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Enforced regime change in India is no longer 'unthinkable'.

Old School

Apr 16, 2010
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There is no such thing as the last word in the world. Fascism was once also unthinkable before it ravaged the world and it was overthrown by a long and bloody enforced regime change. India has been in the crosshair of enforced regime change since 1947. However, the dynamics of world politics and the traditionally covert nature of successive past governments prevented such event. Those stabilizing dynamics are no longer valid as India took off to a more overtly fascist path both internally and externally in addition to an increasingly politicized military. All necessary ingredients to cook an enforced regime change are present in India based on the last 1000 such attempts elsewhere in the world.

This is a ten-point checklist: the more times ‘yes’ is circled, the more likely is a country to experience a coup, counter-coup or attempts at both. Please present your scores in the comment section. An score of equal or higher than 6 makes it more likely. Good luck!

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overthrown by the very same power that brought it to power.
I think Gen Rawat will over throw the Modi govt. Or may b Gen Naravane do that, how know might somebody else will do it. But it is certain that coup is on the way to India...

And who knows we might also see coup in America..
Don't get me wrong bro...We won't leave you unsupported...

india ia a country where generals are too inept, incompetent & corrupt to mount a coup...

Congratulations on having the most competent and corruption free generals of the world. I mean what can be a better place to prove that other than the goverment of your country ? :D:D

Let's take this as "try ball". You can think of another stupid reason for this. And we will see which one is funnier.

PS. The above logic of yours is so demoralising for most of the generals across the world... Only if they knew they had to topple their goverment to show their competency!!

I think Gen Rawat will over throw the Modi govt. Or may b Gen Naravane do that, how know might somebody else will do it. But it is certain that coup is on the way to India...

And who knows we might also see coup in America..

With all due respect Sir, stop dreaming.
This isn't Pakistan. We respect our Army but don't worship it. Civilian supremacy was the order of the day in India and thats how it is going to be forever.
India is a country highly prone to coups - Citizens of a country having a history of coups

Oh please you misunderstood our intent. We as Pakistanis fully support Modi ji and his endeavors in India.
Guys, first score please ! Then you can say what you want after reading the post. How much out of 10 ? Read the checklist.
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About the Indian military, organizationally it is neither leftist nor ( as far as I know ) does it have leftist officers at mid-level and higher level who look at the centrist or rightist government at national level and see it as ripe for a coup.

As much as I can gather, the Indian officer cadre are either centrist or rightist ( Col. Purohit, Maj. Gen. G. D. Bakshi etc ).

And who knows we might also see coup in America..

The American military is not a defensive military. It is an imperialist organization which takes orders from a capitalist Establishment.
About the Indian military, organizationally it is neither leftist nor ( as far as I know ) does it have leftist officers at mid-level and higher level who look at the centrist or rightist government at national level and see it as ripe for a coup.

As much as I can gather, the Indian officer cadre are either centrist or rightist ( Col. Purohit, Maj. Gen. G. D. Bakshi etc ).

The American military is not a defensive military. It is an imperialist organization which takes orders from a capitalist Establishment.

Did you serve in the military by the way ? Just curious.
No. I don't believe in violence, especially of the military type.
Almost all of the active members in PDF appear to be of civil background. A lot of gamers and IT workers as well. Probably, there are not many English language forums for the civilians.
Almost all of the active members in PDF appear to be of civil background. A lot of gamers and IT workers as well. Probably, there are not many English language forums for the civilians.

There used to be a forum called Pak Tea House. I don't know what became of it.

@Joe Shearer, were you a member ?

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