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Wen to visit in Dec, as India hosts the world's who's who

Issues or demands?

Demands are made by petulant kids and I'm sure that the leaders of the world's fastest growing economies are anything but that.

It is pointless to demand something that the other side cannot give. Only it can be discussed/raised in order to find a pragmatic solution to deadlocks.
Thats' called a potential super-power
watever our enemies do,but in the end of the day,everyone wishes to be with india,even the closest ally of our enemies..coz they know,there are Russia,japan,US,france,south korea,encircled em..and from this side INDIA


You're really making way too much out a visit. These kinds of visits are cosmetic visits. And btw, how has France, South Korea and russia encircled us? Goodness me. :rofl::rofl:

You're really making way too much out a visit. These kinds of visits are cosmetic visits. And btw, how has France, South Korea and russia encircled us? Goodness me. :rofl::rofl:

Read carefully. He was talking about China not Pakistan. India is not really concerned about Pakistan, its China's support of Pakistan that we are concerned of.
Read carefully. He was talking about China not Pakistan. India is not really concerned about Pakistan, its China's support of Pakistan that we are concerned of.

I beg to differ.

Here's the key component of the post:

everyone wishes to be with india,even the closest ally of our enemies

Let's narrow down the states that can be described by this post.

1. "Enemies": Pakistan, China. Narrows it down to two states. Let's assume China is an enemy for argument's sake since that's what you're implying by your post -- that China is an enemy.

2. Since the enemies can be Pakistan and China, their respective "closest allies" are China and XYZ (whatever you may call China's closest ally).

So there are two possibilites, either

A. the enemy is Pakistan and the closest ally is China,
B. the enemy is China and its closest ally is XYZ.

B makes no sense, because it's stupid to say in this thread that XYZ wants to be with India, even though it's a close ally of China. Does it make sense to say that Sri Lanka (an ally of China) want to be close to India, even though they are allies of China, in this thread? No, it is redundant, false in some cases, utterly irrelevant to thread and hence makes no sense to put in this thread. Hence B is eliminated.

Only A remaining. And it makes sense that it is A, since this thread is about Chinese PM visiting India, and China is closest ally of Pakistan, and hence "China wants to be close to India, even though it is closest ally of one of our enemy".


India is not concerned about Pakistan? Problems with nukes, nuclear energy, military assistance, F-16s suggest otherwise.
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A few issues India must raise with China:

1. Massive trade imbalance
2. Currency undervaluation
3. Climate Change (BRIC strategy)
4. Support for UNSC seat
5. Chinese investment in infrastucture projects in India.
6. Nuclear deal with Pak
7. Military assistance to Pak

8. Increasing access to Indian Companies in the Chinese Markets.

and what it has to do with india in the first place, india asks weapons from russia, USA, pakistan doesnt bother with it, u develop your arsenal we develop ours, dont try to become over smart.. and u know what chinese gonna reply with your nonsense, chinese dont give us weapons for free, its a mutual trade relations, the chinese r not coming so that you can put any bharati pressure for things which are beyond your limits..

You're really making way too much out a visit. These kinds of visits are cosmetic visits. And btw, how has France, South Korea and russia encircled us? Goodness me. :rofl::rofl:

I was referring to the bold part here. He was referring to China being encircled by Japan, South Korea, Singapore, US and to this side India.

Only reference to Pakistan in the post was as the enemy. China as you rightly figured out is ally of our enemy.
I was referring to the bold part here. He was referring to China being encircled by Japan, South Korea, Singapore, US and to this side India.

Only reference to Pakistan in the post was as the enemy. China as you rightly figured out is ally of our enemy.

Kind of confusing, because reference to France makes no sense, and neither does Russia, since Russia is an ally of China. But other side is also confusing, since SK, Japan, France are not encircling Pakistan. Let's just say the whole point was rather stupid, then, since any interpretation turns out to be confusing, and China is definitely not being friendly (if you call this behaviour friendly, that is) for these reasons.
and what it has to do with india in the first place, india asks weapons from russia, USA, pakistan doesnt bother with it, u develop your arsenal we develop ours, dont try to become over smart.. and u know what chinese gonna reply with your nonsense, chinese dont give us weapons for free, its a mutual trade relations, the chinese r not coming so that you can put any bharati pressure for things which are beyond your limits..

Not sure why are you getting pumped up here....Remember today's reality is that you are our adversary...So diplomatically we will try to hurt you wherever possible...In short from Indian POV list looks good...No-one stops you to use diplomatic offensive against us why complain???
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