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An attack on Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOJ&K) is an attack on Pakistan. This is not Indian Territory


Nov 1, 2010
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United States
An attack on Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K) is an attack on Pakistan. This is not Indian territory says Azad Kashmir President

China has given a message to India to renounce expansionist agenda’ | Prepare for War Pakistan

MUZAFFARABAD: Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) President Sardar Masood Khan has once again warned that there is a high probability of India’s aggression against Pakistan – in one form or the other.

He was replying to a question during an interview with an online news portal and a monthly magazine. “I believe that Pakistan is already under attack and in a state of war with India. An attack on Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K) is an attack on Pakistan. This is not Indian territory.”

India, President Masood said, is decimating potentially Pakistan’s citizens. “Indian occupation forces target and kill civilians across the Line of Control (LoC) in Azad Kashmir and terrorise 80,000 families now and then. Indian political and military leaders, including their prime minister and army chief, have threatened the use of military force against Pakistan.”

He also said that China has given a clear message to India to stay away and renounce its revisionist and expansionist agenda. “After China’s robust response on Doklam, Sikkim and Ladakh, India caved in because it does not want a repeat of the 1962 war but its designs vis-a-vis China remain unchanged.”

The AJK president went on to say that China does not want India to imperil the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) passing through Gilgit-Baltistan or attempt to alter the status of Azad Kashmir in any way. So the Pakistan factor in Chinese military and diplomatic posture is evident. “There is a careful but understated calibration and alignment. The Line of Actual Control (LAC) and the Line of Control are part of the same irredentist continuum so far as India is concerned.”

About AJK’s position on the disputed Ladakh region boundary, President Masood said that words would be chosen carefully in deference to the Chinese sensitivities and our long-standing relationship, but China’s pressure on India is a decisive factor because it reins in New Delhi’s aggression in IOJ&K and against Pakistan.

He, however, said that the standoff would not bridle India’s atrocities in the disputed valley or the rush for colonisation in the territory. “That can be stopped only through active resistance by Kashmiris and to a lesser extent by some decisive action by the international community.”

When asked how does China-India border standoff affect the morale of Kashmiri people, the AJK president said that hopes of Kashmiris have been raised. “Kashmiris think they are not alone and that China is on their side. That’s true but to an extent. Some engage in a flight of fancy visualising and goading for a two-front attack on India, an opportunity they think was missed in 1962.”

Ruling out an all-out war between China and India, the AJK president said that despite their significant differences, both the countries are tamping down tensions. “China, Pakistan and India are all nuclear powers and an active war threat between them could trigger a global nuclear Armageddon.”

When asked to comment on Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh’s remarks in which he warned that this is not India of 1962, President Masood said that Rajnath Singh’s bravado should not be taken seriously. He said that he did not see any difference between today’s India and India of 1962.

“Yes, it [India] has more arsenals and nuclear power today but has the same hegemonic mindset with feet of clay,” the AJK president said. “The costs of a confrontation for India would be too high, and Modi does not want to be excoriated like Nehru for another discomfiture.”

About the US offer to help mediate between India and China, he said there would be no mediation by embattled President Trump. “The suggestion was disingenuous because both Washington and New Delhi knew that Beijing would not accept the offer".

Wow now blaming the victims (kashmiri pandits). How low can one get . See a terrorist sympathiser here.
Indian hindu cast system was inhumane and the pundits were imposing that and got kicked out.
You can't deny how much dalits are still suffering in India due to cast system.
Indian hindu cast system was inhumane and the pundits were imposing that and got kicked out.
You can't deny how much dalits are still suffering in India due to cast system.
If we are imposing something we would not be having the world's second largest Muslim population,will we? And top it up we hall all the sects of Islam which no other Muslim country can claim .please think before you blabber.
Kashmiris want nothing to do with india.
Seriously who wants to live with a bunch of people who believe that non-hindus are sub-humans.This is why pandits got their a** kicked.

Of course, that’s why the pandits got massacred and run out of the valley! We knew that!

just hope that the poster doesn’t whine when other extremists like herself use flimsy generalizations to target, discriminate and attack people of her faith and community.
Take it on the chin dear lady (proverbially of course)

Indian hindu cast system was inhumane and the pundits were imposing that and got kicked out.
You can't deny how much dalits are still suffering in India due to cast system.

The pandits were imposing the caste system on the Muslim majority in Kashmir?!

I learn something new everyday.
This is an eye opener.

Now I’m happy for the injustice that was metted out to them. They deserved it!
Damned those wicked pandits!
Of course, that’s why the pandits got massacred and run out of the valley! We knew that!

just hope that the poster doesn’t whine when other extremists like herself use flimsy generalizations to target, discriminate and attack people of her faith and community.
Take it on the chin dear lady (proverbially of course)

The pandits were imposing the caste system on the Muslim majority in Kashmir?!

I learn something new everyday.
This is an eye opener.

Now I’m happy for the injustice that was metted out to them. They deserved it!
Damned those wicked pandits!
Admit it.
Same as you Hindu don't trust Muslims. Same sentiments here.
Admit it.
Same as you Hindu don't trust Muslims. Same sentiments here.

who said I don’t trust Muslims?
It depends on the Muslim, same as it does with a Hindu for me.
But not sure what that has to do with what i wrote.

perhaps you can explain?
Wow now blaming the victims (kashmiri pandits). How low can one get . See a terrorist sympathiser here.
Victims don't start fight Dumb a** rapist. A pandits life is worth less than a kashmiri finger nail:lol:
Kashmiris want nothing to do with india.
Seriously who wants to live with a bunch of people who believe that non-hindus are sub-humans.This is why pandits got their a** kicked.

Can we not stick to the vision of Imran Khan and resolve Kashmir dispute by way of talks?
Of course, that’s why the pandits got massacred and run out of the valley! We knew that!

just hope that the poster doesn’t whine when other extremists like herself use flimsy generalizations to target, discriminate and attack people of her faith and community.
Take it on the chin dear lady (proverbially of course)

The pandits were imposing the caste system on the Muslim majority in Kashmir?!

I learn something new everyday.
This is an eye opener.

Now I’m happy for the injustice that was metted out to them. They deserved it!
Damned those wicked pandits!
pandits got kicked out of kashmir the same reason bhartis get banned on PDF:woot:
As far as faith goes I am a deist.

Can we not stick to the vision of Imran Khan and resolve Kashmir dispute by way of talks?
Talks have been going on since 1947,Good luck talking to uncivilised genocidal hindu supremacists.
IK can't convince them or change their dogmatic nature.This is a race that justifies rape and celebrates deaths of innocent people.
Victims don't start fight Dumb a** rapist. A pandits life is worth less than a kashmiri finger nail:lol:
These bhartis think they are the ambassador for those kashmiri pandits but in reality those pandits even want to become part of India.They just want an independent Kashmir country ,even though they will have to live under the Muslim majority Kashmir.
Yes, says the country which willingly ceded the Shaksham Valley to the Chinese.
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