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Pompeo voices confidence U.S. vote count will lead to 'second Trump administration'
NOVEMBER 11, 20202:31 AM

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Tuesday voiced confidence that once every “legal” vote was counted, it would lead to a “second Trump administration,” appearing to reject Democratic challenger Joe Biden’s victory over President Donald Trump.

He spoke as world leaders, including Washington’s close allies Britain and France, already have congratulated President-elect Biden. Trump, a Republican, has so far refused to concede and made baseless claims that fraud was marring the results.

“There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration,” Pompeo told a State Department news conference. He later sought to assure the world that America’s post-election transition would be successful.

“We’re going to count all the votes ... The world should have every confidence that the transition necessary to make sure that the State Department is ... successful today and successful when the president who’s in office on January 20, a minute after noon, will also be successful.”

Biden, due to take office on Jan. 20, 2021, risks a delayed transition as Trump has vowed to push ahead with longshot legal challenges to his election loss. Republican U.S. lawmakers have defended his right to do so.

When asked about Pompeo’s comments, Biden smiled. He also said nothing would stop the transfer of power in the U.S. government.

Asked if Trump’s refusal to concede hampers State Department efforts to promote free and fair elections abroad, Pompeo, a close ally and appointee of Trump’s, declined to address the specific question but said: “This department cares deeply to make sure that elections around the world are safe and secure and free and fair.”

The leading Republican in Congress, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, has carefully backed Trump, saying that he was “100% within his rights to look into allegations of irregularities,” without citing any evidence.

U.S. Attorney General William Barr, a Trump appointee who heads the Justice Department, on Monday told federal prosecutors to “pursue substantial allegations” of irregularities of voting and the counting of ballots.

Richard Boucher, a retired diplomat who was the longest-serving State Department spokesman, said Pompeo’s comment about a second Trump administration could be passed off as a joke but also served to protect him from White House criticism.

Democrat Eliot Engel, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said the State Department should begin preparing for Biden’s transition now. “Secretary Pompeo shouldn’t play along with baseless and dangerous attacks on the legitimacy of last week’s election,” he said.

In his first official travel after the Nov. 3 election, Pompeo is due to travel to France, Turkey, Georgia, Israel, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia between Nov. 13-23. The leaders of some of those countries have already congratulated Biden.

This ongoing trainwreck of an election is the kind of thing you expect from a shithole banana state just like US
This ongoing trainwreck of an election is the kind of thing you expect from a shithole banana state just like US

Wait until the riots after Republicans steal the election. The Lloyd George riots in the summer were the dress rehearsals. They were there to intimidate voters into realizing they can't beat the police. The whole event was staged from start to finish (in Buffalo where they had the cameras on their Soros bot).

This has nothing to do with a banana. These are as staged as 9/11 by the deepstate.
Lawyer explains Trump lawsuits.

Spoiler, they won't change the results.


For those who don't know ABC is a reliable news network in the US
Pompeo voices confidence U.S. vote count will lead to 'second Trump administration'
NOVEMBER 11, 20202:31 AM

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Tuesday voiced confidence that once every “legal” vote was counted, it would lead to a “second Trump administration,” appearing to reject Democratic challenger Joe Biden’s victory over President Donald Trump.

He spoke as world leaders, including Washington’s close allies Britain and France, already have congratulated President-elect Biden. Trump, a Republican, has so far refused to concede and made baseless claims that fraud was marring the results.

“There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration,” Pompeo told a State Department news conference. He later sought to assure the world that America’s post-election transition would be successful.

“We’re going to count all the votes ... The world should have every confidence that the transition necessary to make sure that the State Department is ... successful today and successful when the president who’s in office on January 20, a minute after noon, will also be successful.”

Biden, due to take office on Jan. 20, 2021, risks a delayed transition as Trump has vowed to push ahead with longshot legal challenges to his election loss. Republican U.S. lawmakers have defended his right to do so.

When asked about Pompeo’s comments, Biden smiled. He also said nothing would stop the transfer of power in the U.S. government.

Asked if Trump’s refusal to concede hampers State Department efforts to promote free and fair elections abroad, Pompeo, a close ally and appointee of Trump’s, declined to address the specific question but said: “This department cares deeply to make sure that elections around the world are safe and secure and free and fair.”

The leading Republican in Congress, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, has carefully backed Trump, saying that he was “100% within his rights to look into allegations of irregularities,” without citing any evidence.

U.S. Attorney General William Barr, a Trump appointee who heads the Justice Department, on Monday told federal prosecutors to “pursue substantial allegations” of irregularities of voting and the counting of ballots.

Richard Boucher, a retired diplomat who was the longest-serving State Department spokesman, said Pompeo’s comment about a second Trump administration could be passed off as a joke but also served to protect him from White House criticism.

Democrat Eliot Engel, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said the State Department should begin preparing for Biden’s transition now. “Secretary Pompeo shouldn’t play along with baseless and dangerous attacks on the legitimacy of last week’s election,” he said.

In his first official travel after the Nov. 3 election, Pompeo is due to travel to France, Turkey, Georgia, Israel, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia between Nov. 13-23. The leaders of some of those countries have already congratulated Biden.

The M.O./ S.O.P. of the USA is to false flag.

Deep state stage the 9/11 terror attacks, claim to be the victim, then blame the Arabs.

Deep state stage the coronavirUS, "claim" to be the victim, then blame the Chinese.

Same with these attempts to steal the November selections. Deep state stages voter fraud, claims to be the victim, then blame Democrats. Democratic voters are worse than "terrorists" to Washington because they don't want war with China and Iran and North Korea and Pakistan and Syria and ... . Votes for Obama made Iran safe. Votes for biden makes China safe. The Deep state is Republican, wanting endless wars and conflicts. So the will of the voters is not wanted, so they stage voter fraud to steal the selections and cry "foul" blaming Democrats for stealing the elections.

They are going to cry to the "white" supremist "court".
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