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5 Indian Army officers Including Col & Major killed in operation against Freedom Fighters

India didn't think anything.US think tanks declared you a failed state.Well with your economy,debt,water situation and internal security you are headed that way.On 26th we forever changed the strategic paradigm in the subcontinent.
5 trillion makes no difference for you because you can never dream of becoming a 5 trillion dollar economy,makes a hell of a lot difference for us and the world.We are not a security state like you.The bigger the economy better your living standards,larger your military budget and larger your global influence.
Imran khan is seen as an army puppet and a beggar who even became a driver for his saudi boss in our circles.He was treated as a vassal by the chinese (greeting him with a short red carpet and a provincial official on his arrival)and had to prompted by bajwa to engage the chinese premier.His naya pakistan was a scam.Your economy is finished and he has to continually beg on twitter for loan relief.Hardly someone who has 'taken india to the cleaners'.
All I see in post is beggar beggar beggar, why do you forget that you top that list too. As for being a security state we are happy with whatever you think we are. Doesn't change the fact that you will continue to pick bodies of your force till India and RSS terrorist Modi learns to behave in a civilised manner, lift curfew from Kashmir, stop killing innocent Kashmiris, stop raping women and stop blinding little children with pellet guns.
And as for Pm Khan driving, lol. Let me give you a clue go search on who drove PM Khan when he was in Saudi Arabia.
I think, it would become clear by evening, when most of the panel discussion and debate programs are aired from Indian news channels. If, most of their key anti-Pakistan anchors take this issue up; then we should expect that something big would be coming in near future. Modi has tweeted on this incidence. If someone can post that tweet in this thread.

Indian national bitchin competition is going to be a fun sight. Paaaaaakishtan Paaaaaakishtan aaaaaaaaaddddaaaa Paaaaaakishtan Rawwwwwwwwr pakistanis buhaaaaaaaaaa paaaakishtan

Someone plz place a spoon in arnabs mouth already :lol:
The Hindu radicals think that they can get away with poking pakistan like they are used to with untouchables

Funny how indians make ludicrous and outlandish claims but can NEVER EVER back them up with credible facts or proof........:lol:.........that is a major indian trait. Non-indians hardly ever do this.
The Hindu radicals think that they can get away with poking pakistan like they are used to with untouchables

It is not only Hindu radicals. The world at large is responsible for this arrogant Indian behavior. Specifically the US. During the Obama regime the Indians got special and preferential treatment to become a counterweight to China. Preferential treatment came in the shape of US tech jobs, advanced military equipment, nuke deal, trade deals, aid etc. Indians have been high since then believing they are special. They are not. They are being used as pawns and they know it. Acting as a counterweight to China is next to impossible. The Americans have been brainwashing the Indians and presenting them to the world as the next best thing after sliced bread.
Foreign fighters are foreign fighters.

When locals like Burhan Wani are exterminated, it makes news.
Burhan Wani Shaheed was the commander of resistance....His martyrdom influenced many more to become one like him.... If they were trained personnel with Gadgets The would have killed your wholesale of a battalion....:D
yeah psychological fear. its not bolly wood movie sir. If Kashmiris continues hunting officers like this then it surely creat havoc in your leadership.
As far as bravery is concern how a person can forget that your officers used human shield in kashmir.
Even one of your brave officer accepted in tv show that they used rape as a weapon against innocent kashmiri women.

You will teach fear to those who climbed the tallest mountain peaks under gunfire and shelling?You will teach them fear of death?To dishonour their paltan will be a fate far worse than death for them.
The officer put himself in danger to protect civilians,and paid for it.Sometimes no good deed goes unpunished.Human shield was used against stone pelters,and also a one off incident.
Rape cases were there in early 90s,not since then.Pakistan army's conduct in baluchistan..best not elaborate.
You will teach fear to those who climbed the tallest mountain peaks under gunfire and shelling?You will teach them fear of death?To dishonour their paltan will be a fate far worse than death for them.
The officer put himself in danger to protect civilians,and paid for it.Sometimes no good deed goes unpunished.Human shield was used against stone pelters,and also a one off incident.
Rape cases were there in early 90s,not since then.Pakistan army's conduct in baluchistan..best not elaborate.

IF what you say is true, can you post ANY CREDIBLE evidence or proof that confirms what you are claiming?
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