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Pakistan appreciates US govt's provision of essential supplies - MoFA Pakistan .

What is with u people and seguay the topic of conversation when u lose an arguement. Just admit u were wrong, learned something and be over it. But no let’s quickly change the topic so I don’t feel humiliated

The money was already paid to u guys
No topic is straight forward USA hasnt paid CSF worth 13 billion dollars?
There is no two opinions because its fact

Over 4b dollars of approve funds have been withheld

As for the past f16, they were paid for and over 500m dollars were not paid back to pakistan
Lol really “kiddo” you ran out of things to say and I am the broke record

maybe that’s true in the fantasy world where countries are begging pakistan right lololol or or where you’re the ultimate power and a thriving economy lol

LOL run off from opiumland. You are nothing. We kicked your butt and we are not done yet.

China, Pakistan, Iran and Russia LOL
No topic is straight forward USA hasnt paid CSF worth 13 billion dollars?
There is no two opinions because its fact

Over 4b dollars of approve funds have been withheld

As for the past f16, they were paid for and over 500m dollars were not paid back to pakistan

Nope, $2 billion is already dispersed and $2 billion as the vaccines

and CSF? Could you clarify more

Pakistan paid $463 million, after shipment and adjustments u were returned back $320 million + $60 millioin wheat + MLU upgrades + Free Block 52s
Nope, $2 billion is already dispersed and $2 billion as the vaccines

and CSF? Could you clarify more

Pakistan paid $463 million, after shipment and adjustments u were returned back $320 million + $60 millioin wheat + MLU upgrades + Free Block 52s

LOL look at him accounting. Pathetic. You forgot some cents in there.

Kiddo, scream and shout all you like. You lost.
LOL run off from opiumland. You are nothing. We kicked your butt and we are not done yet.

China, Pakistan, Iran and Russia LOL

sure in your fantasy world right.... where ur not begging.... your kicking superpowers.... where your country didnt Got broken in 2.... where other countries come and beg you... where you’re giving loans to the IMF LOL

might want to check urself for opium OD lol
more than 100k afghans have been killed by Americans and NATO
and there were 3,502 coalition deaths in Afghanistan including accident/natural causes etc.
Fair, but then it should be attribute that “coalition” lost. If the attribution is to the US then the killing should be to the US as well
sure in your fantasy world right.... where ur not begging.... your kicking superpowers.... where your country didnt Got broken in 2.... where other countries come and beg you

might want to check urself for opium OD lol
street shitter accent spotted, okay I'll be respecfull and promote him to pajeethood. since arriving in the US must have learnt the use of a potty
street shitter accent spotted, okay I'll be respecfull and promote him to pajeethood. since arriving in the US must have learnt the use of a potty

oh Son feel free to shit on Indians...and as a side note for ur illiterate *** you can’t judge an “accent” via writing you can judge “vernacular”
Fair, but then it should be attribute that “coalition” lost. If the attribution is to the US then the killing should be to the US as well
no one lost, neither the US nor the coalition. game is still afoot my dear bharati
no one lost, neither the US nor the coalition. game is still afoot my dear bharati

what no Indian slurs this time?? And yeah not like Pakistani where US “lost” when it suits you and not “lost” when it suits.

Afghanistan is a lost cause. It leveled 7 empires before it and now the coalition of most of the world tried fixing it but you can’t. Frankly it’s a blessing that US didn’t got destroyed entirely as an empire there

The objective of changing to a new govt is a loss for US. US didn’t went their to see how many more talibans it could kill vs it’s military the point was to change govt and the system
what no Indian slurs this time?? And yeah not like Pakistani where US “lost” when it suits you and not “lost” when it suits.

Afghanistan is a lost cause. It leveled 7 empires before it and now the coalition of most of the world tried fixing it but you can’t. Frankly it’s a blessing that US didn’t got destroyed entirely as an empire there

The objective of changing to a new govt is a loss for US. US didn’t went their to see how many more talibans it could kill vs it’s military the point was to change govt and the system
find me a post where I said the US lost. I keep telling you retards that it never loses.
find me a post where I said the US lost. I keep telling you retards that it never looses.

it’s also a difference of mindset. A lot of people here believe that if u kill more of the opponents forces then you won the war. They look at tactical damage

We look at objective trend. Whether we loose more or less me have the objective been completed
Objective wise: US is pulling out of Afghanistan by September it could not introduce democracy, the government it set up was not hailed by the afghan population and it could not teach afghan forces to fight effectively

US wanted to win an insurgency and an insurgency have never been won in the history of mankind

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