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Commonwealth Games Closing Ceremony in New Delhi

Guys I'm missing all this...can't wait to get home

It is not like Opening ceremony. Very little shows but this is expected as only in evening ground was cleared after marathon ceremony was over.

Think of all those martyrs who died for the right to sing this song!

How proud they must be feeling right now as the same Vande Mataram is being proudly played by their children in front of the British! With their heads held high!

And britania is applauding!
It's more of a beautiful colourful chaos than a closing ceremony.

Everybody seems to be having a jolly good time out there. A party indeed.
Kalmadi is on!

Still being booed!

Less than the opening ceremony, though!

Huge applause when he mentioned India is second in the medal tally!

India is making a statement to it's politicians @ Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, are they listening?
Has Kalmadi gone mad or what. He is giving such a long speech...too boring
not only boring us, but also people in stadium.

People are cheering for shila while putting hands down for all other politicians (except manmohan, sheila, rahul, soniya). Huge down hands for praful patel, kalmadi, jaypal reddy.

So, it means people know about politician but are waiting for non corrupted people to come up.
Guys! Don't we see a trend here... maximum gold medals for india in decreasing rank ( shooting, wrestling,boxing,archery)

see what India is good in??

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