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6 Things That Make a Man Sexy!

"Here in sub-continent we women do not in anyway judge a man by this word" - Lady appreciate your noble thoughts. But unfortunately Dollar matters now.
lolzzz well we all hate listening to "SOME" women Not all

And the one we hate to listen surely we dont try to be in relation with them right??

duh...but by some I meant 80 percent, its hard to find a good listenin and less talkin women these days, :D
thats right....but the reason I said 99% is because, there is only 1% girls left with whom money doesnt work and can be called decent. with rest of them..its the best shot.

no mate, i think it is an insult to the women.
The only time I hate woman talking while I am in bed trying to go to sleep and she doesnt stop talking, the second one is while I am watching telly and she causing interuptions, apart from that i am OK with it.
I won't say 'Women nowadays', because it's uncool to generalize, but the kind of materialism I get to see these days (I live in a City, so maybe that has something to do with it) is disturbing.

It's not just women-men are no less materialistic. By and large, women need stability. Money brings stability, so a woman who looks for a well-settled mate is not neccesarily a 'wh***'.

I would say that if a dude is reasonably good looking, has a moderate sense of humor but loaded- he's in with a good chance.

@Gowthamraj- dude chicas like a guy to be CRAZY about them. Do crazy Deewana $hit, she'll fall for you. And give lots of gifts......;)
The only time I hate woman talking while I am in bed trying to go to sleep and she doesnt stop talking, the second one is while I am watching telly and she causing interuptions, apart from that i am OK with it.

thats what I was talking before :agree:
"Here in sub-continent we women do not in anyway judge a man by this word" - Lady appreciate your noble thoughts. But unfortunately Dollar matters now.

Thats an insult to majority of the Indian woman i guess.

exceptions are there but those are not even minority i guess it should be called nenority :P
The only time I hate woman talking while I am in bed trying to go to sleep and she doesnt stop talking, the second one is while I am watching telly and she causing interuptions, apart from that i am OK with it.

huh it means all men have one thing in common that is that sleep is more dear to them than the woman they love even madly :lazy:
How you doing that ? have you ever stand by her when she needed you in difficult times? give her space do not expect reward in exchange for your support and help :)

oh BTW dont listen to money mongers. Money is thrown on dancers too and spent on women in *** industry too that does not mean they will start loving everyone as a real man

create a difficult situation and stand by her :D
"Here in sub-continent we women do not in anyway judge a man by this word" - Lady appreciate your noble thoughts. But unfortunately Dollar matters now.

thats right....but the reason I said 99% is because, there is only 1% girls left with whom money doesnt work and can be called decent. with rest of them..its the best shot.

Seriously guys, what kind of women have you met? I find your comments as deregatory towards women. and considering you are Indian, its an insult to India and Indian women.

Ok, this might be your view, but from my experience, and that of my friends and relatives, I would say the statistics are the other way around. 99% want a man for who he is. The other 1% just want the cash.

Ok, now let me bust this myth of money attracting women. If you notice, rich guys generally tend to be more successful than poor guys with women. But the reason isn't just money. Sure, afancy car can catch a woman's eye, but to really GET a quality woman, the GUY has to have some quality. let me explain why rich guys are more successful

1) Rich guys are generally better groomed: Their attire and accessories are better, and they usually sport some good haircuts from expensive salons. This makes them look better and classier. A rich guy who dresses like an average guy won't have this advantage.

2) Rich guys are usually better educated: They go to posh private schools that teach them better social skills, and they generally have the opportunity to further their learning. And women love guys who are smart, and can make her intrigued

3) Rich guys are generally more confident than their poorer counterparts: Ah confidence, the key to any form of success. Rich guys generally just have more confidence, partly brought about by their money. Add the education and the better grooming, and they set themselves a class apart.

4) Rich guys move around more in social circles: More cash = more partying, and meet more people. This generally makes them better at socialising. Trust me, socialising skills are something that grow with practice. And the better you are at socialising, better you are at dating, since dating is a form of socialising, albeit more romantic ;)

You see, its not about the money, but how you use it. If you have a tonne of cash, but you dress like a nerd, are dumb and not confident in yourself, the only girls u will get are the 1% who run after money.

But hey, even a poor guy can gt the girl of hi dreams if he grooms himself well, is smart, has confidence and socialising skills. Its all about who you are. Trust me.
Well, i think his problem is how to get into a relationship with this lady, the rest of the things such as looking after her or standing by her can be once they are in a relationship(marriage or other), so what is the advice for the first bit?

Ahmad marriage is a relation where if men like it or Not they have to stand by their wives its a compulsion in majority of the cases.

I am talking about relations where men often claim to be in love with a woman but they failed to prove it. Looking after does not mean you will have to pay for her living :) but yes small things not to lie, be straight and honest simple as that and always stand by her.
huh it means all men have one thing in common that is that sleep is more dear to them than the woman they love even madly :lazy:

i have no problem to listen to her or talk to her, even talking while in bed, but the ladies must know about the timing which is very important.
create a difficult situation and stand by her :D

:) you are talking about some womanizer i am talking about real men.

If he is a real man he wont create difficult situation (the kind of one you are talking about) and if she is a real woman she will not fall in such a situation
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