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ICJ rejects India’s plea for acquittal, repatriation of Kulbhushan - Updates, News & Discussion

Lol. Direct line to the CIA now?
That tin foil hat must be giving excellent reception..5G standard boss!

Ask them man why asking me. I am just telling you what i read on the news
The rulings of the ICJ are binding but it has no power to enforce them.
Does mubarak patel know about khulbhushan?

One of them was caught in Iran and one in Balochistan. One has links with India high command while the other has links with ISIS Kerala chapter. Just a treasure trove of goodies
That doesnt prove in any freaking way that he did terrorist activity, it shouldnt be so hard to provide evidence for it. You guys didnt give any in ICJ. Or else u would have won it. Dont spin it anymore.Thats why u needed to use military court. It doesnt matter, lets have a civil court see his case and lets see all the "evidence" u have.


It's our choice & way to abide by ICJ ruling... India is not in position to dictate any term. You got the counselor access as per verdict but that will done as per our choice too. Review will be done with full weight to hang him, as the verdict says. He is not acquitted hence, not innocent. He is not release, hence, India is not going to have him. He will not be returned, hence, India shouldn't dream at all - In fact Indian Establishment is just hiding behind Indian Media claims. ICJ did not say he is innocent but more onto that, proved that KJ has two original passports with different names - you know what that means...

All in all, you can chose one victory of "Counselor Access" as per your convenience but the man lost the last chance of being proven innocent by all means and India is responsible for that. Why should we provide evidence to ICJ that couldn't acquit KJ (proven). Now as the retrial & counselor access will done as per our choosing, on every single hearing, world will came to know about how KJ network worked & how many affiliated personnel are busted to expose Indian design. No rush my friend.
Oh plz, dont play such high and mighty, provide evidence and convict him. no evidence, then face up to what you did to him.
You say that it (now) matters. The evidence is what's got him in deep sh!t to begin with.

Give it a day for the information to set in. You'll probably find d!ckheads like Arnab Goswami & his Band of Brothers screaming for the release...correction demand for the immediate release of their Hero.

You'll get your Council, but let me predict the future for you while you'll still around. Guilty second time around.

Lets see that so-called pressure Modi & the Indian Govt. had on PAK with Abhi-Nando's.
One of them was caught in Iran and one in Balochistan. One has links with India high command while the other has links with ISIS Kerala chapter. Just a treasure trove of goodies
so they are karan arjun of india, and their mata is terror mata?
An international court has ordered Pakistan to review the death penalty given to a retired Indian Navy officer whom it has accused of spying.

Pakistan has violated international law by denying India consular access to Kulbhushan Jadhav, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ruled.

The rulings of the ICJ are binding but it has no power to enforce them.

Kulbhushan Jadhav was arrested in Pakistan in March 2016, and sentenced to death the following year.

Pakistan, the court ruled, had failed to inform Mr Jadhav of his rights, and "deprived the Republic of India of the right to communicate with and have access to [him], to visit him in detention and to arrange for his legal representation".

"A continued stay of execution constitutes an indispensible condition for the effective review and reconsideration of the conviction and sentence of Mr Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav," it added.

Indian government told AFP the ruling was "a complete victory", adding: "This opens up the possibility of consular access and a retrial in a civilian court."

Wednesday's verdict is likely to fuel tensions between the nuclear powers.

India and Pakistan were on the brink of war in February over the disputed territory of Kashmir.

The neighbours have a long history of diplomatic spats and Delhi and Islamabad often accuse each other of sending spies into their territories.

What are the allegations?
The case of Kulbhushan Jadhav has been a thorny issue since his arrest three years ago.

Pakistan said it had detained him in the restive province of Balochistan, home to a separatist insurgency that it accuses India of backing. India said he was kidnapped in Iran, which borders the province, where he was doing business.

Image captionKulbushan Jadhav's mother and wife were allowed to meet him in December 2017
Shortly after his arrest, the Pakistani authorities released a video in which he was shown admitting involvement in spying.

India has always questioned the alleged confession, saying that it was extracted under duress.

In April 2017, Pakistan said he had been convicted in a military court of espionage and terrorism and sentenced to death. India then filed a case with the ICJ, which ordered Pakistan not to execute him until the case was heard and a decision reached.


While India said that Pakistan violated the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations by denying access to Mr Jadhav, Pakistan argued he was not entitled to consular access because he is a spy who illegally entered the country in order to create "unrest and instability".

The ICJ was set up in 1945 to rule on disputes between nations in accordance with international law.

The last time India and Pakistan took a dispute to the court was in 1999 when Islamabad protested against India's downing of a Pakistani navy plane that killed 16 people.

The court decided that it had no jurisdiction to rule in the dispute and closed the case.
@Mangus Ortus Novem
Dears .. Indian media hiding this main fact …… Kalbu's both passport proven to be real .. In short ICJ declared him Terrorist …… But Indian mentality ….
One more thing , This case also prove Iran involvement in Anti-Pakistan activities ..

Yes Chacha G, Pakistan should come down on Iran like a heavy stone, we have to stop Iranians and Afghans playing in the hands of terrorist Indians.
India in two days got two jolts from the blue.

1- It had been sidelined very effectively by Pakistan in Afghan peace process, despite spending billions on projects, training NDS, paying corrupt Ghani and before him Karzai.

2- Today it is declared by ICJ that India sent a spy in to Pakistan with a fake passport to conduct terrorists activities.
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