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The Turkic Council, 2040 Vision: Turkic Council eyes forming 'united states of Turkic world'


Feb 25, 2021
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Turkic Council eyes forming 'united states of Turkic world'

Turkic world leaders to meet virtually ahead of official summit planned to be held in Istanbul during sometime in autumn
Merve Aydogan |30.03.2021

Turkic Council eyes forming 'united states of Turkic world'
Secretary-General of the Turkic Council Baghdad Amreyev speaks during an exclusive interview in Istanbul, Turkey on March 29, 2021. The intergovernmental organization of Turkic-Speaking States is set to virtually hold an informal summit on March 31, which would prepare the group for an upcoming official summit in Istanbul. ( Elif Öztürk - Anadolu Agency )


The intergovernmental organization of Turkic-Speaking States is set to virtually hold an informal summit on March 31, which would prepare the group for an upcoming official summit in Istanbul.

Speaking ahead of the informal meeting exclusively for Anadolu Agency, Secretary-General of the Turkic Council Baghdad Amreyev told the meeting was decided to be held virtually due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Telling that the Turkic Council aims for a united state of the Turkic world, Amreyev said the presidents of Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan are to attend the upcoming summit.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban is to attend with observer country status as an official from Turkmenistan to attend as well.

"It's the first summit of Turkic leaders, after the [Azerbaijan's] Karabakh victory. That's why the significance of this meeting is grown in the eyes of the public," Amreyev said while adding that the "meeting is going to be an essential point in our efforts for strengthening the unity of Turkic World."

On the summit's agenda, the Secretary-General of the Council said Kazakhstan's ancient city of Turkistan is to be declared as the spiritual center of the Turkic world.

The city with 2,000 years of history was Kazakh Khanate's capital in the 16th to 18th centuries.

Turkistan, where the well-known Sufi sheik Khoja Akhmet Yassawi lived in the 11th century and was buried there after his death, played an essential role in Central Asia's Islamization.

It was one of the spiritual, political and commercial centers of the historical Silk Way and started to revitalize after 1991 when Kazakhstan gained independence from the Soviet Union.

"We know the significance of this city [Turkistan] for the whole Islamic world," Amreyev said while adding that other cities in the Turkic world "like Istanbul, Samarkand, Bukhara, Shusha, Baku, Almaty" in the future may also receive special status.

'Turkic countries to participate in the rehabilitation of Karabakh'

Furthermore, multilateral cooperation, the situation in the region and the world, ways of strengthening cooperation with neighboring countries and international partners of Turkic Council member states are also to be addressed during the informal summit.

As the meeting will be the first gathering of all Turkic Council leaders following Azerbaijan's Karabakh victory, Amreyev said the Council's leaders "will show solidarity efforts towards rehabilitation to reconstruct the liberated territory of Karabakh… Our leaders will exchange views."

He said that "another also important point is the participation of our private sector in rehabilitation works in the liberated territories of Azerbaijan. We are going to convene the business forum in Baku at the end of April to discuss ways of using the potential of our private sector [towards the rebuilding of liberated lands in Karabakh]."

The former Soviet republics of Armenia and Azerbaijan experienced tense relations for almost three decades after the Armenian military started occupying Nagorno-Karabakh, internationally recognized as Azerbaijani territory, and seven adjacent regions, in 1991.

When new clashes erupted on Sept. 27, the Armenian army launched attacks on civilians and Azerbaijani forces and violated several humanitarian cease-fire agreements.

Azerbaijan liberated several cities and nearly 300 settlements and villages from the nearly three-decade-long occupation during the 44-day conflict.

Despite the Nov. 10 deal, the Armenian army several times violated the agreement and martyred several Azerbaijani soldiers and a civilian, as well as wounded several others, according to the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry.

The Council under the Secretary-General's leadership has prepared "Turkic Council Strategy 2020-2025 and Turkic World Vision-2040," which are to be addressed during the informal gathering on Wednesday, Ameryev said.

With Turkic World Vision- 2040, "which constitutes our roadmap until 2040, we aim for stronger foreign policy coordination, Security cooperation, signing Free Trade Agreements, opening borders in transportation, and strong cooperation between our countries with the language and alphabet in particular," he said.

Describing the 2020-2025 and 2040 documents as roadmaps for the Turkic Council's cooperation towards the future, Ameryev hopes to for the member states' leaders to adopt the documents during the formal Summit at Istanbul in autumn as he said the documents would "shape the future of the Turkic world, especially focuses on strengthening economic ties between our member states, reaching the preferential trade agreement."

Besides establishing an FTA among Turkic Council member states, Ameryev added that "establishing additional mechanisms of our economic cooperation" is also on the agenda.

'Over ten countries seek observer status'

Telling that the Turkic investment fund is close to being finalized, he noted that the fund is a "very important financial instrument to support many of our small and medium-sized enterprises."

He further said that the Council is "focusing on developing the existing transportation routes," and said, "that's why we started last year, the realization of a 'green corridor' between our countries through Azerbaijan."

The 'green corridor' is known as an international fast-track transport line for essential goods.

"In general, the Turkic Council does its best to develop multilateral cooperation in the fields of political, economy, science, culture and education, military, law, environment, energy, transportation, investment and finance," he said.

On Turkey's taking term presidency from Azerbaijan by holding the Summit of Turkic Council this year, Ameryev hailed Turkey's position in the Council and told the country has "always played a very important role in strengthening our cooperation in all fields."

"I think that Turkey will continue to play a leading role in consolidating unity and cooperation," he added.

In response to a question on Ukraine's request to receive observer status at the Council, Ameryev told the Council is "considering now requests that came from our international partners. More than ten countries expressed their intention and wish to be to have observer status."

"Now we have only one observer country, which is Hungary. In the future, we'll be having, of course, more observers in our organization. We are currently finalizing the regulations on the topic of observer countries. After it is completed, possibly some time in autumn Summit, we will be able to start to receive observers," he added.

The Turkic Council's Vision 2040 includes political, economic, military and cultural integration activities. Featured titles are:

  • Stronger foreign policy coordination (uniting around common interests)
  • Security cooperation (Joint security concept, joint army)
  • Free trade /customs union (economic union)
  • Open borders amongst member states (social integration)
  • Language and alphabet cooperation (cultural unity)

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Turkistan Declaration of the Informal Summit of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States
Informal Summit of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States (hereinafter referred to as the Turkic Council) was held via videoconference on 31 March 2021 on the theme of “Turkistan – A Spiritual Capital of the Turkic World”.

The meeting was presided over by H.E. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and attended by H.E. Nursultan Nazarbayev, First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy and the Honorary Chairman of the Turkic Council, H.E. Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, H.E. Sadyr Zhaparov, President of the Kyrgyz Republic, H.E. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of the Republic of Turkey, H.E. Shavkat Mirziyoyev, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, H.E. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, President of Turkmenistan, and H.E. Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary as well as H.E. Baghdad Amreyev Secretary General of the Turkic Council.

The Heads of States of the Turkic Council,

Celebrating Nowruz, a holiday which welcomes the vernal equinox and symbolizes the renewal of nature and the beginning of new life;

Congratulating the upcoming 30th anniversary of the restoration of the independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan; and expressing gratitude to the Republic of Turkey for immediate recognition of independence of the Turkic Speaking States in 1991;

Highlighting the remarkable political and socio-economic progress that the Turkic Speaking States achieved during the last decades and highly valuing the evolution of multilateral relations in the Turkic World and expressing their strong commitment to further deepening cooperation among the Turkic States;

Commending the liberation of territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan from military occupation and welcoming the end of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict;

Reiterating their determination to lay down long-term vision and goals for closer cooperation and enhanced solidarity in the Turkic World and to shape the strategic orientation;

Emphasizing the valuable achievements of the Turkic Council since its inception and reaffirming the intention to enhance its role in ensuring cooperative and coordinated action in the Turkic World and further promoting the values and interests of the Turkic World in the regional and international arena;

Underlining the significance of the multilateral economic cooperation as a tool for contribution to the peace, stability, security and prosperity for the benefit of their peoples;

Acknowledging the spiritual significance of the city of Turkistan in bringing peoples together from across the wider Turkic World;
Praising the heritage of Kozha Akhmet Yasavi as a great inspirational figure, who founded Turkic school of Islamic morality and exerted a powerful influence on the development of philosophy across the Turkic World;

Expressing the importance of continuation of holding consultations on regional and international issues affecting the interests of the Turkic World in order to develop a consolidated position of the Member States of the Organization on them in line with the Nakhchivan Agreement on the Establishment of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States.

Declared that they:

1. Proclaimed the city of Turkistan as a Spiritual Capital of the Turkic World. Agreed that other prominent ancient cities of the Turkic World might be accorded with similar statuses on a rotating basis in the future; and instructed the Secretariat to prepare a regulation on this matter in cooperation with the Member States to be adopted by the Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) prior to the 8th Turkic Council Summit in Turkey;

2. Supported the initiative of H.E. Nursultan Nazarbayev, First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy and the Honorary Chairman of the Turkic Council to change the name of the Turkic Council and instructed the Foreign Ministers and the Secretariat to prepare the relevant documents to lay the basis for this decision at the 8th Summit of the Turkic Council envisaged to be held in the fall of 2021 in the Republic of Turkey;

3. Commended the Secretariat for the preparation of the initial drafts of the “Turkic World Vision -2040” and “Turkic Council Strategy 2020-2025”, and instructed the relevant authorities of the Member States to work with the Secretariat to prepare them for the possible approval in line with their respective national procedures at the next Summit in Turkey;

4. Expressed solidarity with the Government and the People of Azerbaijan in their effort to rehabilitate, rebuild and reintegrate conflict-affected territories and supported the normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan on the basis of mutual recognition of and respect for each other’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of internationally recognized borders;

5. Stressed the importance of the economic outlook for enabling the Turkic Council to set more ambitious and achievable goals, undertake and effectively implement regional projects of strategic importance, in particular in the field of transport, customs, energy and infrastructure;

6. Noting the great merits of the famous poet and statesman Mir Alisher Navoi in the eye of the Turkic people, who made a great contribution to the development of the literature, art, social-economic, scientific and cultural life of the Turkic world, as well as in connection with the wide celebration of his 580th anniversary this year, agreed to establish the Alisher Navoi International Prize within the Turkic Council;

7. Instructed the relevant authorities of the Member States to hold in collaboration with the Turkic Cooperation Organizations coordinated events for celebration of the 1005th anniversary of Zhusup Balasagyn, 880th anniversary of Nizami Ganjavi, the year of Yunus Emre and the Turkish language, the 580th anniversary of Alisher Navoi, 175th anniversary of Zhambyl Zhabayev, 155th anniversary of Alikhan Bokeikhan, and the 120th anniversary of Huseyin Karasaev, prominent poets, philosophers and statesmen of the Turkic World who made significant contributions to the development of literature, art, science and culture of the Turkic World;

8. Commended the significant achievements in the activities of the Secretariat of the Turkic Council since the last Summit.

The Heads of States express profound thanks to H.E. Nursultan Nazarbayev, First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy and the Honorary Chairman of the Turkic Council for initiating the Turkistan Informal Summit and H.E. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan for steering the deliberations at this meeting to a successful conclusion.

Adopted on 31 March 2021 at the videoconference in the Azerbaijani, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Turkish and Uzbek languages.

NEWS DATE: 31.03.2021
It seems like they are adopting free of movement amongst them like the EU

Azerbaijani and Turkish citizens may mutually travel with ID cards from today

Protocol #1 between the government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of the Republic of Turkey "On making an amendment to the treaty signed on February 25, 2020, in Baku on mutual visa exemption between the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of the Republic of Turkey" comes into force from April 1, APA reports.

This has a great potential. However all three US/China/Russia will work against this development.

The turkic council has existed for 29*years it is like going against the GCC or EU.. It is not exactly a new council they just upgraded cooperation they always have existed for the last 29 years.. There is not much you can do about an ethnic brotherhood nation union that that has existed for almost 3 decades.. It is not exactly a development as you put it
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The turkic council has existed for 29*years it is like going against the GCC or EU.. It is not exactly a new council they just upgraded cooperation they always have existed for the last 29 years

Even the earth was not created in a day. We have come a long way so far and we entered the second 20-year phase.
Turkic Council eyes forming 'united states of Turkic world'

Turkic world leaders to meet virtually ahead of official summit planned to be held in Istanbul during sometime in autumn
Merve Aydogan |30.03.2021

Turkic Council eyes forming 'united states of Turkic world''united states of Turkic world'
Secretary-General of the Turkic Council Baghdad Amreyev speaks during an exclusive interview in Istanbul, Turkey on March 29, 2021. The intergovernmental organization of Turkic-Speaking States is set to virtually hold an informal summit on March 31, which would prepare the group for an upcoming official summit in Istanbul. ( Elif Öztürk - Anadolu Agency )


The intergovernmental organization of Turkic-Speaking States is set to virtually hold an informal summit on March 31, which would prepare the group for an upcoming official summit in Istanbul.

Speaking ahead of the informal meeting exclusively for Anadolu Agency, Secretary-General of the Turkic Council Baghdad Amreyev told the meeting was decided to be held virtually due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Telling that the Turkic Council aims for a united state of the Turkic world, Amreyev said the presidents of Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan are to attend the upcoming summit.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban is to attend with observer country status as an official from Turkmenistan to attend as well.

"It's the first summit of Turkic leaders, after the [Azerbaijan's] Karabakh victory. That's why the significance of this meeting is grown in the eyes of the public," Amreyev said while adding that the "meeting is going to be an essential point in our efforts for strengthening the unity of Turkic World."

On the summit's agenda, the Secretary-General of the Council said Kazakhstan's ancient city of Turkistan is to be declared as the spiritual center of the Turkic world.

The city with 2,000 years of history was Kazakh Khanate's capital in the 16th to 18th centuries.

Turkistan, where the well-known Sufi sheik Khoja Akhmet Yassawi lived in the 11th century and was buried there after his death, played an essential role in Central Asia's Islamization.

It was one of the spiritual, political and commercial centers of the historical Silk Way and started to revitalize after 1991 when Kazakhstan gained independence from the Soviet Union.

"We know the significance of this city [Turkistan] for the whole Islamic world," Amreyev said while adding that other cities in the Turkic world "like Istanbul, Samarkand, Bukhara, Shusha, Baku, Almaty" in the future may also receive special status.

'Turkic countries to participate in the rehabilitation of Karabakh'

Furthermore, multilateral cooperation, the situation in the region and the world, ways of strengthening cooperation with neighboring countries and international partners of Turkic Council member states are also to be addressed during the informal summit.

As the meeting will be the first gathering of all Turkic Council leaders following Azerbaijan's Karabakh victory, Amreyev said the Council's leaders "will show solidarity efforts towards rehabilitation to reconstruct the liberated territory of Karabakh… Our leaders will exchange views."

He said that "another also important point is the participation of our private sector in rehabilitation works in the liberated territories of Azerbaijan. We are going to convene the business forum in Baku at the end of April to discuss ways of using the potential of our private sector [towards the rebuilding of liberated lands in Karabakh]."

The former Soviet republics of Armenia and Azerbaijan experienced tense relations for almost three decades after the Armenian military started occupying Nagorno-Karabakh, internationally recognized as Azerbaijani territory, and seven adjacent regions, in 1991.

When new clashes erupted on Sept. 27, the Armenian army launched attacks on civilians and Azerbaijani forces and violated several humanitarian cease-fire agreements.

Azerbaijan liberated several cities and nearly 300 settlements and villages from the nearly three-decade-long occupation during the 44-day conflict.

Despite the Nov. 10 deal, the Armenian army several times violated the agreement and martyred several Azerbaijani soldiers and a civilian, as well as wounded several others, according to the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry.

The Council under the Secretary-General's leadership has prepared "Turkic Council Strategy 2020-2025 and Turkic World Vision-2040," which are to be addressed during the informal gathering on Wednesday, Ameryev said.

With Turkic World Vision- 2040, "which constitutes our roadmap until 2040, we aim for stronger foreign policy coordination, Security cooperation, signing Free Trade Agreements, opening borders in transportation, and strong cooperation between our countries with the language and alphabet in particular," he said.

Describing the 2020-2025 and 2040 documents as roadmaps for the Turkic Council's cooperation towards the future, Ameryev hopes to for the member states' leaders to adopt the documents during the formal Summit at Istanbul in autumn as he said the documents would "shape the future of the Turkic world, especially focuses on strengthening economic ties between our member states, reaching the preferential trade agreement."

Besides establishing an FTA among Turkic Council member states, Ameryev added that "establishing additional mechanisms of our economic cooperation" is also on the agenda.

'Over ten countries seek observer status'

Telling that the Turkic investment fund is close to being finalized, he noted that the fund is a "very important financial instrument to support many of our small and medium-sized enterprises."

He further said that the Council is "focusing on developing the existing transportation routes," and said, "that's why we started last year, the realization of a 'green corridor' between our countries through Azerbaijan."

The 'green corridor' is known as an international fast-track transport line for essential goods.

"In general, the Turkic Council does its best to develop multilateral cooperation in the fields of political, economy, science, culture and education, military, law, environment, energy, transportation, investment and finance," he said.

On Turkey's taking term presidency from Azerbaijan by holding the Summit of Turkic Council this year, Ameryev hailed Turkey's position in the Council and told the country has "always played a very important role in strengthening our cooperation in all fields."

"I think that Turkey will continue to play a leading role in consolidating unity and cooperation," he added.

In response to a question on Ukraine's request to receive observer status at the Council, Ameryev told the Council is "considering now requests that came from our international partners. More than ten countries expressed their intention and wish to be to have observer status."

"Now we have only one observer country, which is Hungary. In the future, we'll be having, of course, more observers in our organization. We are currently finalizing the regulations on the topic of observer countries. After it is completed, possibly some time in autumn Summit, we will be able to start to receive observers," he added.

The Turkic Council's Vision 2040 includes political, economic, military and cultural integration activities. Featured titles are:

  • Stronger foreign policy coordination (uniting around common interests)
  • Security cooperation (Joint security concept, joint army)
  • Free trade /customs union (economic union)
  • Open borders amongst member states (social integration)
  • Language and alphabet cooperation (cultural unity)


Hungarian is not Turkic language. Don't sure why Hungary is an observer. Maybe a mole for the Christians.
Türkistan city of Kazakhstan accepted as a spiritual capital of Turkic world in last meeting. Türkistan city is also the administrative centre of the Türkistan Region of Kazakhstan.

The Turkic Council's Vision 2040 includes political, economic, military and cultural integration activities. Featured titles are:

  • Stronger foreign policy coordination (uniting around common interests)
  • Security cooperation (Joint security concept, joint army)
  • Free trade /customs union (economic union)
  • Open borders amongst member states (social integration)
  • Language and alphabet cooperation (cultural unity)

Kazakhstan is huge. They don't get mentioned enough in international media.

Kazakhstan is very quiet. It is not on news.
If this actually happens it will be massive....If India can be united, then why can't the Turkic states and republics around the world?

About as much chance as Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan united in 1 country. Not gonna happen.
Kazakhstan Presents New Latin Alphabet, Plans Gradual Transition Through 2031

NUR-SULTAN – Kazakhstan reaffirmed its plans to transition to a Latin-based Kazakh alphabet, as the national commission that gathered Jan. 28 presented a new version of the Kazakh alphabet.
S- https://astanatimes.com/2021/02/kaz...phabet-plans-gradual-transition-through-2031/

Kazakhstan rewrites its alphabet to shed its Soviet past
Kazakhstan has given itself seven years to transition from the Cyrillic to the Latin alphabet, in a push to modernize the Central Asian country.
S- https://www.dw.com/en/kazakhstan-rewrites-its-alphabet-to-shed-its-soviet-past/a-49434285

Following the break-up of the Soviet Union, neighbouring Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan quickly adopted the Roman script. Kazakhstan, the last of the former Soviet republics to declare independence, was politically more cautious.
S- https://theconversation.com/kazakhstan-is-changing-its-alphabet-heres-why-87466

Kazakhstan's ancient Turkistan city reemerges
Turkistan expected to be established as spiritual capital of Turkic world during informal summit of Turkic Council
S- https://www.aa.com.tr/en/world/kazakhstans-ancient-turkistan-city-reemerges/2189717

Turkic Council Informal Meeting Names Turkistan a Spiritual Capital of Turkic World

NUR-SULTAN – The Turkic Council, officially the Cooperation Council of Turkic-Speaking States, declared the city of Turkistan in southern Kazakhstan as the spiritual capital of the Turkic world at their informal summit March 31.
S- https://astanatimes.com/2021/04/tur...urkistan-a-spiritual-capital-of-turkic-world/

Turkic Council members agree to change body's name
Informal summit of council held virtually on theme of 'Turkistan - A Spiritual Capital of the Turkic World'
S- https://www.aa.com.tr/en/turkey/turkic-council-members-agree-to-change-bodys-name/2194711

"On the summit's agenda, the Secretary-General of the Council said Kazakhstan's ancient city of Turkistan is to be declared as the spiritual center of the Turkic world.

The city with 2,000 years of history was Kazakh Khanate's capital in the 16th to 18th centuries.

Turkistan, where the well-known Sufi sheik Khoja Akhmet Yassawi lived in the 11th century and was buried there after his death, played an essential role in Central Asia's Islamization.

It was one of the spiritual, political and commercial centers of the historical Silk Way and started to revitalize after 1991 when Kazakhstan gained independence from the Soviet Union.

"We know the significance of this city [Turkistan] for the whole Islamic world," Amreyev said while adding that other cities in the Turkic world "like Istanbul, Samarkand, Bukhara, Shusha, Baku, Almaty" in the future may also receive special status."
S- https://www.aa.com.tr/en/world/turkic-council-eyes-forming-united-states-of-turkic-world/2192579
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