Afghanistan. It was about other things we all know.

The losing side will eventually get over the sour grapes. Vietnam was no different.
well i would say please check at least some youtube videos of afghan cities . that is why many went back and never came because at least a poor but liveable place it was despite countinue terror attacks by taliban . lets see how afghanistan will turn with rivers of honey and milk under taliban . do you remebr food shortage of 1998 ? people were dying with hunger under taliban back then .
how easy it is for you to explain destroying a country and giving it to terrorists . will you do the same for TTP too sir ?
What fucking terrorists?? Afghan Taliban best fit in the definition of freedom fighters .
As I've told you earlier comparing TTP with afghan taliban is like comparing apples with oranges. But you are too thick and dumb to understand that.
Why you are speaking the agenda of western and godi media is beyond me.
What fucking terrorists?? Afghan Taliban best fit in the definition of freedom fighters .
As I've told you earlier comparing TTP with afghan taliban is like comparing apples with oranges. But you are too thick and dumb to understand that.
Why you are speaking the agenda of western and godi media is beyond me.
your defination of terrorist is so cute sir :lol: if taliban are not terrorists then whom else it ? you pakistanis went too far in hate of ANA and afghan gov that cant see a terrorist group capturing country with gun power . other side when same was done to you guys in just swat valley janab ki cheekheen asmaan tak ja rahi theen :P
well i would say please check at least some youtube videos of afghan cities . that is why many went back and never came because at least a poor but liveable place it was despite countinue terror attacks by taliban . lets see how afghanistan will turn with rivers of honey and milk under taliban . do you remebr food shortage of 1998 ? people were dying with hunger under taliban back then .

Don't worry. We have a Marshall plan for Afghanistan through China. Even US/NATO combined cannot offer to Afghanistan what China alone can.
No need to shed crocodile tears Indian enemy. Your side lost and ours won. That is how it goes in competition. One loses the other wins.

Did you really think we would allow you to sit on the other side of the border to destabalise Pakistan? Think again. Now that your US/NATO buddies are on the run, your ANA pedo soldiers can only fire shots from across the border.
Intelligent people not only act but calculate consequences of their action ..If you think Taliban will give you stability then all the best..
Don't worry. We have a Marshall plan for Afghanistan through China. Even US/NATO combined cannot offer to Afghanistan what China alone can.
ab china ki bari hai kya ?????????? :hitwall: :lol:
blast in Quetta again , near Serina Hotel. more to come unfortunately.
people who are celebrating the Taliban victories in Pakistan forget that these taliban have same ideology and faith like Daesh and TTP and its actually TTP that is excited and rubbing hands with excitement over the prospect of full scale civil war in Afghanistan that will spill over into Pakistan and give TTP and Daesh a chance to target Pakistan

Thank you saying this, I said the exact same thing here and I was issued a "soft" warning by a Mod.

It's not about choosing the lesser of two evils here, it's about looking at the future with an entity like Taliban in power in Afghanistan. It will have a fallout effect on us, like the 90s.

Pakistan and Pakistanis should just let the Afghans battle it out, those who support Taliban victory should be retrospect a bit.
Pakistan didn't bomb Peshawar like Kabul regime. Also Pakistan didn't ask American B52 to bomb its territory
really sir ? pakistan bombed every city village where TTP was should we post here ? every gov do so to be safe for terror .
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