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Featured Delhi wants Indian lawyer to represent Jadhav in review plea

Doesnt matter if he is a Uniform POW or not. Doesnt matter if he is a foreign individual or no. The most high profile of such case where the individual is a foreigner but the court is local would be the Raymond Davis case. The US had no shortage of lawyers and some extremely competent yet they had to hire a local lawyer which was Zahid Bukhari. A foreign lawyer cannot plead in our court because he is not seen as a relevant pleader in accordance to law.

Bhai ku thak rha hai Pakistani authorities are deliberately creating a spectacle out of this case, otherwise he would have been hanged long ago
Pakistanis should sue the GoP for this costly drama
you know the real problem is? you lost it in ICJ... now you dont want to lose in your own courts....

this case is so thin that you will lose it on day one....

Didn't want to ban you for long so that you can read in details as what happened in ICJ and understand the same. The only success India had is that, you made it to ICJ and thanks to the Pakistan in-fact the then Political Leadership that made it easier. In the end, ICJ judgment is still there and you can read and understand instead of verbal point scoring on the internet to make yourself feel good. If that was the case, you would have him long ago.

KJ is not going anywhere and India can want whatever wish to, so can please the home audience and an attempt to divert from real facts that is, India is involved in espionage and KJ is a living example. India went to ICJ only to prove that KJ was a so-called Businessman Patel, abducted & wrongly accused that ICJ did not even addressed at all. Instead, judgment insisted that Pakistan should provide counselor access and that's it. There is no line to say that punishment awarded by Pakistan Military Court is illegal at all. The case is thin or thick; India is in the fix and there is no escape way.

Pakistan will provide the access as per law and India can wish whatever they wants to. In-fact, India has already lost the case and now wants to twist & manipulate subject as such so that in the end, it can somehow try to wash Delhi's name from espionage and propagate otherwise but Doval is now in a fix and so the R&AW. All these Indian wishes through media, are attempted to fabricate the facts and that is not happening while Pakistan holds a tight grip on the matter. There are more cases that supported Pakistan's findings in this case... R&AW caught in Canada, Germany and heard recently in France as well. You really need a lot of work to understand how these matters works unlike internet postings and the repercussions as well as the side effects when caught as such.
do your own research rather than putting dumb questions here..... the topic is for providing a lawyer to Kulbhushan

You need more than research on this case whether Pakistan is legally bound to allow an Indian Lawyer for Kalbhushan or not?

Furthermore, why not to threaten Pakistan with BrahMos and get him back long ago.
Tomorrow a fool in Delhi will ask for an Indian judge in Pakistani court to save this terrorist ;).

They will keep playing such games til he is hanged and India will start beating drums by referring these kind of illogical yet propaganda episodes of demands and keep crying. KJ has only one option and that is, the mercy appeal before President of Pakistan. He has already decided to not to got in appeal before Apex Court because, deep down he knows his fate given his activities in Pakistan. Indians are creating drama and looking for something that can somehow cover their espionage activities. Don't the geniuses in Delhi know that what is the law of the land and why Pakistan will provide an Indian lawyer to appear before the Court? Those are all understood and they are praying that KJ is hanged soon. They have already abandoned him and been threatening his family to keep quiet as we never heard after couple of media articles when they met him. KJ in is captivity literally curse & abuse Doval 24/7 and that's the same message he conveyed to his family.
The guy was caught red handed spying in a hostile nation and now wants his lawyer from India biryani and chips? Are Indians so dense that they think Pakistan judiciary will allow it?
To be honest I can’t understand why the retard is still alive - spying should result in sentence to death ASAP - don’t need to drag it out.
Agreed. Some encounter should have been staged on day 1. Something simple like he tried to grab the arresting officer's gun and was shot dead on the spot. Job done, Bollywood style.
Agreed. Some encounter should have been staged on day 1. Something simple like he tried to grab the arresting officer's gun and was shot dead on the spot. Job done, Bollywood style.
Sir, the encounter would have saved us the trouble but also saved India`s face because there would have been no terrorist speaking of his crimes and his sponsors.
Sir, the encounter would have saved us the trouble but also saved India`s face because there would have been no terrorist speaking of his crimes and his sponsors.
Actually you're right. Very well put.
jokes aside, what is wrong with giving Indian lawyer? are they too good for you? why so afraid all the times?
LoL if Indian lawyers were good the whole country of India wasn't able to find a good lawyer to represent them in the ICJ and had a Pakistani lawyer instead.
India is employing delaying tactics for the inevitable
Oh choro bawa g...
India would love to have Pakistan hang him asap.. we want to keep reminding the world this monkey exists and it continues to build our case of indian terrorism.
jokes aside, what is wrong with giving Indian lawyer? are they too good for you? why so afraid all the times?

Let alone giving Pakistani lawyers, have india ever even given a fair trial to hundreds of Pakistanis caught on fake charges?? We will just tease u with KJ again and again and in the end handover his body.
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