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Abhinandan was released on massive Indian pressure of war: Ayaz Sadiq Claims

Khan is just like another Nawaz... sirf batain batain and that’s all. Boris iske phupi ka beta nahi jo ye kahayga NS dayday aur woh daydayga. A guy soft on India can’t do much and that's what history tells us. Because of his friendly posturing towards India since day one, the return of pilot within few hours was another major factor of Modi’s election victory. WTF peace gesture when the enemy physically attacked your country and you’re talking about nuclear war hojayegi bla bla kia unko nahi pata tha? You must show strength not weaknesses at the time of confrontation and that's what our fighters did. If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battle(s) whether conventional or non-conventional. This idiot along with Bajwa let the traitor escaped from the country and now that snake biting us each and every day. I don't care about Bajwa or anyone because Khan was the person jisnay kaha tha I will change the system, unlike any existing status-co brigade. I wish someone file a petition in the SC to drag this PM who let the criminal go beyond the jurisdiction of the state. He is indeed a part of the crime. How someone allows convicts to go abroad for the medical checkup? He was completely failed to hold the pressure. Historically, you may never see so-called “gesture” anywhere in the world for a criminal. Even according to our religion, there are clear directions about what the state should do with the convicts. “Tumse pehlay ki komain isliyee tabah hoeen....” He frequently raised the problem of difference of treatment for the poor and rich in our system but when the time comes, when he gotta chance, he miserably failed and exactly did what others were doing. After the backlash, he is putting the entire blame on the establishment+media though he was directly invovled and well aware about the real situation of the traitor.
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Khan is just like another Nawaz... sirf batain batain and that’s all. Boris iske phupi ka beta nahi jo ye kahayga NS dayday aur woh daydayga. A guy soft on India can’t do much and thats what history tells us. Because of his friendly posturing towards India since day one, the return of pilot with in few hours was another major factor of Modi’s election victory. WTF peace gesture when the enemy physically attacked on your country and you’re talking about nuclear war hojayegi bla bla kia unko nahi pata tha? You must show strength not weaknesses at the time of confrontation and thats what our fighters did. If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battle(s) whether conventional or non-conventional. This idiot along with Bajwa let the traitor escaped from the country and now that snake biting us each and everyday. I don't care about Bajwa or anyone because Khan was the person jisnay kaha tha I will change the system unlike any existing status-co brigade. I wish someone file a petition in the SC to drag this PM who let the criminal go beyond the jurisdiction of the state. He is indeed a part of crime. How someone allow convicts to go abroad for the medical checkup? He was completely failed to hold the pressure. Historically, you may never seen so called “gesture” anywhere in the world for the criminal. Even according to our religion, there are clear directions about what state should do with the convicts. “Tumse pehlay ki komain isliyee tabah hoeen....” He raised the difference of treatment for the rich and poor in his every single speech. Now when the time comes, when he gotta chance, he miserably failed and exactly did what others were doing. After the backlash, he is putting the entire blame on the establishment+media though he was directly invovled and well aware about the real situation of the traitor.

We did retaliate. They kill our Crow and trees, we returned the same environmental damage. If we bombed their army barracks, then they would have cried to the world, "Look Pakistan bombed us after we killed their "terrorist" They are defending terrorist". We are a Muslim country, and you can see how the world views Muslim counties. They are ready to label any Muslim country a terrorist in a heartbeat.

As for who let the convict go. It was the Lahore High court AKA Sharif court. Federal Govt only agreed to let him aboard, if he gave $6 billion bond. The LHC stepped in and said, no need, a 50 rupee stamped paper is enough. Federal doesn't control the courts (wish it would). And the courts have so much power, they can override any decision by the federal govt.

This was why the Sharifs and Zardari spent millions on these judges. Buying them for years, so they can do whatever they want. If the Federal Govt tries to remove any of these judges, the judges have power to void that order.
India is a stupid country
Indian armed forces is way stronger than Pakistan both in terms of quality and quantity.

Also don't forget if there is a nuclear war between Pakistan and India then only the Southern and Western part of India will be destroyed but Pakistan as a country will cease to exist. India has ICBMs meanwhile Pakistan threatens India with MRBMs.

Pakistan might be able to kill some indian soldiers using deceit and treachery like they did to Abhinandan, in Pulwama and Pathankot, but if there is a full fledged war then I can assure you that Pakistan will be conquered in just 2 weeks.
so many leaks like dawn leak memo gate leak and nawaz tomahowk leak now this BS of ayaz sadiq proved army is doing right not to briefing politicians sensitive matters specially nukes and missilles . pakistnai politicians did not not deserve to be given sensitive info .

army was right these MFs can sale mother for money and power
On Wednesday, during the National Assembly proceedings, former NA Speaker and a Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz MNA, Ayaz Sadiq, referred to the circumstances in which India’s downed and captured pilot, Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman, was presumably returned.

Before I get to Sadiq’s statement, let me point out that he was nowhere in the decision-making loop. He was present in a meeting called to brief a group of parliamentarians representing all the parties in NA regarding Pakistan’s decision to return the downed pilot. Since I was not in that meeting, even though I have spoken to sources who know what transpired there, I will not comment on Sadiq’s statement in the videoclip that has gone viral and predictably picked up and hyped by the Indian media. What I will say, however, is that the decision was taken, after Pakistan showed the resolve to strike back, to signal to the world that (a) it does not want to escalate, but (b) it will retaliate if India chose to escalate.

I have written about this before, but let me recap some fundamental points:

a: After the Pulwama attack, based on statements from India, the BJP’s electioneering slogans and intelligence reports, Pakistan had warned relevant world capitals that India was planning to aggress against Pakistan. They were also told that while Pakistan did not want a conflict, in the event that India resorted to hostile action, Pakistan would not have any option but to go for quid pro quo-plus. Those warnings, unfortunately, weren’t heeded.

b: This changed when India attacked a seminary on the morning of February 26. Washington tried to convince Pakistan to not retaliate since no damage had been caused by the Indian aerial attack. Western capitals had chosen to side with India. Pakistan refused to stay quiet.

c: The Indian Air Force expected retaliation and flew combat air patrol through the evening and intervening night of February 26/27. On the Pakistani side, Pakistan Air Force was given the task to draw up the plan for a counter-strike and execute it. Initially, PAF had decided to strike four targets for a kill but were asked to only go for a show of resolve in order for the operational plan to remain dovetailed with the overall strategy of resolve but restraint. This was also important, at the early stage of conflict, to put the onus of escalation on India.

d: The PAF strike package executed Op Swift Retort on the morning of February 27. One MiG 21 was a certain kill with the pilot captured while a Su30MKI sustained damage and probably went down somewhere in Occupied Kashmir. Earlier, as per the final plan, the PAF fighter jets struck close to the selected targets but did not go for a kill. The action also showed India that Pakistan would not be deterred.

e: That evening, the R&AW chief spoke with then-DG-ISI and reportedly said that India would retaliate with a missile strike on nine targets. He was told that such an action would invite a Pakistani missile counterstrike. These facts have already been reported and are in the public domain. India was also in communication with the United States and the latter, through former US National Security Advisor, John Bolton, was trying to defuse the situation.

f: Pakistan had prepared for an Indian missile attack. As Prime Minister Imran Khan also said in the NA (and later reports corroborated his statement), India had prepared to launch an attack between 2100 and 2200 hours on February 27.

g: A combination of factors got into play: Pakistan’s resolve to strike back and fire three missiles for every one Indian missile strike against targets in Pakistan; Washington’s hectic diplomacy at that point (it had earlier thought that India would draw blood and Pakistan would be hard pressed to respond); the involvement of other state actors, including China and the United Arab Emirates, and Pakistan’s decision to debrief the captured pilot and return him.

[NB: Since memories are short, let me remind the readers that Pakistan had also returned one of the captured Indian pilots, Flight-Lieutenant Nachiketa Rao, during the Kargil conflict while the other pilot, Squadron-Leader Ajay Ahuja got killed after bailing out.]

h: India’s February 27 threat to resort to missile strikes clearly showed that after the PAF action on the morning of February 27, the Indian Air Force could not deliver a counter-punch which, theoretically, necessitated a destabilising action. Pakistan communicated its response to such an action, forcing India to calculate the cost of escalation. Corollary: the PAF had carried the day.

i: India’s threat and Pakistan’s response showed the perilous and flawed premise on which India’s limited, swift war concept is based. Exchange of missiles between a nuclear dyad is a big No. There’s no way that the threatened can figure out whether the threatener is using conventional warheads on its missiles. In the heat and din of a conflict, the threatened can neither afford to fail-deadly (retaliate to a conventional strike by a nuclear one) or fail-impotent (get decimated by a nuclear strike). Corollary: the chances of failing-deadly increase manifold.

This is a bird’s-eye view of the chain of events. The real issue, which necessitated this recap, is the absolutely irresponsible statement made by Sadiq, first on the floor of the House and then reinforcing the original stupidity by putting out a clarification (through a videoclip).

Sadiq has been the speaker of the House. He is generally considered to be an equable person. Those who have been in public office, or at any point were entrusted with positions in the strategic decision-making chain, bear a very heavy cross: it’s called responsibility. Politics rotates; today’s opposition is tomorrow’s government and vice versa. In government, many positions and offices are privy to very sensitive information. People in such positions are considered adults and the information they come across and the decisions they make are a trust. That trust belongs to the state; neither to any political party nor to the partisan-political side of a government. Politicking belongs in a different domain.

I don’t know whether Sadiq strayed across the line inadvertently or was made to cross that line, but frankly that does not matter. If the first, he has no reason in the future to be entrusted with public office; if the second, then the PMLN seems to have decided that if it can’t be in the Penthouse, it will dynamite the entire condo.

What is even more surprising is the fact that the PMLN leadership, to the best of my knowledge (I hope I am wrong), has issued no statement condemning, unequivocally, Sadiq’s egregious blabbering.

The military round in February 2019 was won squarely by PAF. Everyone, from those on the ground to the pilots in the air, fought for Pakistan, the state. They were neither fighting for the PTI nor the PMLN and certainly not for blathering, partisan cretins.

In his clarification, Sadiq spoke about how the Indian media has twisted his words. What did he expect when he crossed the line from partisan politics to affairs of the state. Is he telling us that he had no idea that the Indian media would pick up his reckless words, that he is the personification of Hanlon’s razor? Worse, that he didn’t know the damage he would cause both to the deterrence trajectory and strategic signalling.

And if we do accept Hanlon’s razor in his case, what’s the lesson here? Strategy Street is not for jaywalking.

Indian armed forces is way stronger than Pakistan both in terms of quality and quantity.

Also don't forget if there is a nuclear war between Pakistan and India then only the Southern and Western part of India will be destroyed but Pakistan as a country will cease to exist. India has ICBMs meanwhile Pakistan threatens India with MRBMs.

Pakistan might be able to kill some indian soldiers using deceit and treachery like they did to Abhinandan, in Pulwama and Pathankot, but if there is a full fledged war then I can assure you that Pakistan will be conquered in just 2 weeks.
what you smoke please give me a little . if this was 2 weeks india have did it long time ago . and you know horse shit of nukes . pakistan have 2nd strike capability of nukes kid do you know what its means ? look like you learn from Bollywood nukes . there will be no one left from nuclear winter of indo pak war . go and read about nuclear fallout and winter .
and last but not last pakistan always maintain more nukes then india
Indian armed forces is way stronger than Pakistan both in terms of quality and quantity.

Also don't forget if there is a nuclear war between Pakistan and India then only the Southern and Western part of India will be destroyed but Pakistan as a country will cease to exist. India has ICBMs meanwhile Pakistan threatens India with MRBMs.

Pakistan might be able to kill some indian soldiers using deceit and treachery like they did to Abhinandan, in Pulwama and Pathankot, but if there is a full fledged war then I can assure you that Pakistan will be conquered in just 2 weeks.

wesay tu we know you as a nation is the biggest chay****** who believes Karachi civil war to legs shivering shits of a corrupt opposition, though a normal human being with common sense easily understands that a country who openly warns about the retaliation "don't mess with us" before the confrontation and then shot-down the enemy jets and bomb enemy installations always consider as a fighter, a brave nation and a force unlike those who shotdown their own heli in panic and afraid to strike back even opposition hits their mil installations....

PS: The opposition who abuse army and the state every day. A party whos leadership was disqualified because of lying on the floor of the house by the highest court and their ministers exactly doing the same in the parliament everyday. You hardly care about the words of your opposition but beating the drums on our oppisition who is core to corrupt, who had a long history of money laundering, corruption, leaking senstitive information, secret meetings with your leadership, secret relations with your country's top businessman who is right hand of your current govt, invite your leadership on grand childern wedding and so on.... you guys don't know shit about anything!
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I am afraid of "pic arguments".

Never said your mob was scared, they didn't had the "message", your chief and SMQ had, later.

Isn't it was civilian mob which mishandled Abhinandon and not your armed forces?

Kisko mara, by the way?

They didn't mishandle it one bit IMO

It was a good move to release the pilot, he had no value to Pakistan because he cannot be interrogated like Kulboshan can because the Geneva Conventions apply to a POW. Frustrations and tensions were high on the Indian side that despite having a military budget 10X Pakistan's, the PAF had absolutely decimated the IAF.

Thus, it was a good decision by Pakistan to release the pilot because frankly he had no value for Pakistan and it was a good face saving for the Modi Government because they were absolutely desperate to show some sort of win to their local populace. Modi had promised his electorate that he will implement a Israeli style domination on Pakistan, when that couldn't happen he was able to give solace to his voters that he was able to get the pilot released. The pilot was only a burden that had to be fed, clothed, bathed and kept under a constant watch.
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Khan is just like another Nawaz
If he was another Nawaz, he would have given NRO to opposition long time ago
so many leaks like dawn leak memo gate leak and nawaz tomahowk leak now this BS of ayaz sadiq proved army is doing right not to briefing politicians sensitive matters specially nukes and missilles . pakistnai politicians did not not deserve to be given sensitive info .

army was right these MFs can sale mother for money and power
It's not all politicians, only those from the opposition
If he was another Nawaz, he would have given NRO to opposition long time ago

It's not all politicians, only those from the opposition

LOL he sent a CONVICT CRIMINAL abroad, what NRO you're talking about?
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