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ICJ rejects India’s plea for acquittal, repatriation of Kulbhushan - Updates, News & Discussion

u even listening to what judge is saying ... all 3 objections of pakistan rejected.....

Comprehension is an integral part of listening. As for the rest you understood what i meant.
Twitter Indians dancing over the judgement forgetting their Spy will remain in Pakistan and tried again in Pakistan. He's not coming home.
Let Bharti media paint it as a victory just like 27th February.
International court has just announced that India cannot get Kulbashan back.
It has also rejected the Indian plea to release Kulbashan.

Earlier, the International court rejected 3 Pakistani objections on the maintainability of Indian's request to International court.

The verdict is still delivered.

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Indian bandaar media is again maneuvering and pitching bollywood fantasies for the consumption of their 56 inch ki chatti awam,so here is some clout for those who still has some 0.000000001% brain cells left
my simple question we stopped the hanging by going to icj and also were granted counsular access ... what did you acheived tell me ...
Expect the ICJ to rule against the death penalty and urge Pakistan to allow consular access.
And after that expect a deluge of Indian trolls on Pakistani forums all over the internet.
Those who disappeared after 27/02/2019 are coming back today.
@Areesh are you ready my brotha ?

Always ready :)
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