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Turkish president speaks with Israeli PM, discusses high potential for cooperation

Inappropriate Language
Honestly, In international arena Turkey represents a hoe.

This old friend of Jews in Islamic world knows how to abuse feelings of Muslim masses in favor of NATO interests. People like him are of no concern for being a minority, problem is the people that put their faith in these hypocrites.
Haha if persian mullahs can cut deals east and west with the great satan when it suits them, Erdogan sure as hell can. Even stevens as they say. It's all good
What you expect Erdogan to do As Israeli mass murder of Palestinian people illigali occupying their land for years declare war against Israel? When all arab monarchy are not doing anything fruitful to Palestinian, expecting anything dramatic from turkey is not justified.
probably related to the eastern Mediterranean, and the recent Egyptian greek and Israeli gas exploration and pipeline talk, probably to deconflict things, and a reset after netanyahu leaving. People make too much out of such things.
Waiting for Sultan Erdog fans rushing up and telling how important it is to talk with Israel if you wanna help Palestinians

and what are you doing to help palestinians besides writing snarky comments?
The Palestine populace are doing a great service serving up their lives while trying to protect the 3rd holiest site in Islam, if only we Muslims as a collective were strong enough to help them, i thank them, regardless of all the politics (negative or positive) that goes on behind the scenes!
The Palestine populace are doing a great service serving up their lives while trying to protect the 3rd holiest site in Islam, if only we Muslims as a collective were strong enough to help them, i thank them, regardless of all the politics (negative or positive) that goes on behind the scenes!

Honestly, the Palestinians should just lay down arms and talk about a merger with Israel, with some sort of rights as Israeli citizens. We all know they will not be getting any sort of deal in which a viable state can be established. What they have has been cut up into pieces and segregated from one another they are living in a ghetto environment.

This conflict was lost long time ago politically, strategically and militarily. It’s just become a waste of life as it stands.

Their is no benefit of this land to keep fighting for.
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there are huge oil and gas reserves in mediterrain sea. greece ,israel and egypt and france try to exclude turkey . turkey paid 60 milliar dollar oil and gas every year.iranian mullahs sell to turkey oil and gas more expensive than russians . turkey have economic crises right now if qatar didnt support turkey financially turkey had collapsed right now. if turkey have oil then turkey will be another level
greece israel egypt agrrement

you can watch israel,egypt , greece game
if israel dont accept the offer than turkey signal turkey- palestina sea authority aggrement but there is still time for this

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Waiting for Sultan Erdog fans rushing up and telling how important it is to talk with Israel if you wanna help Palestinians
yea first imam obama, after that imam putin rigtnow imam is shi jin ping go on they are angel but muslim erdoğan is evil lol .turks have only fault they can not developed nuclear weapons
serbian people are more aware than pakistanis and iranians. they know erdogan's fight even serbian president vucic had said there is no such half love against me
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Honestly, In international arena Turkey represents a hoe.

This old friend of Jews in Islamic world knows how to abuse feelings of Muslim masses in favor of NATO interests. People like him are of no concern for being a minority, problem is the people that put their faith in these hypocrites.

I have issued you a warning for this post and not deleted it so others can see why. Calling countries names like this is not appropriate at all. The same barometer by which you are measuring Turkey can be applied on Iran as well. Iran has been close buddies with India for decades despite Indias open tilt towards the Zionist state as well as its domestic persecution of Muslims within its border (sunni and shia alike https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020...guns-on-kashmir-muharram-procession-witnesses). Should we call Iran the same name that you put on Turkey now? Or Pakistan for that matter? All countries have their own interests and juggle them accordingly.
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