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Strongmen rush to remake the world order as Trump faces potential election defeat

simple Brain

Oct 12, 2014
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London (CNN)This past week, on US President Donald Trump's watch Russia and China have effectively re-aligned the coming world order. They didn't do it together, but both took advantage of uncertainty and unpredictability that Trump has helped create.

It's far from clear that the next US President will be able to roll back the consequences of this week, which leave both Presidents Vladimir Putin in Moscow and Xi Jinping in Beijing more decisively in control of their own countries and more able to act assertively.
In other words, Trump has made an indelible mark on the world -- and it may not be for the good.
It is no coincidence that Putin and Xi have cemented their grip on cherished goals, as the clock runs down on Trump's first, and possibly only, term in office.
This past week, in a referendum on constitutional revisions so predictable that copies were on sale before the vote, Putin has effectively been made President for life, as Xi has moved equally ruthlessly, taking control of Hong Kong through a new national security law, while telling US allies Canada, Australia and the UK to keep out of China's internal affairs.

Both seem to be of the view the US has neither the will nor the consistency to put up resistance. Indeed, Trump's White House gave evidence of exactly that this week, floundering for a coherent response to allegations Russia paid the Taliban to kill US forces in Afghanistan. The Russian Embassy in Washington and the Taliban have both denied the claims.
As David Ignatius wrote in The Washington Post this week, Putin "is in the payback business. He believes the United States destroyed his former country, the Soviet Union. He likes the United States to feel pain." He now has plenty of years for more payback.
According to White House deputy press secretary Sarah Matthews: "President Trump is a world-class negotiator who has consistently furthered America's interests on the world stage."
Former senior US officials provided CNN contributor Carl Bernstein with a very different take. They thought Trump "delusional" about his ability to bend other leaders to his agenda, believing he could "either charm, jawbone or bully almost any foreign leader into capitulating to his will."

But Putin "just outplays him," said one of Bernstein's sources. Trump's "fawning over authoritarian strongmen, his ignorance of history and lack of preparation" jeopardized US national security, Bernstein was told.
Whether it's Putin's payback or Xi's decision to violate and chip away at the Hong Kong agreement signed with the UK in 1984, both leaders appear to see opportunities.
Go back three years. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov dropped into the Oval Office the day after Trump fired James Comey as FBI director. Comey was overseeing the investigation into allegations of Russian election meddling. An official Russian photographer caught the bonhomie, as Trump told his visitors: "I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job."
Two months later, Trump met Putin -- alone -- on the margins of the G20 summit. The White House trumpeted the encounter as a success, highlighting a new ceasefire deal in Syria. The Russians cynically used the deal to freeze the conflict, allowing the Assad regime backed by Russia to pick off rebel-held areas one-by-one.

Trump could have protested, ripped up the deal, forged a new US policy on Syria that would have crimped Russia's growing influence in the Middle East. Instead he bought the lie.
It would be a recurring theme. Trump's former national security adviser John Bolton recalls in his new book "The Room Where It Happened" Trump's 2018 meeting with Putin in Helsinki, Finland.
"Putin had to be laughing uproariously at what he had gotten away with," writes Bolton, after Trump accepted Putin's assurances there had been no Russian interference in the 2016 US campaign.
So fast forward to this year as Putin, in power for 20 years, needed a constitutional fix to hold on for longer. He appears to calculate that despite tightened US sanctions over his invasion of Ukraine, and the poisoning of exiled former agent Sergei Skripal in the UK, Trump won't push back for what he does at home.
He was right. He is now effectively President for life, hoping to emulate Soviet leaders by stepping down only into his grave.
Xi's experience with Trump has been different. Tangled in a trade war, he has had to calculate Trump's real intent: on money, human rights issues, such as the Uyghurs or Hong Kong, and simply stopping the rise of the world's next superpower.

At a large and raucous Beijing business dinner two years ago, I sat next to a former Chinese ambassador. The trade war was just beginning to ramp up, but tariffs on solar panels, washing machines, steel, soybeans and aluminum were already biting into China's bottom line.
The diplomat, who had spent many years in Europe, told me in very precise terms that Trump was intentionally preventing China taking its rightful place in the world as a high-tech advanced economy.
I can be sure of what he'd say now as the Trump administration tries to persuade allies not to allow Huawei's 5G technology into their digital bloodstream.
But those allies are less willing to say no, partly because of China's commercial power but also because their relationships with the US have frayed.
Only this week German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who Bernstein's sources say was berated by Trump in phone calls, appeared to reject Trump's China tactics, saying "only together can the 27 EU member countries have enough weight to achieve ambitious deals with China."
While Trump has been applauded for confronting China on its trade policies, commercial espionage and intellectual property theft, his tactics face heavy criticism.

In an analysis for The Council on Foreign Relations, Robert Blackwill wrote: "Now the challenge for the president and his successors is to persuade Beijing, through enhanced US power projection, more able alliances, and adroit diplomacy, that the United States will grow ever stronger in Asia and, with its allies and friends, will robustly confront destabilizing Chinese actions."
All of this will have been in Xi's calculations about Trump, whether he is an existential threat to China's rise to be the world's superpower, or a prelude to a smarter adversary with the same goal.

Xi appears to have hedged toward the latter, choosing to act now against Hong Kong's determined pro-democracy movement, and pushing the narrative that the West is behind it, before it became a real thorn in his side.
Hong Kong's new National Security Law, promulgated in Beijing this week and immediately enforced on the territory's streets, is a game changer. According to the UK, it breaks the 1984 joint Sino-British declaration of one country-two systems.
The question historians may well debate in the future is not whether Trump's presidency affected Putin's and Xi's decisions but by how much his delusions changed the world in their favor.

I don't think it's the role of Russia and China.

But it's done by itself.

Because the world is getting multipolar.

It's in the mentality of each nation around the world.
Would love to see the color revolution in the West, where secret staffs of KGB (whatever the Russian Intelligence Service called now) and Chinese Ministry of state security from Russian and Chinese embassies shares bread and water to protesters.

The West, which has destroyed too many countries and lives, will have to pay the heavy price.
Would love to see the color revolution in the West, where secret staffs of KGB (whatever the Russian Intelligence Service called now) and Chinese Ministry of state security from Russian and Chinese embassies shares bread and water to protesters.

That was the rumor during the Occupy Wall Street protests in 2011.
my question is:

would a different US president have been more successful to prevent Russia and China make economic and diplomatic gains and influences?

A popular notion seems to be to put blame on Trump as an explanation why US has ceded diplomatic and influential territory and lost unqualified support of its traditional allies.

in my view, the rise of China was a matter of time regardless of who was the US president.
its economic projection in Asia & Africa, its Naval assertion in South China sea, its technological leap in science & technology and enforcing its grip on Hong Kong. President Xi for life hold on China is independent of American presidency

Putin's Russia has been one the offence since it foiled the American backed Georgian war and from Ukraine to Syria date it never looked back. it is much better economically and no bad news escapes the former KGB president.

without a direct conflict both countries will not let America to take away their gains and even a conflict wont ensure the outcome in American favor.
Wat makes the west regimes think they own the world
my question is:

would a different US president have been more successful to prevent Russia and China make economic and diplomatic gains and influences?

A popular notion seems to be to put blame on Trump as an explanation why US has ceded diplomatic and influential territory and lost unqualified support of its traditional allies.

in my view, the rise of China was a matter of time regardless of who was the US president.
its economic projection in Asia & Africa, its Naval assertion in South China sea, its technological leap in science & technology and enforcing its grip on Hong Kong. President Xi for life hold on China is independent of American presidency

Putin's Russia has been one the offence since it foiled the American backed Georgian war and from Ukraine to Syria date it never looked back. it is much better economically and no bad news escapes the former KGB president.

without a direct conflict both countries will not let America to take away their gains and even a conflict wont ensure the outcome in American favor.

To some extent I do agree with you. However, I believe desperation would drag US into war with Russia & China. And there are many reasons for that, first of all, Israel's plan to create Greater Israel has not been dumped yet & since China & Russia are the two major adversaries against this plan Israel would definitely use US forces against them.
Secondly, US influence in Europe in Asia in Gulf in Africa and even in south and north American continent is diminishing and that's the kind of a frustration that has bothered US Navy to bring in it's two aircraft carriers in south China sea in a time when China is about to commence it's largest naval drills ever in South China Sea.

Finally, as you have mentioned that the technological leap in Science & Technology that China has achieved over the course of 2 decades is unprecedented and that's what made US uncomfortable. This reason alone has made Trump to make stupid decisions like starting a Trade war against China not knowing the long term implications on it's own domestic economy.

You see, English Countries love domination and for this domination alone they have fought wars among themselves (Civil war in US etc) and later own with the rest of the world. Now is the matter of both Domination and the cause of Greater Israel hence the probability of war is more imminent than it was ever before.
my question is:

would a different US president have been more successful to prevent Russia and China make economic and diplomatic gains and influences?

A popular notion seems to be to put blame on Trump as an explanation why US has ceded diplomatic and influential territory and lost unqualified support of its traditional allies.

in my view, the rise of China was a matter of time regardless of who was the US president.
its economic projection in Asia & Africa, its Naval assertion in South China sea, its technological leap in science & technology and enforcing its grip on Hong Kong. President Xi for life hold on China is independent of American presidency

Putin's Russia has been one the offence since it foiled the American backed Georgian war and from Ukraine to Syria date it never looked back. it is much better economically and no bad news escapes the former KGB president.

without a direct conflict both countries will not let America to take away their gains and even a conflict wont ensure the outcome in American favor.
Regardless who is the next President, establishment policies and direction or any change will remain the same. President don’t make policies nor set direction for next 5, 10, 20 and 50 years. Main objective to achieve from Biden ( a vetted establishment tool) is to do the Perception damage control and mange the international view that US is still the sane leader of the free world.

Would love to see the color revolution in the West, where secret staffs of KGB (whatever the Russian Intelligence Service called now) and Chinese Ministry of state security from Russian and Chinese embassies shares bread and water to protesters.

The West, which has destroyed too many countries and lives, will have to pay the heavy price.
Russians are doing it. Most probably Chinese also to some extent. Their propaganda machine to are active to set international perception. But to expect US to turn into Arab spring. Not gonna happen. US domestic counter Intelligent And communication capability are excellent. Everything will be neutralized before it boils over.
Regardless who is the next President, establishment policies and direction or any change will remain the same. President don’t make policies nor set direction for next 5, 10, 20 and 50 years. Main objective to achieve from Biden ( a vetted establishment tool) is to do the Perception damage control and mange the international view that US is still the sane leader of the free world.

Russians are doing it. Most probably Chinese also to some extent. Their propaganda machine to are active to set international perception. But to expect US to turn into Arab spring. Not gonna happen. US domestic counter Intelligent And communication capability are excellent. Everything will be neutralized before it boils over.

Look at former Soviet Union. It was so strong militarily before Gorbachev. And it was rich by any standard at that time. GDP per capita was $8000 in 1990 against $20,000 in West Germany or the US (CIA data). Vietnam's was $90 and China's was $400. And it was not so divided and chaotic as the US today

China needs one or two more Donald Trump to turn the US into another USSR.
Look at former Soviet Union. It was so strong militarily before Gorbachev. And it was rich by any standard at that time. GDP per capita was $8000 in 1990 against $20,000 in West German or the US (CIA data).

China needs one or two more Donald Trump to turn the US into another USSR.
USSR made bad choices, US played them good in Afghanistan. Hence the ran out of money. US is financial strong. Plus isn’t alone.

As soon as US defense establishment started to realize (based on intel) that Chinese, Russians and small neighboring countries are trying to nail them in Iraq and Afghanistan, US step back quickly instead of getting stuck in the trap.

From 2007 to 2010 was a o’shit moment for the US. While US was busy trying to be the big bad policeman. King of the jungle moment. She forgot it’s jungle rule out there. US had to readjusted it’s priorities real quick.
While Trump may not be singularly responsible for it, the America First policy hurt American influence in the world.

For example, going from Obama to Trump (who called them S***hole countries), doesn’t help in competing with China for influence in Africa. America’s focus on security relations and not economic relations keep the door open for China and others to move in and take over a growing share of the trade.

Trump carelessly dealt with North Korea and in the end neutered chances for a diplomatic reproached when his brash method failed.

He undermined America’s standing in Mideast “peace” process, by moving the embassy to Jerusalem.

Basically he said the quiet parts out loud and gave away the whole Kit and Kabuddle in every single place America is engaged.
An isolationist USA isn't that bad for her citizens either...

The USA's journey started as an "island of hope" for the folks who had got dead tired of the never ending conflicts, wars etc....
To some extent I do agree with you. However, I believe desperation would drag US into war with Russia & China. And there are many reasons for that, first of all, Israel's plan to create Greater Israel has not been dumped yet & since China & Russia are the two major adversaries against this plan Israel would definitely use US forces against them.
Secondly, US influence in Europe in Asia in Gulf in Africa and even in south and north American continent is diminishing and that's the kind of a frustration that has bothered US Navy to bring in it's two aircraft carriers in south China sea in a time when China is about to commence it's largest naval drills ever in South China Sea.

Finally, as you have mentioned that the technological leap in Science & Technology that China has achieved over the course of 2 decades is unprecedented and that's what made US uncomfortable. This reason alone has made Trump to make stupid decisions like starting a Trade war against China not knowing the long term implications on it's own domestic economy.

You see, English Countries love domination and for this domination alone they have fought wars among themselves (Civil war in US etc) and later own with the rest of the world. Now is the matter of both Domination and the cause of Greater Israel hence the probability of war is more imminent than it was ever before.
There isn't going to be a direct war between China/Russia and the US.
What you will get is what you got in the last cold war, i.e proxy wars, espionage, accusations and counter accusations, sabre rattling and regime changes to suit each side. In the meantime they will carry on trading with each other making as much money as they can.
As soon as US defense establishment started to realize (based on intel) that Chinese, Russians and small neighboring countries are trying to nail them in Iraq and Afghanistan, US step back quickly instead of getting stuck in the trap.

Strangely it took US to realize after 19 years of consistent war, knowing that it was played like a riddle by Russia, China, Pakistan and Iran, still it is in a wobble whether or not it has to withdraw completely from Afghanistan?

What do you think about that?

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