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Myanmar Defence Forum

Are Burmese people here really supporters of the same military that hounds them on the street? Shame.
New type of missile spotted in Myanmar during the rehearsal for the Armed Forces Day parade.

Are Burmese people here really supporters of the same military that hounds them on the street? Shame.
Are you an idiot or just too lazy to read?
go read page- 279 to 281.

then you will see most MM members are against the coup. here is some proofs.

I would have liked to see them used against the drug armies, not our own people.
Democracy means more transparency and more transparency means less corruption.

the people who are not against the coup are 1 vietnumese member and @Buddhistforlife. not Myanmar members.
Are you an idiot or just too lazy to read?
go read page- 279 to 281.

then you will see most MM members are against the coup. here is some proofs.

the people who are not against the coup are 1 vietnumese member and @Buddhistforlife. not Myanmar members.

Are you an idiot or just too lazy to read? This PDF forum is so biased and racist, that no Chinese, Taiwanese, Honkongese, North Korean, South Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese Thailandese, Myanmarese would ever want to join and register!

It is not for no reason that PDF is blocked, notably in China.

Therefore all false flags are from professional impersonators.

@Ich, @Buddhistforlife and @Song Hong are known false flaggers Russian FSB operatives!

Check the Video below and you'll understand why.

On the occusion of the 76th Myanmar Armed Force Day, during the military parade address, Myanmar military commander-in-chief has specially praised Russia for its increased cooperation.

And indeed, it is billions of USD in military contracts that are at stakes.

Aung San Suu Kyi was overthrown because her administration has recently reduced the military budget, therefore Russia's own source of lucrative income!

That is why Russian Defense Minister General Sergey Shoigu went specially in Nay Pyi Taw to meet with Myanmar military chief Senior General Min Aung Hlaing on 22nd January 2021, and instruct the Tatmadaw on the coup that would occurred only a week later.

Myanmar Military Rolls Out Red Carpet for Russian Defense Minister

By The Irrawaddy 25 January 2021

Russian Defense Minister General Sergey Shoigu’s visit to Naypyitaw last week sends a signal that Myanmar and Russia intend to expand their defense cooperation. Myanmar’s generals have a long-term plan to modernize the military, and Russia is expected be a major partner in this process.

Myanmar military commander-in-chief Senior General Min Aung Hlaing thanked Russia’s long-serving defense minister for the visit. “Just like a loyal friend, Russia has always supported Myanmar in difficult moments, especially in the last four years,” the general was quoted as saying by Russian media.


Now that the Tatmadaw has retaken full control over the budget, Russia is officially making public its interest in deepening ties with the Myanmar's military.

Russia to Deepen Ties With Myanmar Military Junta, Top Defense Official Says in First Visit After Coup

27 Mar 2021

Russia and Myanmar are deepening their defense ties as Moscow’s military supplies continue to pour into the country, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin said Friday at a meeting with the country’s commander-in-chief Min Aung Hlaing.

Fomin’s visit marked the first high-profile visit to Myanmar by a foreign official since the country was rocked by a military coup that deposed its elected leadership in February.

"The Russian Federation adheres to a strategic line to intensify relations between the two countries," Fomin said at the meeting.

Russia considers Myanmar a reliable ally and strategic partner in Southeast Asia and the larger Asia-Pacific region, the deputy defense minister added.

“Russia is sending out a strong signal that from their side, relationships haven't changed, it’s business as usual,” he told The Moscow Times.

“Myanmar remains a big importer of Russian arms, of course. Maybe now more than ever, their military leadership feels like it needs to purchase arms from Russia as it has a growing number of internal and external threats,” Mosyakov added.

Russia's show of support for Myanmar's military junta comes amid strong condemnation from Western nations. China, historically Myanmar’s main ally in the region, also recently criticized the situation there, saying the violence was “absolutely not what China wants to see.”



https://archive.is/MVBr3/d0df859f0d6f02b8d4daaf6f50d1a32ae3d76242/scr.png ; https://archive.is/MVBr3 ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-O2Hj8wGuY
1. 76th Myanmar Armed Force Day News. •Mar 27, 2021

76th Myanmar Armed Force Day News
667 views •Mar 27, 2021




Are you an idiot or just too lazy to read? This PDF forum is so biased and racist, that no Chinese, Taiwanese, Honkongese, North Korean, South Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese Thailandese, Myanmarese would ever want to join and register!

It is not for no reason that PDF is blocked, notably in China.

Therefore all false flags are from professional impersonators.

@Ich, @Buddhistforlife and @Song Hong are known false flaggers Russian FSB operatives!

Check the Video below and you'll understand why.

On the occusion of the 76th Myanmar Armed Force Day, during the military parade address, Myanmar military commander-in-chief has specially praised Russia for its increased cooperation.

And indeed, it is billions of USD in military contracts that are at stakes.

Aung San Suu Kyi was overthrown because her administration has recently reduced the military budget, therefore Russia's own source of lucrative income!

That is why Russian Defense Minister General Sergey Shoigu went specially in Nay Pyi Taw to meet with Myanmar military chief Senior General Min Aung Hlaing on 22nd January 2021, and instruct the Tatmadaw on the coup that would occurred only a week later.

Myanmar Military Rolls Out Red Carpet for Russian Defense Minister

By The Irrawaddy 25 January 2021

Russian Defense Minister General Sergey Shoigu’s visit to Naypyitaw last week sends a signal that Myanmar and Russia intend to expand their defense cooperation. Myanmar’s generals have a long-term plan to modernize the military, and Russia is expected be a major partner in this process.

Myanmar military commander-in-chief Senior General Min Aung Hlaing thanked Russia’s long-serving defense minister for the visit. “Just like a loyal friend, Russia has always supported Myanmar in difficult moments, especially in the last four years,” the general was quoted as saying by Russian media.


Now that the Tatmadaw has retaken full control over the budget, Russia is officially making public its interest in deepening ties with the Myanmar's military.

Russia to Deepen Ties With Myanmar Military Junta, Top Defense Official Says in First Visit After Coup

27 Mar 2021

Russia and Myanmar are deepening their defense ties as Moscow’s military supplies continue to pour into the country, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin said Friday at a meeting with the country’s commander-in-chief Min Aung Hlaing.

Fomin’s visit marked the first high-profile visit to Myanmar by a foreign official since the country was rocked by a military coup that deposed its elected leadership in February.

"The Russian Federation adheres to a strategic line to intensify relations between the two countries," Fomin said at the meeting.

Russia considers Myanmar a reliable ally and strategic partner in Southeast Asia and the larger Asia-Pacific region, the deputy defense minister added.

“Russia is sending out a strong signal that from their side, relationships haven't changed, it’s business as usual,” he told The Moscow Times.

“Myanmar remains a big importer of Russian arms, of course. Maybe now more than ever, their military leadership feels like it needs to purchase arms from Russia as it has a growing number of internal and external threats,” Mosyakov added.

Russia's show of support for Myanmar's military junta comes amid strong condemnation from Western nations. China, historically Myanmar’s main ally in the region, also recently criticized the situation there, saying the violence was “absolutely not what China wants to see.”



https://archive.is/MVBr3/d0df859f0d6f02b8d4daaf6f50d1a32ae3d76242/scr.png ; https://archive.is/MVBr3 ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-O2Hj8wGuY
1. 76th Myanmar Armed Force Day News. •Mar 27, 2021

76th Myanmar Armed Force Day News
667 views •Mar 27, 2021




Are there any forums that North Koreans can speak out without trolls?
I wanted the tatmadaw to be better, but since the coup the only hope is the federal army if it is formed. I will join that army.

Tatmadaw has lost all sense of humanity and is disregarding not only international laws but also the law that they themselves wrote in the 2008 constitution.

Just this January I would have never thought I would cheer someone’s death. But now I fucking do everytime an army dog dies. I want them all wiped out from the country and I am willing to give my life to achieve that goal.

Ironic that the drug armies that I once hated seems more humane compared to the army that was supposed to protect us.
How will Myanmar acquire wmd when they have signed the NPT and ASEAN Nuclear treaty, ratified the CTBT, signed the TPNW although they did not ratify it.

Withdrawal From The NTP

Like North Korea and Iran, the first condition is political diplomatic incentives.

This means national independence and patriotism must be paramount forces behind any WMD endeavour, stronger than international and economic ties.

And it requires decades of commitment, if there is a leadership change, then the strategic weapons program might be in jeopardy.

As for today, a first step in the right direction has been taken by the Tatmadaw!

More sanctions by the U.S. and the E.U. will mean more freedom in this direction, as there will be nothing more to lose than one's dignity.

If they choose to escalate to the U.N.S.C. then the Tatmadaw will have the hands free to withdraw from the NPT, the ASEAN Nuclear treaty, the CTBT, and the TPNW.

National Reunification

Secondly, with nothing to lose, the Tatmadaw can now launch the final stage of the three main national causes, ‘non-disintegration of the union, non-disintegration of national solidarity, and perpetuation of national solidarity’, that is to crush once and for all, all the ethnic cliques that plague the Union, like the Chinese warring cliques during the Republic of China's era (1911-1949), before the take over by the Chinese Communist Party.

It is only under Chairman Mao, that the last Cliques have finally been defeated with the routing of the Dalai Clique in 1950.

Today, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing has the opportunity to unify the nation and make it stronger. No more peace, as talks are cheap. Only a surprise massive assault on the ethnic insurgent groups aka "ethnic armed organisations" (EAOs) ending in national unification can bring peace.

Massive air support should be used whenever necessary, with thermobaric and white phosphorous ammunition as proven successful in Syria by the Russian Air Force. When enemy SAM render the task difficult, then use Multiple Launch Rocket System instead, burn every dens and hideouts of these terrorists, leave nothing standing, scorch the earth!

Forging A Regional Asian Union

Moreover, with the latest coup, General Min Aung Hlaing can now start a rapprochement with Thailand's Prime Minister General Prayut Chan O Cha and Cambodia's General Hun Sen!

It is the best time ever for this. An alliance could later be upgraded with a political union and to rekindle a greater regional (Buddhist) Economic Zone similar to the (Christian) European Union, with the memberships of Cambodia and Laos.

There is little hope for Myanmar to seat at the table of great powers along China the U.S. and the E.U. without such regional South East Asian Union.

The space program and other high-end scientific research programs can only be successful if Thailand, Cambodia and Laos join their efforts.

Forging International Alliance

The cooperation of North Korea would come handy, as both nations are suffering under the plight of the the same cruel and unjust international sanctions from the West!

First Space Launch

The Tatmadaw can produce 40 cm diameter GYD-1B SAM missile. North Korea also went through this in the 1960s.


https://archive.ph/0tMTA/8565a901f0cfae99bde9e29f5fe4363d0ad85a71/scr.png ; https://archive.ph/87N3u/327a162cfa837069537b5eafd90b0d46cfad9f0f.jpg ; https://archive.ph/87N3u/f28e3f744e02f5f76f38e8fdbfa83f85c7850bf1/scr.png ; https://archive.ph/7482N/907aa0808c8ba5216f7916c9df9c09a6aa659ab9.jpg ; https://archive.ph/7482N/f7d257225a7840c8338aeec8cf68828b240da673/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210330142902/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ext5qBPVoAUHCsz?format=jpg&name=large ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210330143318/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ext5rsrUYAAJOQ1?format=jpg&name=large ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210330143645/https://twitter.com/Ninja998998/status/1376827980043804678 ; https://archive.ph/0tMTA
1. Burmese GYD-1B(KS-1M) missile production facility.

Further upgrading should be done to build a 1.25 meters diameter missile that can be used as a first satellite launcher (similar to Iran's Safir SLV).

We know that this space rocket exist. The international context is ripe for a first launch test, as the Tatmadaw has nothing to lose anymore, and everything to gain by flexing its muscle!





Some 3,000 people from Myanmar’s southeastern Karen state fled to neighboring Thailand after the military bombed an area held by an ethnic armed group, as Western countries condemned the escalating violence in the troubled Southeast Asian nation. The military launched air raids on five areas in Mutraw district near the eastern border, including a displacement camp, the Karen Women’s Organization said on Sunday.
While Myanmar nationalist are scolding China, the USA ally India and (sort of neutral and little pro west) Bangladesh now want to forcibly kick 1.1 million Rohingyas back Myanmar.

Meanwhile strange fire broke up in Bangladesh Rohingya camp.


Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Saturday requested India, as a member of the UN Security Council, to play a "strong role" in the early repatriation of the displaced Rohingyas back to Myanmar during her talks with her Indian counterpart Narendra Modi.

According to a Joint Statement issued on the occasion of Prime Minister Modi's visit, the issue of the 1.1 million forcibly-displaced persons from the Rakhine State of Myanmar featured during the talks between the two leaders.

Five people are feared dead and at least 20,000 Rohingya have fled after a huge blaze engulfed shanty homes at refugee camps in southeastern Bangladesh, officials said Monday (Mar 22), in the third fire to hit the settlements in four days.


I wanted the tatmadaw to be better, but since the coup the only hope is the federal army if it is formed. I will join that army.

Tatmadaw has lost all sense of humanity and is disregarding not only international laws but also the law that they themselves wrote in the 2008 constitution.

Just this January I would have never thought I would cheer someone’s death. But now I fucking do everytime an army dog dies. I want them all wiped out from the country and I am willing to give my life to achieve that goal.

Ironic that the drug armies that I once hated seems more humane compared to the army that was supposed to protect us.

Aung San Suu Kyi white masters has just kicked off 1.1 millions Bangladeshi return to Myanmar. Hope you guys will treat them like king because they are so discriminated.

To redeem the sin, you guys should forgo your houses and give it the the Bangala.
Are you an idiot or just too lazy to read?
go read page- 279 to 281.

then you will see most MM members are against the coup. here is some proofs.

the people who are not against the coup are 1 vietnumese member and @Buddhistforlife. not Myanmar members.

Are you inside Myanmar right now?
The Junta are brutal tyrants I agree with you. However I do not see any realistic path to victory for the protesters. What is the resistance's path to some form of victory?
I do not see how Myanmar state can preserve itself without a draconian army. You can go there knee to the Bangala and asked them lay down their arms.

Eventually they will open up world biggest sex slave market aka Syrian style and sold barmese women. They will also open world biggest organ traffiking aka Syria and Kosovo Muslims freedom fighter style -- if Tatmadaw is not there to protect you guys.

The state must dispense systemtic and controlled violence, not just to Bangala but also to the separatist.

State integrity and violence are closely related.

If Myanmese members say, FCUK it, we just want the South Central plains, then they can do away with Army. The West goes to Bangala, North and North East will goes to China.

Myanmese members dont get it.

Lucky Myanmar, China is interested to preserve it as one piece. (While their white masters want to break it apart)
I do not see how Myanmar state can preserve itself without a draconian army. You can go there knee to the Bangala and asked them lay down their arms.

Eventually they will open up world biggest sex slave market aka Syrian style and sold barmese women. They will also open world biggest organ traffiking aka Syria and Kosovo Muslims freedom fighter style -- if Tatmadaw is not there to protect you guys.

The state must dispense systemtic and controlled violence, not just to Bangala but also to the separatist.

State integrity and violence are closely related.

If Myanmese members say, FCUK it, we just want the South Central plains, then they can do away with Army. The West goes to Bangala, North and North East will goes to China.

Myanmese members dont get it.

Lucky Myanmar, China is interested to preserve it as one piece. (While their white masters want to break it apart)
they could have gone with a federated states type of government giving the ethnic regions autonomy. but now with the new power dynamics, Those ethnic regions will probably shoot for independence.
they could have gone with a federated states type of government giving the ethnic regions autonomy. but now with the new power dynamics, Those ethnic regions will probably shoot for independence.

China already quasi have big influence at the North and North East. So North is peaceful. Once Myanmar breakup, North and North East will go to China, ala "Donbass@ Ukraine" style.

The Tatmadaw cannot handover power to civilian government right now. There are too many pro USA elements. And pro USA rohingya is the biggest terror elements in Myanmar.

Myanmar is not unlike Armenia who got seduced by democracy, voted in USA lackey. Next morning, USA sold entire piece of Nargono Karabak to Azerbaijan.

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