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Turkish Space Programs

Did we develop the lens ourselves or did we have to buy it ? How much of the gadgets are Turkish ?
I do not know but I have a little bit educated guess.

We have both civillian and military know how of advanced optics. We are one of the best countries in the world at glass production and its technologies. We have really good experts on thin-film coating technologies and metamaterial nanocoatings. This last one is probably the most important part of building top notch optical instruments.

So; will we buy it from another country? I do not know. Do we have capability of building one here? Absolutly.

But the most important thing is the sensor. Aselsan have really good know-how for this. I hope they develops the sensor for this.
Did we develop the lens ourselves or did we have to buy it ? How much of the gadgets are Turkish ?

I do not know but I have a little bit educated guess.

We have both civillian and military know how of advanced optics. We are one of the best countries in the world at glass production and its technologies. We have really good experts on thin-film coating technologies and metamaterial nanocoatings. This last one is probably the most important part of building top notch optical instruments.

So; will we buy it from another country? I do not know. Do we have capability of building one here? Absolutly.

But the most important thing is the sensor. Aselsan have really good know-how for this. I hope they develops the sensor for this.

ASELSAN has opened an optic factory called "Aselsan Sivas"
I do not know but I have a little bit educated guess.

We have both civillian and military know how of advanced optics. We are one of the best countries in the world at glass production and its technologies. We have really good experts on thin-film coating technologies and metamaterial nanocoatings. This last one is probably the most important part of building top notch optical instruments.

So; will we buy it from another country? I do not know. Do we have capability of building one here? Absolutly.

But the most important thing is the sensor. Aselsan have really good know-how for this. I hope they develops the sensor for this.

On 30th August 2019, the world has seen a U.S. reconnaissance satellite image of less than 20 cm resolution and maybe even under 10 cm.


http://web.archive.org/web/20190830194708/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EDPFB_XWkAY6QWB.jpg ; https://archive.is/WODC7/d0358b58988bc6f8efc912e16b7141259929f652.jpg
1. Trump wish Iran best wishes and good luck in determining what happened at Site One.

President Trump Tweets Sensitive Surveillance Image of Iran

August 30, 2019

President Trump has tweeted what experts say is almost certainly an image from a classified satellite or drone, showing the aftermath of an accident at an Iranian space facility.
But the image shown in the president's tweet appears to be of far better quality, says Ankit Panda, an adjunct senior fellow at the Federation of American Scientists, who specializes in analyzing satellite imagery. "The resolution is amazingly high," says Panda. "I would think it's probably below well below 20 centimeters, which is much higher than anything I've ever seen."
It was not entirely clear where the president's photo came from. Panda believes it was most likely taken by a classified U.S. satellite. But Melissa Hanham, deputy director of the Open Nuclear Network at the One Earth Foundation, believes that the resolution is so high, it may be beyond the physical limits at which satellites can operate. "The atmosphere is thick enough that after somewhere around 11 to 9 centimeters, things get wonky," she says.


In clear, a large diameter mirror of 2.4 meter alone can not produce a clear image due to the atmospheric distortion.

Here the key critical technology is to use Adaptive Optics. These are only two of the main prerequisites behind the KH-11 type electro-optical surveillance satellite.



Turkey will announce its National Space Program in 2020, the country's technology minister said Tuesday.
We are planning to launch the first six-meter resolution national imaging satellite IMECE into space in 2021. Our satellite will use electric propulsion technology, which we developed as a major innovation worldwide. With İMECE and national satellite ground station projects that we will complete at the end of this year, we will be among the few countries that can produce all the elements of a satellite system. TURKSAT 6A, our first national communication satellite, whose design, testing and integration is 100 percent domestic, with many sub-components produced in our country, will be completed in 2021.
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Turkey will announce its National Space Program in 2020, the country's technology minister said Tuesday.
We are planning to launch the first six-meter resolution national imaging satellite IMECE into space in 2021. Our satellite will use electric propulsion technology, which we developed as a major innovation worldwide. With İMECE and national satellite ground station projects that we will complete at the end of this year, we will be among the few countries that can produce all the elements of a satellite system. TURKSAT 6A, our first national communication satellite, whose design, testing and integration is 100 percent domestic, with many sub-components produced in our country, will be completed in 2021.
We will die and they are still very lazy when it's come to space program . I don't know why.
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In the July 2019 issue of ROKETSAN, Ultra High Temperature Ceramics (3000 degrees and above) were discussed. In this article, it is pointed out that the ceramic technology that can be developed over Thorium Oxide can withstand a temperature of 3000 degrees. (page 20)

Archive of available literature on ultra-high temperature resistant ceramics

icbm or human mission on space? both are equally exciting
icbm or human mission on space? both are equally exciting

Well, in South Korea, modern reconstruction of an ancient rocket propelled manned flying vehicle are displayed in museums.

Thus paving the way for its space launcher program, the KSLV-II to be launched by 2021.

This is a good indication for any spacefaring powers.

Indeed, Turkey's situation is very similar with South Korea.


Norwegians agree to search for 350-year-old Turkish rocket

Aug. 18, 1986

OSLO, Norway -- A Turkish museum has asked a Norwegian firm to locate the wreckage of what Turkish historians have called a manned rocket that fell into the waters off Turkey in 1633, a company spokesman said Monday.

'The search for the rocket is planned for this winter provided that a suitable partner can be found for the project,' said Svein Kjar, managing director of Marest Ltd., a firm specializing in maritime maps and ocean surveying.

'From a technical viewpoint, this doesnt seem like a very difficult operation. We should be able to locate the rocket in a fairly short time once we get started,' Kjar said.

According to documents the Air Museum in Istanbul, Turkey, that were sent to the Norwegian firm, the wreck of the steel rocket lies at a depth of 90 feet not far from shore.'

Turkish historical records show that Lagari Hasan Celebi, a Turk, made a flight in the steel, gunpowder-powered rocket in 1633 to amuse the daughter of Sultan Murad Khan IV on her birthday.

Celebi apparently jumped from the rocket 300 yards above the Bosporus, the strait between the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara, landing with the aid of what is called 'eagle wings.'

'Who knows?' Kjar said. 'This was probably the first hang-glider.' Celebi was later appointed the sultan's rocket officer.

He said the spot where the three yard steel rocket is thought to lie has been located 'fairly accurately by the Turkish authorities.'

'To start with, we will be using a so-called boomer which is capable of locating metal objects down to 10 feet under the sea bed at a depth of up to 150 feet,' Kjar said.

'If we find indications of a metal object of this size we will then go down and remove the mud and sand which must undoubtedly be covering it after such a long time,' he said.


Don't forget that Turkey has a green light, something minor powers can not boast of, meaning the priority when trying to send a man into space.

Lacking this magical sesame, France that had the ambition to become the 3rd nation to send an astronaut into space, and that has sent its first rat "Hector" into space already in February 1961, can still not proceed 60 years later with an indigenous manned flight.

They had to cancel in 1992 their manned "Hermes" program started in 1975, after losing billions in the project.

Even with their powerful Ariane-5 and Ariane-6 SLVs, France can't even launch an astronaut into a 20 minutes surborbital flight.

This ultimate goal can only be unlocked if both Turkey and Korea launch their astronauts first.

So hurry up, with Lagari Hasan Celebi's magical sesame, space is for you!



Kazakhstan will cooperate in space with Turkey 10.11.2019

Turkey-Kazakhstan Intergovernmental Joint Economic Commission (JEC) Eleventh Session of the Vice President Fuat Oktay and after Protocol signing ceremony, Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Askar Mamin has continued formal studies at dinner.

In addition to the 65 action plans, Oktay and Mamin agreed to cooperate in the field of aerospace technologies, including manned or unmanned access to the space that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan emphasized.

Furthermore, an agreement was reached on the signing of preferential trade agreement between the two countries and the opening of Kazakhstan Turkish Trade Center following the signing of this agreement. Thus agreed action items rose to 68 between Kazakhstan and Turkey.
I wonder if agreement would let turkish engineers to look into Buran space shuttle which is stored there.
Kazakhstan will cooperate in space with Turkey 10.11.2019

Turkey-Kazakhstan Intergovernmental Joint Economic Commission (JEC) Eleventh Session of the Vice President Fuat Oktay and after Protocol signing ceremony, Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Askar Mamin has continued formal studies at dinner.

In addition to the 65 action plans, Oktay and Mamin agreed to cooperate in the field of aerospace technologies, including manned or unmanned access to the space that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan emphasized.

Furthermore, an agreement was reached on the signing of preferential trade agreement between the two countries and the opening of Kazakhstan Turkish Trade Center following the signing of this agreement. Thus agreed action items rose to 68 between Kazakhstan and Turkey.

I think Turkish Rockets will be launched in Kazakhstan.
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