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What a beauty....

I just wish we had deeper pockets and more engineering prowess to take this design and scale it up to a medium weight or heavy fighter, possibly with dual engines... Taking an existing design and reworking it is always easier than completely brand new design.
Work required would probably have been the same. This is why it took so long to finalize and initialize block 3 in spite of there being not much design change. The cost and numbers required would not have made financial sense either.
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Taken at Minhas, Kamra in November, 2019.

It's a beautiful aircraft I must say.

That side is pretty for sure... the other side is NOT with those damn ugly external 1950's style hinges on the canopy.. what kind of piss poor engineering decision is that... shocking.... truly a bad design decision.
That side is pretty for sure... the other side is NOT with those damn ugly external 1950's style hinges on the canopy.. what kind of piss poor engineering decision is that... shocking.... truly a bad design decision.
Will pay a price in terms of higher RCS as well due to those hinges.

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