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Two Years of Balakot Lies: Our Punitive Response


Sep 26, 2018
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Two years ago Codenamed as 'Operation Bandar', the Balakot Air Strike was conducted by the seventh and ninth squadrons of the Indian Air Force. The strikes were carried out in retaliation to the February 14 Pulwama attack that claimed the lives of 40 Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) personnel. The Balakot Air Strike was mainly conducted by 12 Mirage 2000 that flew from the Gwalior Air Force base. The Mirage 2000 jet fighters, flying three separate formations, flew over north and central India for hours before entering Pakistan. The IAF’s Mirage 2000 fighters released their Spice 2000 penetrator bombs, each packed with 90 kg explosives to strike at Balakot. The Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) terrorist training camp at Balakot in hinterland Pakistan had been taken down by Indian fighter jets in a daring pre-dawn operation across the border.




Indian Airforce did carry out the strikes but released their weapons in haste as they were approached by the PAF F16s. The bombs landed a few hundred meters away from the intended targets.

Pakistan strongly protested the violation of airspace and loss of five trees and a precious crow.


PAF launched operation Swift Retort to retaliate against Indian aggression, the results were as follows.
1)Indian helicopter lost due to panic friendly fire, five killed.

2)Bison shot down in AJK.

3)SU30MKI downed in Kashmir!

4) Abhinandhan taken as POW.

5) PAF airstrikes deep inside IHK.

Although Modi got away by fooling his entire nation on the Balakot fiasco and won the general elections. Nevertheless, PAF reinvigorated the 1965 spirit and taught the enemy a lesson not to be forgotten. The enemy with numerical superiority and state-of-the-art aircraft was again no match for our PROFESSIONALS. :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan:
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You can fool some people for all the time, all the people for some time, but not all the people for all the time.......

As for India, she can't fool even a single Hakiki Pak baby for even a single atto-second*; but, she can fool 1.4b Indians for 1.4b years.....

*1 atto-second = 10^-18 second
You can fool some people for all the time, all the people for some time, but not all the people for all the time.......

As for India, she can't fool even a single Hakiki Pak baby for even a single atto-second*; but, she can fool 1.4b Indians for 1.4b years.....

*1 atto-second = 10^-18 second

I hope the next round Pak learns from the Azeri's and go full on to take Kashmir away
from these idol worshippers.
Simple question to any Pakistani who dares to answer.

If there was no damage to Madrassa complex in Balakot, and all the GPS guided bombs (which are pre fed with target co-ordinates of facility even before the aircraft takes off.) overshot their targets and fell in the forest few hundred meters away from their targets.

Because apparently "PAF scared the IAF aircrafts into releasing their bombs early and turn tail.

Apparently releasing the bombs early causes them to overshoot their target instead of falling short ( that is Pakistani logic here.)

What took Pakistan 45 days to even allow journalists near Balakot facility( in the mean time Reuter journalists were driven away from Balakot facility by Pakistan army ?

Even when on guided tour by Pakistani army 45 days after bombing, the journalists were not allowed into the building, which IAF claimed it targeted..why?
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pparently releasing the bombs early causes them to overshoot their target instead of falling short
Please do research and don't ruin next time... if those were GPS guided, then that input went wrong as all missed..
height/speed/ceiling matters.. and in panic and haste, miscalculation can occur..
What took Pakistan 45 days to even allow journalists near Balakot
All journalist reached the same day.. you are talking about foreign observers..
@The Eagle if you find necessary, delete his and mine comments so we can discuss only relative things..
never forget the sub part.. they are lucky we let it go..
View attachment 720485Simple question to any Pakistani who dares to answer.

If there was no damage to Madrassa complex in Balakot, and all the GPS guided bombs (which are pre fed with target co-ordinates of facility even before the aircraft takes off.) overshot their targets and fell in the forest few hundred meters away from their targets.

Because apparently "PAF scared the IAF aircrafts into releasing their bombs early and turn tail.

Apparently releasing the bombs early causes them to overshoot their target instead of falling short ( that is Pakistani logic here.)

What took Pakistan 45 days to even allow journalists near Balakot facility( in the mean time Reuter journalists were driven away from Balakot facility by Pakistan army ?

Even when on guided tour by Pakistani army 45 days after bombing, the journalists were not allowed into the building, which IAF claimed it targeted..why?

IAF prefed their spice to over shoot target because if 300 people had died the result would be 300 su30 shot down.

ASK your IAF to provide footage of spice2000 or military satellite.
ALSO 6 2000lbs bombs with about 1000lb tnt each would cause the entire mountain to shift and not dent imaginary holes smaller then size of a coin.

Please do research and don't ruin next time...
height/speed/ceiling matters.. and in panic and haste, miscalculation can occur..

All journalist reached the same day.. you are talking about foreign observers..
@The Eagle if you find necessary, delete his and mine comments so we can discuss only relative things..

These are smart GPS guided munitions and not dumb bombs, so you please do your research, they are able to correct trajectory over the course of its flight , which was 60 KMs. So height of release does not matter, especially if the bomb is overshooting its target as Pakistan claims.

And no, I am talking about journalist from BBC, Al Jazzera, etc.. who were given a guided tour of Balakot Madrassa complex only 45 days after the strikes. And in the mean time they were not allowed near the Madrassa complex. Why ?

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IAF prefed their spice to over shoot target because if 300 people had died the result would be 300 su30 shot down.

ASK your IAF to provide footage of spice2000 or military satellite.
ALSO 6 2000lbs bombs with about 1000lb tnt each would cause the entire mountain to shift and not dent imaginary holes smaller then size of a coin.


So you don't have answer to my question. What took Pakistan 45 days to allow journalists into Balakot Madrassa ?

But let me answer your question, why the Madrassa building did not collapse, because these were penetrator bombs with only 90 Kg of explosives.

But as you say 6.. 2000 Pound bombs were dropped, and all 6 missed, so there should have been 6 craters in forests of Jaba. Can any Pakistani shows us the pictures of all 6 craters from that day.

That would be conclusive proof, if all bombs missed or not.
These are smart GPS guided munitions and not dumb bombs, so you please do your research, they are able to correct trajectory over the course of its flight , which was 60 KMs. So height of release does not matter, especially if the bomb is overshooting its target as Pakistan claims.

And, no I am talking about journalist from BBC, Al Jazzera, etc.. who were given a guided tour of Balakot Madrassa complex only 45 days after the strikes. And in the mean time they were to near the Madrassa complex. Why ?

What a nation we have as our neighbor which has to keep asking itself after 70 years ,Pakistan is Matlab Kya...try to prove two nation theory .They seem to need to reassure themselves from time to time.
Common guys move on
View attachment 720485Simple question to any Pakistani who dares to answer.

If there was no damage to Madrassa complex in Balakot, and all the GPS guided bombs (which are pre fed with target co-ordinates of facility even before the aircraft takes off.) overshot their targets and fell in the forest few hundred meters away from their targets.

Because apparently "PAF scared the IAF aircrafts into releasing their bombs early and turn tail.

Apparently releasing the bombs early causes them to overshoot their target instead of falling short ( that is Pakistani logic here.)

What took Pakistan 45 days to even allow journalists near Balakot facility( in the mean time Reuter journalists were driven away from Balakot facility by Pakistan army ?

Even when on guided tour by Pakistani army 45 days after bombing, the journalists were not allowed into the building, which IAF claimed it targeted..why?

"In two visits to the Balakot area in Pakistan by Reuters reporters last Tuesday and Thursday, and extensive interviews with people in the surrounding area, there was no evidence found of a destroyed camp or of anyone being killed "

You may need to stop posting on the forum for a while now....

"In two visits to the Balakot area in Pakistan by Reuters reporters last Tuesday and Thursday, and extensive interviews with people in the surrounding area, there was no evidence found of a destroyed camp or of anyone being killed "

You may need to stop posting on the forum for a while now....

If there was no evidence any one being killed or any destroyed camp, why were they simply not allowed inside Children's school and prove that they was there was no damage ??

JABA, Pakistan (Reuters) - Pakistani security officials on Thursday prevented a Reuters team from climbing a hill in northeastern Pakistan to the site of a madrasa and a group of surrounding buildings that was targeted by Indian warplanes last week.

It is the third time in the past nine days that Reuters reporters have visited the area – and each time the path up to what villagers say was a religious school run at one time by militant group Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) and what the Indian government says was a “terrorist” training camp - was blocked.

More importantly can you shows us the pictures of all 6 bomb craters from that day. If they did not fall on Madarssa, they must have fallen somewhere.

6 pictures of 6 different bomb craters would prove that bombs fell elsewhere and not on the Madarssa complex.

Well as far banning me for asking logical question , what else can you people do, when faced with questions , you do not have an answer to.
Good Lord. Is there no limit to extent these people will lie to just fool the masses?

I mean seriously, if any Indian who doubts that India did more than kill a crow and damage some trees - I have a great of respect for them. Its because the evidence is right their in front of them and verified by neutral parties. But out of a population of..., what, 1.2 Billion - only 0.00000000000000000000001% know that India f'ed up on both days.
I guess there are videos which shows foreigners in madrassa..
anyway, indians can claim million, so should we start finding million as per their claims?
anyway, PAF said we found five, may be some were un-exploded..
Good Lord. Is there no limit to extent these people will lie to just fool the masses?

I mean seriously, if any Indian who doubts that India did more than kill a crow and damage some trees - I have a great of respect for them. Its because the evidence is right their in front of them and verified by neutral parties. But out of a population of..., what, 1.2 Billion - only 0.00000000000000000000001% know that India f'ed up on both days.

Answer these 2 questions and you would conclusive proven (at least to me ) that IAF missed all its targets in Balakot.

1. Why was no journalist allowed in Madrassa complex for 45 days after the bombing.

2. Pictures of 6 different bomb craters from that day.
I guess there are videos which shows foreigners in madrassa..
anyway, indians can claim million, so should we start finding million as per their claims?
anyway, PAF said we found five, may be some were un-exploded..

Then please show 5 different bomb craters from that day.

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