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Indian army deploys women soldiers for the first time along LoC

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They should give pepper spray to Indian female soldiers.

I think Pakistani will stay away because of the smell but Indian mals soldiers are biggest threat.
Lolllll so just because India can serve strategic purpose to the US I should embrace it with my open heart? Come on man ... I'm not trying saying anything really good about China here either. All I'm saying is that what you originally said about India having less of a rape problem than China is just BS. I've been to China for tourism and I can tell you it is one of the safest countries I've been to (note I'm not referring to anything political here). I don't give a crap what China is doing to India (I have stated on numerous occasions that China is occupying Indian territory). If anything, such things are beneficial to the US because India will be forced to pursue a closer alliance with us. You, on the other hand seem gravely offended by this, so I suspect you are either an Indian or an Indian-American (both of which are totally fine).

Of course it can't be proved because there is no study that can do that. But there is something useful called common sense. Can you name a single place in the world which has a greater number of foreign tourists getting raped than India? I see this on the headlines all the time, don't you? I've seen Japanese, German, Russian, Chinese, American, Dutch tourists being raped in India on the news before. Name me a single country that makes more of a headline than India for this? And also note that I'm judging rapes based on those incurred on foreign tourists/expats ... I agree the Chinese rape numbers may not be accurate. Also could you please provide a research study/scholarly paper stating that both countries have a huge cultural taboo surroudning rape which leads to systematic underreporting? This sounds like something you just pulled out of nowhere.

Dude, you get so defensive about your china that you are ascribing some statements I never made, to me. I have never said India has fewer or more rapes than China. I have always maintained there is difficulty in having access to any real numbers, especially when one country is a communist regime that hides its numbers versus a democracy.

OKAY, I'll play your game, the answer is China is the rape capital of the world. My proof is going to the same as how you present your claims. Hundreds of thousands of Muslim women from occupied Turkey are getting tortured and raped. Plus we see how you guys falsely kidnapped Pakistani Muslim women, and we hear about how you bring foreign Vietnamese women to forcibly rape them. There is also a study that says 50% of Chinese men confess to sexually assaulting their partners. Chinese are famous for running massage parlors world over and women are kidnapped or threatened into working there. These prove China as the real rape capital of the world in every category. You like to go anecdotally or what you call 'common sense' gut feelings on statistics, yeah? there you have mine.
the answer is China is the rape capital of the world
I rest my case :rofl::rofl::rofl::partay::partay::partay:

Btw, here's an article from your leader of Congress Rahul Gandhi calling India the rape capital of the world. I hope you shall find it enlightening. :enjoy::tup::D. Or is Rahul Gandhi a Pakistani/Chinese apologist (insert thinking face emoji).


Wayanad: Citing the increasing number of rape cases in the country, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Saturday said the international community was ridiculing the country and India was now known as the 'rape capital' of the world.
Please improve your IQ.
According to Chinese law, this man committed crime of whoring and rape.

You refuse to read the article and make one after other false claims, being defensive. So I'm now going to paste the article here

China's 'Child Rape Isn't Rape' Law Is Sparking Outrage
A case of suspected child rape involving two men, an elementary school principal and a public servant, and six sixth-grade girls is causing outrage in China. The incident spurred a new round of debate regarding China’s controversial “prostitution with a girl under 14” law, which many believe lets rapists and pedophiles off easy, according to QQ News.

Six girls from an elementary school in Wanning city, in the southern island province of Hainan, went missing at the same time last Tuesday. Local police found four of the girls on Wednesday, the other two not until Thursday morning, when it was discovered they had been taken to hotel rooms by two men, one of them the principal at their elementary school, the other a public official.

The press initially reported that the girls had many bruises on their bodies, including vaginal trauma. Later, the press unanimously changed its stories to report the men only took the girls to hotel rooms and did not have sexual relations with them. The stories avoided the word “rape.”

The principal has been fired by the school and the girls are undergoing one-on-one therapy to help them cope with the incident.

This is the latest of many scandals involving public servants and underage girls in China, where the age of consent is set at 14. From 2007 to 2008, more than 10 elementary school pupils, many under the age of 14, were forced to prostitute themselves to public officials. Similarly in 2008, nine girls were reportedly forced into prostitution, all of them under 14. In 2009, a high-ranking official in a provincial judicial bureau in Yunnan province slept with underage girls, according to QQ News.

What is most interesting and saddening is that in these cases, perpetrators are not always punished, owing to a loophole in the law. Having sex with anyone under the age of 14 was considered rape in China, consent or not, but the law was changed in 1997. Under this new law, with consent, even if a girl is under 14, the perpetrator may be allowed to go free as long as he claims not to know the girl is under 14. If, in addition, money is involved in the transaction, the perpetrator is usually prosecuted for “patronizing a prostitute,” which usually carries a sentence of five to 15 years in jail, instead of the far more serious crime of rape.

Only when a girl does not consent to sex is the perpetrator considered a rapist, a crime punishable by death in China. This is in sharp contrast with laws in most countries, where sex with someone under the age of consent is considered rape with or without consent, with the understanding that before that age, a child is not capable of legally giving consent.
I rest my case :rofl::rofl::rofl::partay::partay::partay:

Btw, here's an article from your leader of Congress Rahul Gandhi calling India the rape capital of the world. I hope you shall find it enlightening. :enjoy::tup::D. Or is Rahul Gandhi a Pakistani/Chinese apologist (insert thinking face emoji).


Hmm, you must switch off your Chinese mode when reading and citing quotes. A basic grasp of the English language and one can read that the quote is him saying that, in his view, the international community is making fun of India and India is being called the rape capital of the world. AND not that HE thinks India IS the rape capital of the world - AKA what you've been attributing to the guy all-day :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

More proof you guys are the government authorized rape capital:
'This is mass rape': Uighur activist condemns program said to pay Chinese men to sleep with Uighur women to promote 'ethnic unity'
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You refuse to read the article and make one after other false claims, being defensive. So I'm now going to paste the article here

China's 'Child Rape Isn't Rape' Law Is Sparking Outrage
A case of suspected child rape involving two men, an elementary school principal and a public servant, and six sixth-grade girls is causing outrage in China. The incident spurred a new round of debate regarding China’s controversial “prostitution with a girl under 14” law, which many believe lets rapists and pedophiles off easy, according to QQ News.

Six girls from an elementary school in Wanning city, in the southern island province of Hainan, went missing at the same time last Tuesday. Local police found four of the girls on Wednesday, the other two not until Thursday morning, when it was discovered they had been taken to hotel rooms by two men, one of them the principal at their elementary school, the other a public official.

The press initially reported that the girls had many bruises on their bodies, including vaginal trauma. Later, the press unanimously changed its stories to report the men only took the girls to hotel rooms and did not have sexual relations with them. The stories avoided the word “rape.”

The principal has been fired by the school and the girls are undergoing one-on-one therapy to help them cope with the incident.

This is the latest of many scandals involving public servants and underage girls in China, where the age of consent is set at 14. From 2007 to 2008, more than 10 elementary school pupils, many under the age of 14, were forced to prostitute themselves to public officials. Similarly in 2008, nine girls were reportedly forced into prostitution, all of them under 14. In 2009, a high-ranking official in a provincial judicial bureau in Yunnan province slept with underage girls, according to QQ News.

What is most interesting and saddening is that in these cases, perpetrators are not always punished, owing to a loophole in the law. Having sex with anyone under the age of 14 was considered rape in China, consent or not, but the law was changed in 1997. Under this new law, with consent, even if a girl is under 14, the perpetrator may be allowed to go free as long as he claims not to know the girl is under 14. If, in addition, money is involved in the transaction, the perpetrator is usually prosecuted for “patronizing a prostitute,” which usually carries a sentence of five to 15 years in jail, instead of the far more serious crime of rape.

Only when a girl does not consent to sex is the perpetrator considered a rapist, a crime punishable by death in China. This is in sharp contrast with laws in most countries, where sex with someone under the age of consent is considered rape with or without consent, with the understanding that before that age, a child is not capable of legally giving consent.
Please improve your IQ.
According to Chinese law, this man committed crime of whoring and rape.
The biggest threat these women would face is from their male comrades

Un sai bach gayi to baqi khair hai
That's exactly I wanted to say. These women are sent there for something else. Otherwise there was no point in sending them there.
May Allah protect these ladies. Chance boht Kam hai magar.
Hmm, you must switch off your Chinese mode when reading and citing quotes. A basic grasp of the English language and one can read that the quote is of the guy saying that in his view the international community is making fun of India and India is being called the rape capital of the world. AND not that he thinks India IS the rape capital of the world AKA what you've been attributing to the guy all-day :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

'This is mass rape': Uighur activist condemns program said to pay Chinese men to sleep with Uighur women to promote 'ethnic unity'
Jew media has zero credibility. It's nothing but fabricated fantasies to brainwash white people.
Please improve your IQ.
According to Chinese law, this man committed crime of whoring and rape.

You must learn to read English. The article says according to Chinese law that man was innocent of any rape.
You must learn to read English. The article says according to Chinese law that man was innocent of any rape.
Please improve your IQ.
According to Chinese law, this man committed crime of whoring and rape.
Better than gentile sheeple brainwashed by Jew media :rofl:

Agree, nothing beats a cradle to grave brainwashing, every day, confirming how incapable of self-thought the master's think of their minions:rofl::rofl::rofl:
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