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Iran needs to get out Iraq and Lebanon

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saipa pride is yellow

Yes, but when you use the Name Saipa alone, it refers to the legendary Saipa Zamyad.


Situation is getting out of hand. Innocent people are being killed. Iranians need to wise up and stop this meddling or the price will be big. Iran already blew his money on killing civilians in Syria. You can’t afford that in Iraq and Lebanon too. Iran is making very foolish decisions lately. Soon the chicken will come home to roost. Not very smart policy of Iran. People need to rise up in Iran and tell them they want education and jobs instead of their hard earned money to be spend on adventures abroad.
Base on Pompeo wordings Iran has spent 16 billion $ since 2011 in Syria, Iraq and entire region ,,, 2 billions $ per year to keep isis away, save and help our friends and the region, thawing american plots while daily life continues in Iran is nothing ,,, compare it by 1000 billion$ compensation of Iran Iraq war which was 125Bl $ annually and causing death of 250k and destruction of our cities ...
On middling, where ever we've been we'd been asked to be there so it ain't called in any encyclopedia intervening but americans whom already occupied countries in this region ...
Iraq and Lebanon have been victims of decades of wars blockade and sanctions imposed by the americans so it takes time to recover but blaming on people whom devoted their lives to take Lebanese lands is just for distracting masses from reality on the ground.
So don't talk about sth you know nothing ...
simple answer to a complex problem.

old video but still relevant

Iran seeks sphere of influence and regional hegemony---no oversimplification

The video was very good, but it says that Iran by nature is a regional hegemon. The problem is that Iran's hegemony in the region faces regional and extra-regional challenges. Equipping our allies with nuclear missiles (even if it happens) will not solve our problems. We should not get ahead of ourselves.

We should put progress in science and industry above all. And we have to work on all three factors of power: 1-economy, 2-military, 3-science.
I remember in the 2009 green protests in Iran. there were all sorts of rumours of "Hezbollah snipers" "Iraqi militiamen attacking people" etc..etc.....

many idiots actually believed this.... \\

then In Syria, in the early stages there were rumours of "Iranian snipers"

now again in Iraq same rumours… Iranian or Iranian backed militia snipers etcetc….\

western/American propaganda is becoming more and more pathetic with time. .
The video was very good, but it says that Iran by nature is a regional hegemon. The problem is that Iran's hegemony in the region faces regional and extra-regional challenges. Equipping our allies with nuclear missiles (even if it happens) will not solve our problems. We should not get ahead of ourselves.

We should put progress in science and industry above all. And we have to work on all three factors of power: 1-economy, 2-military, 3-science.
Did you ever ask yourself WHY USA deploys American nuclear weapons in such non nuclear weapon countries like Germany, Turkey and others? The aim was to protect Germany and Turkey from potential Soviet invasion. If Soviets knew that there are no nuclear weapons in Germany they could invade. But if they know that there are American nuclear weapons in Germany----they think twice.....This is the reason why US deploys nuclear weapons in non nuclear countries like Germany----to protect them.

Whatever influence Iran has in Iraq or Syria you can not protect that sphere of influence in face of potential Turkish or Israeli invasion which is possible in the future. But if you deploy nuclear weapons in these countries the same way as US deploys nuclear weapons in Germany for example....you will block any potential aggression from Turkey or Israel the same way as US nukes in West Germany and Turkey blocked the Soviet attack during the Cold War
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Did you ever ask yourself WHY USA deploys American nuclear weapons in such non nuclear weapon countries like Germany, Turkey and others? The aim was to protect Germany and Turkey from potential Soviet invasion. If Soviets knew that there are no nuclear weapons in Germany they could invade. But if they know that there are American nuclear weapons in Germany----they think twice.....This is the reason why US deploys nuclear weapons in non nuclear countries like Germany----to protect them.

Whatever influence Iran has in Iraq or Syria you can not protect that sphere of influence in face of potential Turkish or Israeli invasion which is possible in the future. But if you deploy nuclear weapons in these countries the same way as US deploys nuclear weapons in Germany for example....you will block any potential aggression from Turkey or Israel the same way as US nukes in West Germany and Turkey blocked the Soviet attack during the Cold War
Not entirely. The US has stationed nukes in countries like Turkey because it significantly reduces the timing of a possible nuclear attack on Russia (Soviet Union). It's not entirely for the safety of those countries but rather for the safety of the US herself under the MAD doctrine. I personally think that nuking a country like Russia for invading another country is madness and the main reason for deploying nukes in Turkey or other US allies was not to stop Russia from invading them.

Anyway, we are not the US. We can't develop hundreds of nukes to deploy them in our allies. Plus, none of those countries you mentioned are stable enough to be trusted with strategic WMDs like nuclear weapons. In a realistic world, a nuclear attack on the US is completely out of the question for Iran in the next 5 decades at least. Even if Iran builds a thousand nukes, it cannot think of threatening the US or her allies with nukes.
This is why Arabs have never been succesfull, they have the memory of a goldfish.

If Iran didn’t intervene in iraq Baghdad would have fallen to ISIS and thousands slaughtered. They already forgot that.

If Iran didn’t itnervene in Lebanon, South Lebanon would be a part of Israel and they would be living like The Palestinians.

So who cares what the protestors are doing, Arabs make terrible decisions anyway. Look at Libya and Egypt. The “people” of that country destroyed that country. Afterwards they just shrug their shoulders and say “oops we made a mistake life was better under Ghadaffi”.

A bunch of morons if you ask me.
This is why Arabs have never been succesfull, they have the memory of a goldfish.

If Iran didn’t intervene in iraq Baghdad would have fallen to ISIS and thousands slaughtered. They already forgot that.

If Iran didn’t itnervene in Lebanon, South Lebanon would be a part of Israel and they would be living like The Palestinians.

So who cares what the protestors are doing, Arabs make terrible decisions anyway. Look at Libya and Egypt. The “people” of that country destroyed that country. Afterwards they just shrug their shoulders and say “oops we made a mistake life was better under Ghadaffi”.

A bunch of morons if you ask me.

Nah, you're just writing a comment with the objective of bashing Arabs.

Let me put a spin to that, Americans could say if not for them ISIS would have taken Baghdad given that the US air force was the main external backer of the war against ISIS in Iraq. But then I can say that if not for Ameriga's adventures would Iraq have seen ISIS to start with?

When it comes to Iranian influence, I can say that if Maliki who was backed by Iran heavily, acted accordingly and didn't force out US forces in 2011 when the Iraqi army wasn't ready yet to take over military operations... then we would not have witnessed an ISIS take over.

You can take your comment and throw it in the bin. This is why the internet should be restricted.
Nah, you're just writing a comment with the objective of bashing Arabs.

Let me put a spin to that, Americans could say if not for them ISIS would have taken Baghdad given that the US air force was the main external backer of the war against ISIS in Iraq. But then I can say that if not for Ameriga's adventures would Iraq have seen ISIS to start with?

When it comes to Iranian influence, I can say that if Maliki who was backed by Iran heavily, acted accordingly and didn't force out US forces in 2011 when the Iraqi army wasn't ready yet to take over military operations... then we would not have witnessed an ISIS take over.

You can take your comment and throw it in the bin. This is why the internet should be restricted.
But Iran didn't force the US forces to leave Iraq. The US itself decided to reduce its military presence in Iraq. You can't blame that on us. I agree with the main point of your post that the objective of that comment is bashing Arabs though.
Lebanese want Hezbollah out. They are nice people so they ask nicely first. Iran has no business there and the people don’t want you. Soon we will see similar things in Lebanon that we saw in Iraq; no Iranian militia will be safe.

What on Earth are you talking about? Hezbollah are Lebanese. They represent close to a third of the country. Who are you to speak for the Lebanese or for the Iraqis or for the Syrians? The protests have little to nothing to do with Iran. Better to keep your mouth shut than to make a complete fool of yourself.
And who says these demonstrators are the majority? maybe the're a minority of max. 20% of Iraqis. Anyways Iraqi security forces have clearly said attack on properties and hooliganism will be seen as terrorist attacks and will be dealth with accordingly.
Nah, you're just writing a comment with the objective of bashing Arabs.

Let me put a spin to that, Americans could say if not for them ISIS would have taken Baghdad given that the US air force was the main external backer of the war against ISIS in Iraq. But then I can say that if not for Ameriga's adventures would Iraq have seen ISIS to start with?

When it comes to Iranian influence, I can say that if Maliki who was backed by Iran heavily, acted accordingly and didn't force out US forces in 2011 when the Iraqi army wasn't ready yet to take over military operations... then we would not have witnessed an ISIS take over.

You can take your comment and throw it in the bin. This is why the internet should be restricted.

You are braindead.

The US purposely held back aid to Iraq and wanted to gain the complete upper hand on Iraq by letting ISIS storm Baghdad. This would force the Iraqis to give the US a blank check of whatever demands they wanted.

It wasn’t until Iran intervened in Baghdad and the situation stabilized and Sistani made the mobilization decree THEN the US stepped in after they saw they would lose the Public Relations opportunity of being the “hero”.

Only a braindead moron would forget that it was the mobilization militias (mostly backed by iran) that survived as the brute force of pushing back against ISIS. Seems Iraqis forgot that. Maybe rule under ISIS would have been better for them.

Same bravado in Kurdistan, first Pershmerga say that they are the only hope and that ISIS doesn’t dare attack them in Iraq. Then when ISIS is less than 15KM away from their coastal they start screaming to Iran for help. And now look Kurds in iraq continue to talk bad about Iran.

And nobody here needs to bash Arabs they have been bashing themselves since 1950’s as they lost all control and self dignity to Israel.

Even today no Arab nation can survive without US security umbrella. How pathetic in 50 years time they have to turn to Israel in order to sustain their rule. If Saddam was alive right now he would spit in the face of Sunni Arabs for what they have done.

But all this is to Iran’s benefit. Iran like China plans its movements on the order of 20-50-75 years. Where as Arabs flip sides on the drop of the hat and have ZERO long term straterty.

Look at Yemen, less than 10 years ago Saudi Arabia was allies with Houthis and supplied them with Arabs to fight Salehi. Now they are fighting each other to death.

Iran builds lasting relationships that last decades the US and Arabs use people and throw them aside when the winds change.
You are braindead.

The US purposely held back aid to Iraq and wanted to gain the complete upper hand on Iraq by letting ISIS storm Baghdad. This would force the Iraqis to give the US a blank check of whatever demands they wanted.

It wasn’t until Iran intervened in Baghdad and the situation stabilized and Sistani made the mobilization decree THEN the US stepped in.

Same bravado in Kurdistan, first Pershmerga say that they are the only hope and that ISIS doesn’t dare attack them in Iraq. Then when ISIS is less than 15KM away from their coastal they start screaming to Iran for help. And now look Kurds in iraq continue to talk bad about Iran.

And nobody here needs to bash Arabs they have been bashing themselves since 1950’s as they lost all control and self dignity to Israel.

Even today no Arab nation can survive without US security umbrella. How pathetic in 50 years time they have to turn to Israel in order to sustain their rule. If Saddam was alive right now he would spit in the face of Sunni Arabs for what they have done.

But all this is to Iran’s benefit. Iran like China plans its movements on the order of 20-50-75 years. Where as Arabs flip sides on the drop of the hat and have ZERO long term straterty.

Look at Yemen, less than 10 years ago Saudi Arabia was allies with Houthis and supplied them with Arabs to fight Salehi. Now they are fighting each other to death.

Iran builds lasting relationships that last decades the US and Arabs use people and throw them aside when the winds change.

You make a shitload of various points that are not tied to each other and act as if I am unaware of that information with the aim of bashing Arabs as a whole, and with that you think you're bringing something bright to the table right?

As for Iran, Iran offered Baghdad its military to be deployed in Iraq. Iraq's gov rejected this. The US stepped in after Maliki's replacement which was their demand, not Baghdad's fall that wasn't what they were looking for as that would cause a mess too big to fix.. Also Baghdad wouldn't have fallen to start with. Mosul was never controlled by the army before the major operation to start with, ISIS was running it underground as organised crime. Iraq has a lot more control over Mosul now than it did pre 2014.
You make a shitload of various points that are not tied to each other and act as if I am unaware of that information with the aim of bashing Arabs as a whole, and with that you think you're bringing something bright to the table right?

As for Iran, Iran offered Baghdad its military to be deployed in Iraq. Iraq's gov rejected this. The US stepped in after Maliki's replacement which was their demand, not Baghdad's fall that wasn't what they were looking for as that would cause a mess too big to fix.. Also Baghdad wouldn't have fallen to start with. Mosul was never controlled by the army before the major operation to start with, ISIS was running it underground as organised crime. Iraq has a lot more control over Mosul now than it did pre 2014.

I don’t care if I come off as bashing Arabs. Iran is exploiting a weakness that is prevalent throughout the Middle East. You think any other power would not do this? You think Saudi Arabia would not do this if they could? You think the world is sunshine and rainbows?

Don’t blame Iran for doing what any other dominant power would do in its place.

You make nice excuses for the US just like the Arab Monarchs Who kiss their feet and whitewash their crimes. You forgot Afghanistan is like this today because US supported Osama bin Laden against the Soviet backed secular Afghan government? Or how Libya is in shambles because of the West?

But somehow the focus is always on Iran. Nice job falling for the great magic trick blaming Iran while the US/Israel/West continue to kill more Arabs right underneath your nose.

But yes Hezbollah (a lebanonese organization) and Shiite PMUs (Iraqi organizations) are the source of all the problems in the those countries and the Middle East.

Enjoy living in that bubble Camel Boy. Your name fits your intelligence.
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