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Ancient Hindu temple in Pakistan's Sialkot reopens after 72 years

Fake commie history fabricated by anti nationals.

do you read your religious books ?

evidence from hindu sources to prove rama's ancestors were from the sunken continent (Kumari kandam) which sunk during the deluge (this narration corresponds to ancient Tamil sangam works). Hope you know who were Visvasvan and Iskvaku etc

Matsya avatar -


Bhagavatam Canto 9 1:2:3

yo ’sau satyavrato nāma
rājarṣir draviḍeśvaraḥ
jñānaṁ yo ’tīta-kalpānte
lebhe puruṣa-sevayā

sa vai vivasvataḥ putro
manur āsīd iti śrutam
tvattas tasya sutāḥ proktā
ikṣvāku-pramukhā nṛpāḥ


Satyavrata, the saintly king of Draviḍadeśa who received spiritual knowledge at the end of the last millennium by the grace of the Supreme, later became Vaivasvata Manu, the son of Vivasvān, in the next manvantara [period of Manu]. I have received this knowledge from you. I also understand that such kings as Ikṣvāku were his sons, as you have already explained.



Here is the Matsya Purana Story:

King Manu was the King of Kumari Kandam of Dravida. Kumari Kandam (30,000 BC – 16,000 BC) is the sunken landmass referred to in the ancient Tamil Sangam literature and Sanskrit Matsya Purana. The Silappadhikaram, one of the Five Great Epics of Tamil Literature written in first few centuries CE, states that the "cruel sea" took the Pandiyan land that lay between the rivers Pahruli and the mountainous banks of the Kumari.


Vaivasvata Manu and the Matsya Avatara

The Matsya Vishnu is believed to have appeared initially as a Shaphari (a small carp) to King Manu (whose original name was [7], the then King of Dravidadesa while he washed his hands in a river. This river was supposed to have been flowing down the Malaya Mountains in his land of Dravida[7][8][9][10]

It was then that He (Lord Matsya) informed the King of a deluge which would be coming very soon.
The King built a huge boat which housed his family, 9 types of seeds, and animals to repopulate the earth, after the deluge would end and the oceans and seas would recede. At the time of Shesha appeared as a rope, with which Vaivasvata Manu fastened the boat to horn of the fish.[11]


Rama complexion - black

source : Sundara Kanda - Book Of Beauty , Chapter [Sarga] 35

dundubhi svana nirghoṣaḥ snigdha varṇaḥ pratāpavān |
samaḥ sama vibhakta ango varṇam śyāmam samāśritaḥ || 5-35-16

"He has a voice like the sound of a kettle-drum. He has a shining skin. He is full of splendour. He is square-built. His limbs are built symmetrically. He is endowed with a dark-brown complexion."


demolishing sanghi - hindutva brahmanist lie - Rama was born in Ayodhya etc is a cake walk. What a tragic irony for the white aryan Hindutva fascist supremacists , they despise/ hate Tamils but worship dark/black skin Tamil gods
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True because in India, no place of worship have to remain close for 72 years.
Hindu left it alone and went to Secular country we never force any temple to turn into somthing els or claim same spot was masjid 300 years ago.or get into the holliest place of minorities and kill kids and women just cuz we can.. india is a country where no minority and women is safe.
The topic itself shows how tolerant is Pakistan where it was closed for 72 year..

it also show how we are improving and how much of a rotten hindu state you are becoming.

watch and learn some thing

Does not matter. it is a futile exercise and won't change a dime. The world will still keep calling you an intolerant country.

for who?

we are doing this for our selves. What makes u think we are doing for other people happness?..

this is a policy of Imran Khan which he holds in high regard.
Hindu left it alone and went to Secular country we never force any temple to turn into somthing els or claim same spot was masjid 300 years ago.or get into the holliest place of minorities and kill kids and women just cuz we can.. india is a country where no minority and women is safe.

Ohhhh , atleast spare mosques and Dargahs fist. Then we will believe about temple.
Is that the best excuse you can come up with for the exodus of your minorities?:enjoy:

We know whose minorities are going through hell right now. Dont spread that bharat ratsh!t gutter filth over here.

Enjoy your stay here,if you dont like it you can always leave and go back to that gutter forum called bharat rakshak:enjoy:
The Myth of Destroyed Hindu Temples and Forced Conversion of Hindus by Historical Muslim Rulers of India
Below has been reposted three articles negating the myths of deliberate and targeted temple demolitions and massacres against Hindu populations by historical Muslim rulers of India:

  1. ‘It’s A Myth That Muslim Rulers Destroyed Thousands Of Temples’ by Revati Laul (interview with Dr Richard Eaton)
  2. It is High Time to Discard the Pernicious Myth of India’s Medieval Muslim ‘Villains’ by Professor Audrey Truschke
  3. Mythification of History and ‘Social Common Sense’ By Dr Ram Puniyani
A summary of the History of Islamic India can be found here.

‘It’s A Myth That Muslim Rulers Destroyed Thousands Of Temples’

You also examined at length the destruction of temples in this period. What did you find?

The temple discourse is huge in India and this is something that needs to be historicised. We need to look at the contemporary evidence. What do the inscriptions and contemporary chronicles say? What was so striking to me when I went into that project after the destruction of the Babri Masjid was that nobody had actually looked at the contemporary evidence. People were just saying all sorts of things about thousands of temples being destroyed by medieval Muslim kings. I looked at inscriptions, chronicles and foreign observers’ accounts from the 12th century up to the 18th century across South Asia to see what was destroyed and why. The big temples that were politically irrelevant were never harmed. Those that were politically relevant — patronised by an enemy king or a formerly loyal king who becomes a rebel — only those temples are wiped out. Because in the territory that is annexed to the State, all the property is considered to be under the protection of the State. The total number of temples that were destroyed across those six centuries was 80, not many thousands as is sometimes conjectured by various people. No one has contested that and I wrote that article 10 years ago.

What will you do if a historian tells you the same? Any normal human being with a conscience can attest this fact

Well, if a historian tells me that...I would take it seriously and look into it and condemn the people who did that.

But I know that this is not true. This is just hindutva myth in order to malign Muslims and cause anti-Islam hatred in india.

The best historical records we have show that about 80 Temples were destroyed in india during the reign of Islam. Most of them due to political reasons and not religious (For example, Aurangzeb demolishing a temple to punish the local Brahmins who helped Shiva Ji escape and betrayed Aurangzeb's loyalty).

See these issues with open mind and stop furthering hate of indian Muslims.
Yes temple is broken for an alleged crime of the priests. So the priests can't be executed but an okd temple can be broken? This is political?

That was the war policy of Hindu rulers when they attacked rival Hindu kingdoms

War trophies: When Hindu kings raided temples and abducted idols

Hindu kings desecrated temples of their rivals because of the close link between the deities they worshipped and their own political authority. As Richard H. David, professor of Religion and Asian Studies, Bard College, writes in his essay, Indian Art Objects as Loot, “In the prevailing ideological formations of medieval India, worshippers of Vishnu, Shiva, or Durga considered ruling authority to emanate from the lord of the cosmos downward to the human lords of more limited domains such as empires, kingdoms, territories, or villages.”

As early as 642 CE (or Common Era, equivalent to AD), the Pallava ruler Narasimhavarman I vanquished the Chalukyas, sacked their capital of Vatapi, and brought the image of Ganesha to his kingdom in Tamil Nadu. The image acquired the sobriquet of Vatapi Ganapati. At times, temple images passed on from one king to another because of their fortunes fluctuating in battlefields, known to us because of the inscriptions proudly detailing who the previous owners were.

Thus, in 950 CE, the Chandella ruler Yashovarman built the Lakshman temple at Khajuraho to house the Vishnu Vaikunth, made of gold. This image was obtained from Mount Kailash by the “Lord of Tibet”, from whom the Sahi King of Orissa wrested it. It was seized from the Sahis after they were defeated by the Pratihara ruler Herambapala. Yashovarman then overwhelmed Herambapala’s son, Devapala, and ferreted it away to Khajuraho.

Among the most charming stories of image appropriation is one narrated by the Buddhist chronicler Dhammakitti. According to him, the Pandyan ruler Srimara Srivallabha invaded Sri Lanka around 835 CE and routed the army of the Sinhala king, Sena I, who fled to the mountains. Srimara plundered the royal treasury and took away, among other things, “the statue of the Teacher (Buddha)”, which had been made in gold and placed on a pedestal in the Jewel Palace about 50 years earlier.

Once the Pandyan army departed, Sena I returned and, to quote Prof Davis, “took up sovereignty once again, but sovereignty of a decidedly diminished nature.” Sena I was succeeded by his nephew, Sena II (ruled between 851-885 CE), who found it odd that the pedestal was empty and asked his ministers about it. Dhammakitti quotes ministers telling Sena II, “Does the king not know? During the time of your uncle…the Pandyan king came here, laid waste to the island, and left, taking that which had become valuable to us.” On hearing this Sena II felt so ashamed he ordered the minister to assemble troops forthwith.

By then, the Pandyan army had been weakened because of the three battles it had fought against the Pallavas. The Lankan army swept its way to Madurai, and Srimara died of the wounds sustained in the conflict. The Lankan army entered Madurai, sacked the city, and took back the gold statue of the Buddha. Amidst much festivity, the statue was placed on the pedestal in the Jewel Palace.

Prof Davis sees a deeper meaning between the image and sovereignty. As he writes, “The stolen image, disclosed to the young king by its empty pedestal, serves as an objectification of defeat not only for his uncle, who had suffered the loss, but for the very institution of Sinhala sovereignty.”

Voluntary gifting of images to a challenging power implied accepting his superiority. A couple of decades before the expropriation of the statue of Buddha, the rise of the Rashtrakuta king Govinda III alarmed the Lankan king Aggabodhi VIII into buying peace. He sent to Govinda two images. The meaning of this voluntary submission a Rashtrakuta inscription celebrates thus: “Govinda received from Lanka two images of their Lord and then set them up” in a Shiva temple at his capital city of Manyakheta, “like two pillars of his fame.”

Image appropriation

Another charming instance of image appropriation is the insistence of three Deccan dynasties – the Chalukyas of Vatapi, the Rashtrakutas, and the Cholas – that they brought the Ganga and Yamuna to the south. Only those who share the Hindutva literalism will believe the three dynasties had changed the course of the two rivers!

Historians feel what the Chalukyas and the Rashtrakutas did was to appropriate the images of the two rivers often found even today at the entrance of temples of North India. Or perhaps these rivers were represented as insignias on the royal banners of the rulers from whom it was taken after their defeat.

But the Chola king Rajendra I went a step further. In the 11th century, his army defeated an array of rulers in the North and reached the banks of the holy river Ganga. Chola inscriptions will have us believe that the vanquished were made to carry water in golden pots all the way to the South.

A “liquid pillar of victory” made of Ganga water, called the Chola-Ganga, was constructed in the new capital city of Gangaikondacholapuram, or the city of the Chola king who took the Ganga, where Rajendra I also built a Shiva temple. In it were placed images he had captured from other kings – Durga and Ganesha images from the Chalukyas; Bhairava, Bhairavi, and Kali images from the Kalingas of Orrisa, a bronze Shiva image from the Palas of Bengal, etc.

To this list of images the Chola kings appropriated was added yet another one in 1045 CE, when the Chola King Rajadhiraja defeated the Chalukyas, which prompted its ruler Somesvara to flee. Before reducing to ashes the Chalukyan capital of Kalyani, Rajadhiraja carted away a massive stone-guardian, made in black stone, to Gangaikondacholapuram.

It is a mystery why Rajadhiraja appropriated the stone-guardian, not the presiding deity of the Chalukyas. It is suggested he was merely following a historical precedent established a good three centuries earlier. Then, roughly in the mid-eighth century, the Rashtrakuta king Dantidurga had defeated the Gurjara-Pratihara king, Nagabhata I, and marched to the latter’s capital city of Ujjain. There Dantidurga performed the royal gift-giving ceremony, the Golden-Womb ritual, for which the vanquished Nagabhata and other chieftains were compelled to serve as door-keepers.

Likewise, in Kalyani, Rajadhiraja performed the ritual of Royal Consecration. Since the Kalyani ruler Somesvara had fled, he couldn’t be made to serve as a door-keeper. Therefore, Rajadhiraja took away the stone-guardian. Both Somesvara and the door-guardian were united through their failures. As Prof Davis says, “The hapless door-guardian had been unable to stop the destruction of its temple, and likewise Somesvara had failed to prevent the Chola armies from entering and destroying his capital.” As the Lord, so the king, you’d say.

Demolition of temples

The dominant trend in the pre-Islamic period was of Hindu kings looting temples and whisking away images, but there are also instances of demolition of temples and idols.

In the early 10th century, the Rashtrakuta king Indra III destroyed the temple of Kalapriya, which their arch enemy, the Pratiharas, patronised. Then again, when the Kashmiri ruler Lalitaditya treacherously killed the king of Gauda (Bengal), his attendants sought to seek revenge. They clandestinely entered Lalitaditya’s capital and made their way to the temple of Vishnu Parihasakesava, the principal deity of the Kashmiri kingdom. However, they mistook a silver image of another deity for Parihasakesava, and took to grounding it to dust even as Kashmiri soldiers fell upon them.

Though the Gaudas failed to achieve the desired result, their act of retribution does illustrate the symbolism inherent in destroying the image the ruler worshipped. “There is no question that medieval Hindu kings frequently destroyed religious images as part of more general rampages,” notes Davis.

The above account shows that the iconoclasm of Muslim invaders from the 11th century onwards was already an established political behaviour in large parts of India. The destruction of temples by Muslim rulers couldn’t have been consequently traumatic, as the proponents of Hindutva argue.

Its scale, some might argue, was the reason for the supposed trauma, insisting that Muslim rulers desecrated as many as 60,000 temples. However, Richard M Eaton, professor of history, University of Arizona, in his essay, Temple Desecration and Indo-Muslim states, argues that evidence supports a very conservative estimate of 80 temples over centuries of Muslim rule.

He further argues that temples were not targeted indiscriminately. Muslim rulers primarily focussed only on those their opponents patronised, thereby undermining their legitimacy, much in the manner the contesting Hindu kings had done in earlier centuries. But that is another story for another day.

(The essays of Richard H. Davis and Richard Eaton, referred to in this article, can be read in Demolishing Myths or Mosques and Temples?, a book edited by Prof Sunil Kumar and published by Three Essays Collective
LoL that's what you call credible source ??
Her article title --->> ""Islamic Destruction of Hindu Temples...A Continuing Affair""
Her Picture


Rati Hegde
She is Hindu & Wearing Saffron Clothes & We know who wear these Clothes -- those who are linked with RSS org.

Her Article is mismatch..her title is something else & article is blaming everyone including Portuguese, British, Muslims etc... lol...
She started her bogus article by citing an essay of american from Arizona University then she continued her own mythology :lol: check her written articles on the site, she represents RSS chadi walas..
What we can expect From RSS Members like her ?? Farts..
End of case
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