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Featured France urges Middle Eastern countries to stop boycott of French products

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I think there is enough evidence like concentration camps, satellite images, testimonies of detainees escaped or released. Something's definitely going on there its not just a conspiracy against china, they are demolishing domes and minarets of mosques too.

The evidence from the SAME people who also claimed that Iraq had WMD that destroy Europe in 30 mins?............. :disagree:

PS Can you provide a link to some of that alleged evidence?......... :azn:
The evidence from the SAME people who also claimed that Iraq had WMD that destroy Europe in 30 mins?............. :disagree:

PS Can you provide a link to some of that alleged evidence?......... :azn:

well ask yourself why Mesut Ozil was dropped from the premier league 24 member team when he is the most talented and accomplished player they have? He played his last match in march 7th and has been benched since he made comments highlighting Uighur plight

Yawn....I remember the boycott on US goods in Turkey or the boycott on Danish products for their cartoons......Nothing will happen, those haters will be cimping out, burning flags, etc but the world will move on.
First of all, Le France's own policies hasnt had that much of effect rather then the French government and Nation's Anti Islamic/Anti Muslims practical decisions did that.

Let me first tell you what had happened! Due to the Azeri Armenian war and the reaction among the judochristian population of Europe against it had given this French government who otherwise is incompetent with Maria Le Pan's {who herself is a judochristian radical} boot up their ***{as they all dont agree with anything happening in their country but only agree on Anti Islam/Anti Muslim approach as Islam is growing rapidly there so much so i have personally read a few estimates of France becoming a Muslim country in a few decades, France is a mere sixty seven million population country with Muslims already exceeding 5 million in it, and among them the French embarrassing Islam women outnumber men significantly!} They had used that radical Charlie Hebdo magazine to publish those cartoons AGAIN! to clearly provoke the European JudoChristian sentiments against Muslims there and giving the radical organizations like that of France, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark etc some boosting! as they themselves are known very well to provoke Muslims there inorder to get a reaction out of them since they know very well that how Muslims feel about it.

So when we NATURALLY react and give a beautiful knife treatment to them they get all worked up saying Islam is bad and It is the biggest threat to Europe and its civilization and all, that same bullshit propaganda that we have been hearing for the past 2 decades.......even though its them who get their asses whooped by us.......From Crusades to their recent adventures in Afghanistan and Iraq!

Now that radical judochristian who had taken this opportunity for himself to be a smart *** got a deserving treatment he deserved and these buffon are about to give him their highest civilian award LOL

Now if they dont like us, then there is no way we are gonna allow them to make money from us either. Our hard earned cash must go to the countries and help boost them who pose no threat whatsoever to us!

These small countries like that of Europe and all with little to no economic resources of their own will never e able to sustain which is good for us! It will be sad to see from now on the common people of france suffer but in any case its they who themselves will be made to suffer the insufferable because of their own decisions to elect these Psychopath radicals!

Now with these economic boycott or even sanctions and ending of diplomatic relations will just be a start!

As far as we r concerned! the sanctity and respect of the Last and Final Prophet Muhammad SAW send for the whole of human kind is of first and foremost importance to us! and we have nothing to either prove or explain anything to anyone anymore!

This Islamic Radicalism or terrorism bullshit narrative will no longer be allowed to blackmail us all!
well ask yourself why Mesut Ozil was dropped from the premier league 24 member team when he is the most talented and accomplished player they have? He played his last match in march 7th and has been benched since he made comments highlighting Uighur plight


What???????????...................HOW on earth does that prove that there are atrocities being committed against the Uighers by the Chinese?....... :disagree:

IF yon don't have any evidence then don't spew meaningless conjectures.

I ask again, WHERE is the evidence of atrocities and oppression against the Uighers by the Chinese?
whats needed is a long term multi prong strategy which hurts them to their bones!

1}Full Economic sanctions,
2}Blockade of entire Trade in terms of Airspace transport as well as Blocking their trade and commercial shipping from our Entire Muslim World's territorial Waters as well as Exclusive Economic Zones too Closing down the entire Airspace to their all airlines and cargo.........As well as permanently denying them trade choke points like Suez Canal, Malacca Strait and Hormuz as well as Bab al Mandab.

3} Then mobilizing Global Jahad against them and their all citizens living everywhere in the World! complete and clear shot and kill at sight orders! Along with full and systematic targeting of their Embassies Worldwide as well as logically helping them and transporting them out in mainland France. Specially with the aim of completely blowing up their parliament as well as all Cultural/civilization monuments and taking out the French intelligence HQs first!

4} Completely wiping out their military in Mali and rest of Africa.

A country of mere 67 million will never be able to survive this and will crumble far too quickly then you think trust me! They r weak raced people this white race that is. They will crumble like house of cards trust me! im saying this over our experience in Afghanistan against them. All we used to do was just encircle them in an ambush and then suddenly attack all one needs to do is take them out of their comfort zone and thats it.

I have seen the very Elite American Marine Corp and their Spec Ops parties fall like little girls like this within mere 2 minutes!


You are overthinking things bro, some people trying to score political points against France by riling up the people. We need less war and tensions in this world and what we need is security in Muslim world which not gonna be achieved without some retrospection on our part. Like I said, if people want to boycott French goods that is their personal right. Anything else is trying to score political points while we are being hypocrites. If you want Muslims to be strong, first step to is observe Islam and obey God sincerely and we have to stop with the hypocrisy and power hungry driven decision making.

It's not hard for us to become strong and educated people with good quality of life. We have resources, land and populations for that. We lack good people that want to work in interest of their own people. We have abundance of crooks who are greedy , power hungry and looking to make lots of money off poor people.
You are overthinking things bro, some people trying to score political points against France by riling up the people. We need less war and tensions in this world and what we need is security in Muslim world which not gonna be achieved without some retrospection on our part. Like I said, if people want to boycott French goods that is their personal right. Anything else is trying to score political points while we are being hypocrites. If you want Muslims to be strong, first step to is observe Islam and obey God sincerely and we have to stop with the hypocrisy and power hungry driven decision making.

It's not hard for us to become strong and educated people with good quality of life. We have resources, land and populations for that. We lack good people that want to work in interest of their own people. We have abundance of crooks who are greedy , power hungry and looking to make lots of money off poor people.

question here is are you as well have the balls to do that?

question here is are you as well have the balls to do that?

Lol, you are typing on a computer and nothing else. How are morally corrupt people going to 'defend' the Prophet and who told you he need your defense? Or you think Allah(SWT) need your defense too? You realize Allah created French people too? Allah can get rid of all Muslims, which he will do right before the blowing of the horn, and all that will left on earth is evil people who hate him. You think he needs you then?
What???????????...................HOW on earth does that prove that there are atrocities being committed against the Uighers by the Chinese?....... :disagree:

IF yon don't have any evidence then don't spew meaningless conjectures.

I ask again, WHERE is the evidence of atrocities and oppression against the Uighers by the Chinese?

If your mind is already made up then nothing will change that , just watch John Oliver a brit like you

i'm guessing you don't accept BBC as credible?
Lol, you are typing on a computer and nothing else. How are morally corrupt people going to 'defend' the Prophet and who told you he need your defense? Or you think Allah(SWT) need your defense too? You realize Allah created French people too? Allah can get rid of all Muslims, which he will do right before the blowing of the horn, and all that will left on earth is evil people who hate him. You think he needs you then?
are you ok mister? are you in yr senses? Go seek help and get some knowledge of Islam!

We the Muslims are the Naib of Islam, its our duty to not only defend it but Defend the last and final Prophet Muhammad SAW too, which clearly you dont want to so go live in France! you would be happy there!

@PAKISTANFOREVER and @Mirzah dont discuss off topic things in this thread!

If your mind is already made up then nothing will change that , just watch John Oliver a brit like you

i'm guessing you don't accept BBC as credible?

So ITV and BBC?...........the SAME people who also claimed that Iraq had WMD that destroy Europe in 30 mins........... :disagree:
So ITV and BBC?...........the SAME people who also claimed that Iraq had WMD that destroy Europe in 30 mins........... :disagree:
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