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If India is following Israeli model in Kashmir, Pakistan needs to follow the Iranian model

All these terrorists you named are labeled by UN with other cases then terrorism in kashmir hafiz saeed and MASOOD azhar involved in hijacking of passenger jet and don't relate to terrorism in Kashmir you indiot

how innocent...so cute.....As I said, you are free to denied. I will post many other articles on these people from international sources.... everyone will say that these people were/are involved terrorism in kashmir and india
And why he becomes a terrorist tell me that because your barbaric acts and genocide in IOK

he born in your kashmir but not Indian kashmir.... aslo served in the Pakistan Army's elite Special Services Group (SSG).

It says everything...
how innocent...so cute.....As I said, you are free to denied. I will post many other articles on these people from international sources.... everyone will say that these people were/are involved terrorism in kashmir and india
When you posted please repeat it again
You assume to be that Pakistan most evil country of the the world and India so innocent country that it not did any single bad thing against Pakistan how cute india is

he born in your kashmir but not Indian kashmir.... aslo served in the Pakistan Army's elite Special Services Group (SSG).

It says everything...
And this a proof of your barbaric genocide in IOK. May be your terrorist forces killed his family and he escaped from their and became and as a result he became a terrorist
When you posted please repeat it again
You assume to be that Pakistan most evil country of the the world and India so innocent country that it not did any single bad thing against Pakistan how cute india is

Sir, you asked me the proof, isn't?

NO country in the world is innocent ... including India
And this a proof of your barbaric genocide in IOK. May be your terrorist forces killed his family and he escaped from their and became and as a result he became a terrorist

Wow - cute

So why you ever blame on Pakistan like pulwama/uri/pathankot/Mumbai parliament attacks/air india hijacking cases

Because terrorist were involved in all incidents and it also claimed by terrorist organizations group (already shared).

it is a endless discussion... so better open a new thread and with best suggestion.

Practically I will repeat that Indian will not get you kashmir and same Pakistan will never get Indian kashmir.... if any other possible solution
Wow - cute

Because terrorist were involved in all incidents and it also claimed by terrorist organizations group (already shared).
Where the proofs especially on pulwama,uri,pathanlkot,Mumbai parliament attacks
Especially Mumbai attack where were your intelligence agencies from rann of kuch to Mumbai there is distance of more then 500 km and so called your terrorists traveled this distance with 300 kg of explosives and didn't your intelligence agencies able to capture these terrorists
These all attacks dramatize by your beloved RAW to propagandize against Pakistan at international level

Because, Pakistan was trying to sell and convey to the world that Pakistan army is not involved and these are mujaheddin..
Yes we are everybody knows that that's you're involved in baluchistan and backing PTM separation struggles from Afghanistan in Pakistan
Where the proofs especially on pulwama,uri,pathanlkot,Mumbai parliament attacks
Especially Mumbai attack where were your intelligence agencies from rann of kuch to Mumbai there is distance of more then 500 km and so called your terrorists traveled this distance with 300 kg of explosives and didn't your intelligence agencies able to capture these terrorists
These all attacks dramatize by your beloved RAW to propagandize against Pakistan at international level

I told you that you are free to denied. Pls spare this discussion because I am getting bored.

about Elias Davidsson, his credibility is less then my shoes cost. the only pakistan has got to defence on Mumbai attack narrative. they always forget that what present pak gov said during the time. again yaar, always denied and try to erase the history.
The administration in J&K was cleansing and driving Muslims into Pakistan (with the support of RSS volunteers, which the INC leaders turned a blind eye to). Pakistan did the right thing.

It's funny because I never see you Hindus criticize the Indian invasion of Hyderabad or talk about Hindu military aggression post-partition. Why is that?

What exactly was Jinnah’s plan? Create small islands of Pak territories inside India?

You do realise east Pak experiment did not exactly go as planned.
I told you that you are free to denied. Pls spare this discussion because I am getting bored.

about Elias Davidsson, his credibility is less then my shoes cost. the only pakistan has got to defence on Mumbai attack narrative. they always forget that what present pak gov said during the time. again yaar, always denied and try to erase the history.
Denied or humiliated you (India) have no logic and commonsense
And continuously blames on Pakistan without any solid proofs that pulwama/uri/pathankot did by JeM terrorists
But i understand your country and religion believes in lies and deceptions so its not your faults by the way
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