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India seeking US military help to contain China: Source: PTI


May 25, 2010
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Antony to raise Pakistan, China issues during US trip
Press Trust Of India
New Delhi, September 21, 2010First Published: 19:40 IST(21/9/2010)
Last Updated: 19:53 IST(21/9/2010)

India's concerns over US military aid to Pakistan, threats from terror groups in South Asia and China's military assertiveness in the region are some of the issues that Defence Minister A K Antony is likely to raise with Washington during his September 27-28 visit. Antony, who will meet US Defence Secretary Robert Gates and National Security Advisor General James Jones, will also discuss pending bilateral agreements such as communication interoperability, logistics support and geo-spatial cooperation, which the Americans have been pressing for in order to upgrade the defence relations to the next level.

Antony, who will leave for Washington this weekend on the invitation of Gates, is also likely to meet US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during the trip, but this engagement is yet to be finalised.

"Security issues - both regional and global are likely to come up prominently during the talks. The two sides will also discuss measures to expand defence cooperation in various areas," a Defence Ministry statement in New Delhi said.

The Defence Minister will be taking along with him the next leadership of the Indian armed forces -- Eastern Army Commander Lt Gen Bikram Singh and Andaman and Nicobar tri-services Command Admiral D K Joshi, who are tipped to be the next Army and Navy chiefs respectively -- apart from IAF's Director General (Air/Operations) Air Marshal A K Gogoi.

Defence Secretary Pradeep Kumar and Adviser to Defence Minister Sundaram Krishna too will be part of the high-level delegation, Defence Ministry officials said in New Delhi.

Concerned over US military aid to Pakistan being misused against it, Antony had recently asked the Obama administration to establish a "monitoring mechanism" to ensure that this does not happen.

Antony had raised the issue during his meeting with both General Jones and also US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen, who were on a visit to New Delhi in July this year.

The Defence Minister had told the US security top brass that American arms aid to Pakistan was disproportionate to the war on terror for which it was meant.

That apart, he will also discuss the security situation in the region arising out of threats from terror groups operating from Pakistani soil and in its borders with Afghanistan.

Antony will also share information with the US on the increased presence of Chinese military in the region, including the recent reports of PLA's presence in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and their naval manoeuvers in the Indian Ocean Region.

Antony to raise Pakistan, China issues during US trip - Hindustan Times
To China's south, a senior Indian Air Force official recently disclosed that his government is upgrading another air base near the Chinese border to accommodate warplanes. According to the U.S. Defense News website, "The moves are part of the effort to strengthen India's defenses against China."

In June India approved a $3.3 billion deal to purchase 42 more Su-30 air-to-air and air-to-surface jet fighters, bringing the planned total to 272 by 2018.

Regarding a joint Russian-Indian long-range multirole jet fighter/strike fighter adaptation of the Su-30, the same Indian official said "a nuclear-armed Su-30MKI could fly deep inside China with midair refueling." [21]

On China's Western flank where a narrow strip of land connects the two countries, the U.S. Defense Department announced on August 11 that, in addition to 30,000 U.S. forces not so assigned, "The NATO-led International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan now has almost 120,000 troops from 47 different countries assigned to it," [22] including forces from Asia-Pacific nations South Korea, Mongolia, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand.

The noose is tightening around China and the nation's military knows it.

U.S.-China Conflict: From War Of Words To Talk Of War
I don't think India currently going for any country's help for anything, not even to 'contain' China, though I think we should. There are various issues regarding that. India-US and some other countries may cooperate regarding China in future but as of today India is in no mood for anything like that, nor India-USA is too close as the news article says.

BTW why that 'angry' sign in the heading? Is there anything unexpected?
Uh... there is a difference between discussing strategic security interests with US and "seeking US military help to contain China".

Now, if India were to build nuclear power plants in Vietnam, naval ports in Taiwan, a military base in Russian Far East and set-up a joint military command with Japan; then you could rightfully claim India was "seeking to contain China".

However, China, on the other hand, is constructing nuclear power plants in Pakistan, naval ports in Sri Lanka and strategic railway lines in Burma. Even if India is seeking to contain China, China has already embarked on the path of containing India. And still the Chinese make angry faces when India raises concern over China's expansionist policies in Asia.
Man, these people are delusional.

USA cannot get near China unles India or Pakistan deliberately allow so.

India won't prefer a direct US boots on it's soil. Pakistan is balancing both US and China.

China is getting Gwader and KKH. US has the Airbases and Army centers.

Other than that, USA cannot contain China easily, without actually going in, like Soviets in Afghanistan. Which doesn't seem likely.

Now, if India were to build nuclear power plants in Vietnam, naval ports in Taiwan, a military base in Russian Far East and set-up a joint military command with Japan; then you could rightfully claim India was "seeking to contain China".


India is not silly. India is not ready to commit any suicidal activities like these as many of you are hoping, secretly in the darkness; except of course practicing big mouth exercises...
Okey Guys... road is all set. Nimataullah had told China will come to Pakistan and will offer Military pact. I see this happening in a matter of few years at most.
Indians just cant resist without raising the Pakistan bogey every now and then. Move on India world does not revolve around Indian wishes.
All this could have been avoided simply if china didnt act so assertive since the last few years.....you always reap what you sow....apparently in their impatience and pride in their growing economy they aquired a superpower mindset before truly becoming a superpower....now wait and watch the turn of events set in motion....
What kind of aggressive? For example?

you should read the daily international news more ....not just peoples' daily....

1.stapled visas
2.denial of visas first to an Arunachal Pradesh IAS officer
3.repeated border incursions
4.increased defensive building along LAC
5.forays into sri lanka ,bangladesh...strategic port building...
6.outright denial of visa to an admiral
4.troop presence in ***

it takes a long time to awaken the heavy trunk ,snoring elephant of a GOI MoD.....but once jolted awake....see what sort of concrete action they are capable of taking.....they will surprise every international observer....

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