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Trump stresses need to reduce India-Pakistan 'tensions' in Modi phone call: White House


May 21, 2006
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United States President Donald Trump on Monday spoke with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, urging a reduction of tension between India and Pakistan over the Kashmir issue.

“The president conveyed the importance of reducing tensions between India and Pakistan and maintaining peace in the region,” White House spokesperson Hogan Gidley said in a statement.

Read more: Trump, Modi and Imran a love triangle do not make

"The two leaders further discussed how they will continue to strengthen US-India economic ties through increased trade, and they look forward to meeting again soon."

Later in the day, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi while reacting to the Trump-Modi phone call said at a press conference that Prime Minister Imran Khan had already taken the US president on board over the issue of occupied Kashmir.

"Prime Minister Khan told Trump that a curfew has been in place across Indian-occupied Kashmir. The prime minister had said that as per our information, thousands of Kashmiris including [the local] leadership had been detained and several of them had also been sent out of Kashmir," he said.

According to the foreign minister, the premier had told Trump that as per his viewpoint, the situation in occupied Kashmir merited visits of observers from human rights organisations.

He quoted the prime minister as saying that India should uphold international law and its commitments to the international community.

"We are foreseeing a humanitarian crisis [in occupied Kashmir] in the making," he said, adding that the curfew in the region should be lifted and restrictions ended.
United States President Donald Trump on Monday spoke with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, urging a reduction of tension between India and Pakistan over the Kashmir issue.

“The president conveyed the importance of reducing tensions between India and Pakistan and maintaining peace in the region,” White House spokesperson Hogan Gidley said in a statement.

Read more: Trump, Modi and Imran a love triangle do not make

"The two leaders further discussed how they will continue to strengthen US-India economic ties through increased trade, and they look forward to meeting again soon."

Later in the day, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi while reacting to the Trump-Modi phone call said at a press conference that Prime Minister Imran Khan had already taken the US president on board over the issue of occupied Kashmir.

"Prime Minister Khan told Trump that a curfew has been in place across Indian-occupied Kashmir. The prime minister had said that as per our information, thousands of Kashmiris including [the local] leadership had been detained and several of them had also been sent out of Kashmir," he said.

According to the foreign minister, the premier had told Trump that as per his viewpoint, the situation in occupied Kashmir merited visits of observers from human rights organisations.

He quoted the prime minister as saying that India should uphold international law and its commitments to the international community.

"We are foreseeing a humanitarian crisis [in occupied Kashmir] in the making," he said, adding that the curfew in the region should be lifted and restrictions ended.
American deep state is with india bt thy can't openly support India cause thn trump will fire them, bt minus trump admin, croupt American deep state wants to remain in Afghanistan and thus thy need indias support, modi won't listen to trump cause he is hvng hands in hands with american deep state, so all this trump hustle is jst for nothing?

Superficial measures, to keep the temperatures, within limits.
No it won't keep any temperature in limits, Jst watch the show, trump and his deep state are at odds, trump wants to remain in power for next term thus he wants a manufactured victory in Afghanistan, bt his deep state wants to be in Afghanistan from where thy r earning trillions of$$$ in drug trafficking, thier interests are with modi which I'll keep the tension high so tht the Afghan problem keeps going on and thy will remain there as long as thy want?
Seem heading toward limited war. Over 10,000 people missing in last 15 days. Most of them took by Indian army.
United States President Donald Trump on Monday spoke with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, urging a reduction of tension between India and Pakistan over the Kashmir issue.
Just read it as below:

United States President Donald Trump on Monday spoke with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, urging an increment of tension between India and Pakistan over the Kashmir issue and attack Pakistan. Hell we are already late.
I doubt that anyone will be able to "reduce" tension between the two countries at this stage with just a call, it's laughable. President Trump wasted his time.
its over Kashmir will be handed to Pakistan in next 7 days thanks to trump

No. I have heard that Mr. Trump has committed to handover AJK and GB to Mr. Modi, through that Mr Mogambo aka Rajnath Singh.:p::p::p:
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